Personal Stationery from NewtLinks Software, )1996, all rights reserved. Description ___________ Personalized Stationery is my first attempt at writing add-on stationery for the Newton. It doesn't have any special functions; it just gives you a little something different and personal for your notes. It's also small (8k) and won't hurt much. For public release, I've just inserted a small picture of a newt as the logo. I'll insert your corporate or other logo of interest for a $10 fee (just to cover the work involved). Otherwise, this stationery is freeware. I hope someone out there enjoys using it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Known Limitations _________________ At this point, Personal Stationery has %still% not been enabled for printing notes that require more than one printed page. I'll add it, just drop me a line if you'd like it. The logo does not appear on printed documents. Release Information ___________________ version 1.0: Initial Release version 1.1: The following bugs were killed: % A system error occurred in 1.0 when attempting to print an empty note. This has been fixed. % Ok, so I need to test the application with people who have long names. The 1.0 version was tested by three people, the longest name among the three was eleven characters. Not everyone fits that profile. The stationery now will shrink the font size (on screen) as necessary to handle those of you with longer names. The print format has also been adjusted, although it has not been set to shrink the font. Let me know if you have difficulties printing your name. version 1.2b1: The following bug was killed: % The print format was set up improperly and it wouldn't print a full page. The text cutoff after about a half page. This has been fixed. Contact Info ____________ NewtLinks Software, Robert Lee Please send any comments you might have, good or bad, to one of the following addresses. If you'd actually like to see Personal Stationery do something, let me know. Now that I've basically finished it, I need something else to work on. email: web: What else am I working on (and may or may not ever finish): Rate Calc* : A Newton application designed to simplify the calculation of application rates in the field. (Interest will be limited here I'm sure) Deviate* : Notes add-on stationery for the recording and subsequent printing of GLP protocol deviations. If anyone else out there is using a Newton and is a study director for GLP field studies, these may interest you; drop me a line as I don't plan to release to the general public. (Why would I, there can't be that many of us) Disclaimer __________ I can't make any performance guarantees regarding the reliability of this software as I've only been doing this about 3 months in my spare time. You assume whatever risk is involved in using it. Special Thanks ______________ Special thanks to Michael Krzyzek at Tactile Systems (author of Message Buddy stationery and more!) for his assistance when I was pulling my hair out. The proto for the info button belongs to him; I was too lazy to change it.