MORGAN Pro 1.04 =============== ---------------------------------------- About ---------------------------------------- MORGAN catalogues books, CDs, tapes, records, laserdiscs, magazines, and can be extended by the user track any collection... baseball cards, trains, cars, Barbie dolls. MORGAN benefits anyone from the amateur enthusiast to the professional collector. MORGAN tracks your collection, the items you still want to buy, and items you have loaned out. MORGAN also benefits DJs by allowing creation of folders of music for different events: weddings, birthdays, Rotary Club. The Find feature will save the day when your significant other asks you to play a song about RloveS I Find RloveS and a list of items with RloveS in the title, notes, or lyrics will appear. ---------------------------------------- How To ---------------------------------------- Install MORGAN.pkg and Manual.pkg on your Newton. See MORGAN Manual for help with using MORGAN. ---------------------------------------- Cost & Registering ---------------------------------------- Shareware $60.00 Please specify your EMAIL ADDRESS!!! * Pay by check, cash, or international postal money order to the address below * Register on CompuServe GO: SWREG. Program Title: MORGAN PRO Registration ID: 15105 Fee (US$): 69.00 * You can pay with a credit card via e-mail using the Newton program "Register" written by Flash Sheridan or on our secure website at ---------------------------------------- Contact Information ---------------------------------------- Hardy Macia Catamount Software P.O. Box 8276 Essex VT 05451, USA email : URL : ---------------------------------------- History ---------------------------------------- 1.0.4 - 7/2/97 Added support for educational version 1.0.3 - 6/25/97 Filter was not filtering Label, title and media correctly. 1.01 - 5/5/97 several minor bugs fixed 1.0 - 4/15/97 first released version ---------------------------------------- Standard Disclaimer ---------------------------------------- MORGAN and MORGAN Pro is Copyright ) 1997 by Catamount Software. It may be distributed freely for non-commercial purposes with this README. All rights to this software are reserved by Catamount Software. Catamount Software assumes no risk in the use of this software.