One Note 1.3 - is a descendant of "List Tools," a set of extra "action button" actions for checklists and outlines in the Notepad. As I added tools, it became inconvenient to use the action button. My solution was to rewrite the Notepad as a "page" application, so that only one note shows at a time. This means that I can place buttons anywhere without any ambiguity as to which note it applies to. There is another benefit to this approach: the "new topic" buttons on an outline or checklist are always in the same place, at the bottom of the screen, instead of moving around. One Note is designed to be used as a replacement to the Notepad. If you install it on the internal store you can set it to be the backdrop application. It supports the 2.0 style status bar buttons. I don't quite know why but One Note also seems to use a little less heap space. You can run One Note and the notepad simultaneously.