OFP Print Format Creator A Companion to Order Form Pro Table of Contents 1 Welcome and Registration 1.1 About OFP Print Format Creator 1.2 System Requirements 1.3 Registering OFP Print Format Creator 1.4 Contacting Stand Alone, Inc. 1.4.1 Email 1.4.2 Phone 1.4.3 Regular Mail 1.4.4 World Wide Web 1.5 Reporting Bugs 1.6 Version History 2 Installation 3 Using OFP Print Format Creator 3.1 General Features 3.1.1 New Button 3.1.2 Action Button 3.1.3 Overview Button 3.2 Tool Bar 3.2.1 Selection Tool 3.2.2 Text Tool 3.2.3 Field Tool 3.2.4 Items Tool 3.2.5 Signature Box 3.2.6 Credit Card Signature Box 3.2.7 Notes 3.2.8 Graph Note 3.2.9 Rectangle Tool 3.2.10 Oval Tool 3.2.11 Ordinal Line Tool 3.2.12 Line Tool 3.2.13 Import Tool 3.2.14 Nudge Tool 3.3 Using the New Print Format 1 Welcome and Registration 1.1 About OFP Print Format Creator Welcome to Order Form ProUs Print Format Creator, a companion for Order Form Pro. The Print Format Creator lets you design your own order forms to print or fax. Included in this archive are the following packages: %OFP Print Format Creator.pkg This is the software package that you need to install on your Newton %OFP Print Format Creator.pdf This is the usersU manual for OFP Print Format Creator. You are reading it right now. %OFP Print Format Creator.txt This is a text only format of the usersU manual. If at all possible, use the pdf version of the manual as it has layout and graphics that cannot be included in the text version. The pdf version of the manual is viewed using Adobe( Acrobat Reader(. This can be obtained free of charge at www.adobe.com. %SAStuff.txt A list of all of the software available from Stand Alone Inc. %SA reg.pkg If there isnUt a registration option under the button, install this package to register your software. 1.2 System Requirements OFP Print Format Creator requires Newton OS 2.0 or 2.1, and a Message Pad 120, Message Pad 130, Message Pad 2000, or eMate. In addition, you must have Order Form Pro installed to be able to print any of your creations. 1.3 Registering OFP Print Format Creator The OFP Print Format Creator Demo will work for a 30 day trial period. At the end of the 30 Days, it will stop working. To avert this tragedy, you will need to get in touch with Stand Alone to register your software. You can register with us by several different methods. You will need to include the following information, no matter how you choose to register. Most importantly, you need to include your name EXACTLY as it is entered in your Newton, including spaces. We use this to generate your password, so it must be precise. You will need to specify which programs you wish to register, and include payment for each of them. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. If you are using normal mail, you can send us a check as well. Make sure to include your card number, the expiration date, and what type of card you are using. You also need to give us a way to get in touch with you. Email is the preferred way, followed by your address and phone number. An Email address is not strictly necessary, but it will result in much faster service. For instant gratification, register by phone, and pay using Visa or Mastercard. To do so, call (773) 477-2492 and we will give you a password right over the phone. Alternatively, you can send us a check to the address below. You can also Email us one of several ways. The application has a Register section under the button. Tap on that to open up a registration slip. If you fill out that slip, and have an Email client on your Newton, it will automatically Email us and we will send you a registration code. You could also just Email us the relevant information from your Newton or a desktop machine, and weUll send you a code. If you are registering through Compuserve, use, GO SWREG. Once you register, you will receive a password from us. You can install this password one of two ways. There is an option to Enter Password under the menu. Tap on it to bring up a screen that has a space to enter the password. Alternatively, just install the SA Register package enclosed in the OFP Print Format Creator archive. Select ROFP Print Format CreatorS from the pop-up menu at the top, and enter the password. You should get a message confirming the password. Afterwards, you may remove the SAS Register application from you Newton. 1.4 Contacting Stand Alone Inc. There are several ways to get in touch with us here at Stand Alone, Inc. Email is the preferred form of communication, but whatever works for you is fine. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or compliments, please don't hesitate to contact us through any of the methods listed below. 1.4.1 Business Hours Stand Alone is open from 9 AM to 9 PM Monday to Friday, and 10 AM to 4 PM Saturday and Sunday. These times are CST and GMT -5. 1.4.2 Email: internet: info@standalone.com AOL: Std Alone CompuServe: 76342,3057 1.4.3 Phone: Voice: (773) 477-2492 Fax: (773) 477-2579 1.4.4 Regular Mail: Stand Alone 3171 N. Hudson, Suite 1 Chicago, IL, 60657, USA 1.4.5 World Wide Web: http://www.standalone.com 1.5 Reporting Bugs If you find a bug in our software, it would be helpful if you reported the bug to us. To report a bug, please Email us with Bug Report Request in the subject line. In the Email, include the following information: %What type of Newton you are using (i.e. MP 2000) %The version number of the system software (i.e. Newton OS 2.1) %The software name and version number (i.e. OFP Print Format Creator 1.03) %The error number %A brief description of how we can recreate the error %Your name and Email address so we can contact you when the bug is fixed When reporting bugs, it is best to Email us, rather than calling, so that the programers have a written record of the information they need to solve the problem. As soon as we receive your Email, the programer will examine the problem, and fix it.. Because our programers are busy creating software, it can take a while for them to reply, but they will release a new version of the software that fixes the bug as soon as they can. 1.6 Version History Version Date Notes 1.0 October 27, 1997 First public release 2 Installation The first thing that you need to do to get your software up and running is to install it on your Newton. To do this, you need to have Newton Backup Utility, or Newton Connection Utilites, set up to talk to your Newton. If you have problems with this part of the installation, pleast contact consult the documentation that came with your Newton. Once Newton Backup Utility is set up, just follow the steps listed below to for each of the packages you wish to install. 1. Open the Newton Backup Utility , or Newton Connection Utilties on your Desktop machine. 2. On your Newton, go to the Extras Drawer and tap the Connection icon . 3. Once the Newton Backup Utility has loaded on your desktop machine, make sure your cables are connected and tap the button on your Newton. 4. For each of the packages you wish to install, do the following: % Tap the Install Package button in the Newton Backup Utility % Go to the folder where your packages are, and select the desired package. % Click on the RInstallS button 3 Using OFP Print Format Creator When you first open OFP Print Format Creator, you see the main screen. 3.1 General Features There are three important buttons always available from the main screen. These are the New button, the Action button, and the Overview button. 3.1.1 New Button Tap the New button to create a new, blank, print format. 3.1.2 The Action Button The Action button includes three important commands: Build Page, Settings, and Delete. Build Page Building the page is the last step in creating the new print format. When the page is finished, select Build page to create the package that will appear in the Extras drawer. Settings The Settings option under the action menu is where you name your layout. The Name line is for the name of the format. The Symbol line is for the name that appears under the icon in the Extras drawer. It is important to remember that the Symbol name needs to be unique. Delete The Delete selection deletes the current layout. 3.1.3 Overview Button The Overview button is used to switch between layouts on which you are working. Tapping on the Overview button brings up a list of all of your layouts. Tap on one of them to load it to the main screen, where it can be modified. 3.2 The Tool Bar The tool bar apears on the left hand side of the screen. It contains all of the tools that you need to create your personal order slips. You can reposition the tool bar by tapping and holding on the gray section at the top, and dragging it to another position on the screen. 3.2.1 Selection Tool The selection tool is used to select objects that are already placed on the main screen. To use it, tap on the selection tool and draw a box over the objects you wish to select. You also use this tool to open up the edit screens for some items by selecting this tool, and tapping on the item that you wish to edit. Once an item is selected, handles appear around the object, and a row of buttons appears at the bottom of the screen, Remove Tapping Remove deletes the line. Align Tapping the Align button brings up a menu of choices to align the object. Using these tools, you can align the left edge of the item to the left edge of the screen, the top edge of the item to the top edge of the screen, the right edge of the item with the right edge of the screen, or the bottom edge of the item with the bottom edge of the screen. You can also use this tool to center the item, either vertically or horizontally. Edit The Edit button opens up the edit screen for the selected item. The Edit screen is different for each type of item and are detailed in the separate descriptions of the tools. 3.2.2 Text Tool The Text tool is used to draw a field on the screen that includes text. The text fields can be used for your business information, column heads, or any other piece of fixed text. To use the text tool, select it and draw a box on the main screen. The size of the box is how much room youUll have for your text. Once you have drawn the box, choose the selection tool from the tool bar, and tap on the box. This brings up the text editor screen. The text editor screen is used to modify the text shown in the text box. Tap on Font, Face, or Size to change the font characteristics. Tap on Justification to align the text to the left, right, or center. Write any text that you want onto the lines of the text editor, and it will be displayed on the order. Lastly, tap on the Delete button to delete the text box. 3.2.3 Field Tool The Field tool lets you create a field that takes information from the order. For example, the To: field includes to whom the order is to be shipped. To create a field, tap on the Field tool, and draw out a box on the main screen. To change the information shown in the field, choose the selection tool and tap on the field box. This brings up the Field editor window. The Field editor lets you set the information and the fonts of a field. Field Tap on the field picker to bring up a list of all of the fields that you can use. Tap on the one that you wish to include. Text Font This section sets the characteristics for the font of the text. The text is the information that is received from the order, such as the company that placed the order. Label Font This section sets the font characteristics for the labels. The label is shown on the lines placed below the Label Font line. Delete Tap the Delete button to delete the entire field box. 3.2.4 Items Tool Tap on the items tool to create a section on the order form which displays the items that were ordered. Once the Items tool is selected, draw out a box on the main screen. This box displays all of the items included in the order. If there are items that wonUt fit in the box, then OFP Print Format Creator will print out a second page. If you choose the Selection tool and tap on the Items box, the Item List Editor appears. Here you have the option to show a border around the box. If you donUt want a border, uncheck the box. Tap on the Delete button if you want to delete the item list. 3.2.5 Signature Box Select the Signature Box tool, and draw out a box on the main screen. This box displays the authorization signature included on the order. By choosing the Selection tool and tapping on the Signature box, you bring up a box where you can select whether to show the box border, and also delete the Signature box. 3.2.6 Credit Card Signature Box This box is similar to the Signature box, except that is shows a credit card signature instead of the authorization signature. Please see Section 3.2.5 for instructions on how to use this box. 3.2.7 Notes Select the Notes tool, and draw out a box to the desired size. This tool creates a Note screen that is identical to a note in the NotePad. The Notes field takes its content from the Notes section of the current order. If you use the Selection tool to tap on the note, the Notes editor appears, where you can delete the note and decide whether or not to show a border around it. 3.2.8 Graph Note The Graph Note tool is similar to the Note tool. The Graph Note takes its information from the Graph Paper section of the current order. The only difference is that it is graph paper instead of a standard note. Otherwise, treat it just as the Notes tool described in Section 3.6. 3.2.9 Rectangle Tool The Rectangle tool draws a rectangle on the main screen. If you select the rectangle, the Shape editor appears. Line Thickness Line Thickness sets the weight of the line in points. Pen Pattern Pen Pattern sets the color of the outline, ranging from None to Black. Fill Pattern The Fill Pattern describes the color that fills in the shape. The fill color can be set from None to Black. Delete Button Tap on the Delete Button to delete the shape. 3.2.10 Oval Tool The Oval tool works identically to the Rectangle tool described in section 3.2.9, except that it draws ovals rather than rectangles. 3.2.11 Ordinal Line Tool The Ordinal Line tool is used to draw lines to any of the cardinal directions, or the 45{ angle between them. If you select the line after it is drawn, you can modify it with any of the buttons described in Section 3.2.1. 3.2.12 Line Tool The Line tool lets you draw lines on the main screen. It is similar to the Ordinal Line tool, except that you can draw the line to any direction. 3.2.13 Import Tool Selecting this tool opens up the Scrapbook, if it is installed on your Newton. You can then import graphics or text onto the main screen from the Scrapbook. If you donUt have the Scrapbook installed, then it does nothing. 3.2.14 Nudge Tool The Nudge tool is used to precisely arrange items on the main screen. If you tap on the Nudge tool, a floating Nudge window opens. The number in the center is the number of pixels that it moves the item. You can set this by tapping on the number and selecting how far you want to nudge items. To move an item, tap on one of the four directional arrows to nudge the item in the direction you selected. 3.3 Using a New Print Format When the layout is finished and built, you can print it through Order Form Pro. To use your new format, open Order Form Pro, and print as you normally would. When at the Print screen, tap on the Format picker. The picker will show a list of all available formats, including any formats that you have built. Select one of your formats, and then finish printing as normal.