NewtNote - A Notepad utility for the Macintosh. It offers an easy ability to get text notes entries to and from the Macintosh -- and uses the DILs 2.0. This utility requires a Newton 2.0 device (sorry for those with 1.x!) and operates on each store (internal or memory card) individually -- it's not quite smart enough to deal with all Notepad entries as if they were all linked together, as the Newton does it. Downloads outlines and checklists from the Notepad. HOWEVER, this does not mean that checklists and outlines can be created on the Mac and downloaded to the Newton -- they cannot. The text allowed for a Notepad entry is about 16K. A "Dup Entry" button will duplicate the current Notepad entry (updating it with the current day and time). This is useful when you have an entry that includes non-text items.