HugeNotes 1.0.0 - scroll the Newton Notepad horizontally. If you beam Notepad from MP2000 to MP130, you cannot see the whole data because the MP130's screen is too small for that data. And if you rotate the Notepad, you can only see a part of the Notepad. But with HugeNotes, you can scroll Notepad and see the rest of the data. Also you can virtually expand the Notepad horizontally. If you beam Notepad from MP2000 to MP130, you cannot see the whole data because the MP130's screen is too small for that data. But with HugeNotes,you can scroll Notepad horizontally and see the rest of the data! Also you can virtually expand the Notepad horizontally. Both to-right and to-left. Works on Newton OS2.0 and 2.1. Prefs are available to: set the numer of pixels to scroll at a time, select scroll types: all visible notes / only the top note