Home Contents Inventory* Every year millions of people suffer loss or damge to their posessions. Home Contents Inventory is the tool that will take notice of all of your possesions. Home Contents Inventory will help capture all of the relevant information about objects that you own. Track cost and appraised values. Should a loss occur this information will prove invaluable to the police and to your insurer. Good records speed up settlement of a potential claim. Use Home Contents Inventory to compile a room-by-room inventory of your possesions, including manufacturer's names, dates of purchase, where purchased, and costs. Note appraised values where applicable. Reference receipts or proofs of purchase, particularly for major appliances, note serial numbers and identifying marks. Create your home contents census before a loss or damage. Know what you have and know it's worth, everyone will benefit by using this application. Unfiled Items Screen This screen is both your general repository of items inventoried and also contains your main item navigation buttons and pickers. It really is easy. Buttons: RiS RAboutS for application information RHelpS use this at any time when your working RPrefsS displays version number and you can enter your default insurance carrier and policy number RNews & InfoS information about other n-Abled Solutions RNewS enter new items bringing you to the RHome Contents Inventory - New ItemsS input screen RuSortS select the order of your inventoried items that you want to see RFindS opens to the RFind ItemS dialogue RuSearch Key:S RItemS enter an item name or part of a name and tap RCostS and RAppraised ValueS - Select and define the value range as RLess ThanS, More ThanS or RAroundS to help in your search RAppraised ValueS - Select and define the value range as RLess ThanS, More ThanS or RAroundS to help in your search RuCndtnS (Condition) add condition content to any or all items RLostS, RStolen", RDamagedS, RSoldS, RGiftedS, RTossedS or RRecoveredS RSummaryS Displays total number of items, RTotal Purchase CostS and RTotal Current ValueS. File create a New Folder, edit a Folder name or move an item to another folder. Action Select an item(s) manually or with RuSelectS to print or fax your Home Contents Inventory. This button also allows you to delete items from your inventory list. RXS tap this to close a window or close an application. (THIS IS NOT A SAVE BUTTON) Reading the Content RITEMS the item's name RAQDATES Acquisition Date - when you got this item RSOURCES Where you got the item RLOCS Location - Where the item is located RCATS Category - how the item is grouped tap RiS button and you can select: RAboutS for application information RHelpS which youUve already found RPrefsS displays version number and you can enter your default insurance carrier and policy number RNews & InfoS for information about other n-Abled Solutions tap RNewS to enter new items bringing you to the RHome Contents Inventory - New ItemsS input screen tap RuSortS and select the order of your inventoried items that you want. Sort by RItemS, by RAcquisition DateS (e.g. date of purchase), by RLocationS (e.g. where the item is actually located) or by RCategoryS (by common groupings e.g. Antiques or by detailed categories that youUve determined e.g. Georgian Period Antiques) tap RFindS which opens to the RFind ItemS dialogue: use the RuSearch Key:S to find by selecting RItemS enter an item name or part of a name and tap RFindS all of the information of the found item will appear. If there are more that one item you will see a list of those found. Highlight and the detail will appear. selecting RCostS and RAppraised ValueS are truly unique. Select either of these and define the value range as RLess ThanS, "More ThanS or RAroundS to help in your search. RAroundS is a value that is + or - 10% of the value that you enter. Enter a value, tap find. RuCndtnS (Condition) here you need to have selected an item or items on your list of items by checking the box to the left of each inventoried item first. tap RuCndtnS and you can add condition content to any or all items RLostS, RStolen", RDamagedS, RSoldS, RGiftedS, RTossedS or RRecoveredS Follow the prompts in the RItem ConditionS dialogues and tap RAddS to include the conditional information to an item(s). * Suggestion - create separate folders to contain some conditional items e.g. sold items or lost items tap RSummaryS to open the RTotals SummaryS dialogue - you select RuFolderS to display the number of items in a folder or all items in your inventory. It also states the RTotal Purchase CostS value (the amount that you paid) and the RTotal Current ValueS which represents a combination of the amount paid and the appraised value (appraised values where included replaces the paid value in this computation). The next three buttons are standard Newton. File Icon - you can create a New Folder, edit a Folder name or if you have selected an item(s) you can move it to another folder. Action button - Select an item or items manually or with RuSelectS that sits above the RiS and tap this action button to Print or Fax your Home Contents Inventory . This action button also allows you to delete items from you inventory list. RXS tap this to close a window or close an application. *Remember RXS closes but does not SAVE. SELECT RSAVES WHEN YOU WANT TO SAVE. Now for the Content This is an item by item list displaying RITEMS the item name, RAQDATES (Acquisition date), RSOURCES (Where you got the item), RCATS (Category - how the items is grouped e.g. Jewelry) and RLOCS (Location - where the item is). To view the detail of an item just tap the item content and the item detail will be displayed. Note the open box to the left of each item. Check these boxes to select an action. File a folder, Print, Fax or Delete. Use the up and down arrows (right side mid screen) to scroll through your Home Contents Inventory. Black arrows mean that you can scroll in that direction to see more items in your list. The number displayed in the lower right corner of this screen represents the total number of items contained in the folder displayed. *Note the black field at the top of this screen it displays your name (owner of the Newton) and address, date and time. *Whenever you see RuS tap it and it will open to additional choices that can be selected. Home Contents Inventory - New Product and Detail Screens This screen is where you enter or review all of the information about an item in your inventory. Each entry area is either a fill in, where you can handwrite the requested content, or a picker RuS with pre selected choices. In some of the pickers (RuS) by selecting ROther . . .S you can even add the designators that work best for you. Example - in location we offer generic names of rooms in a house - you can add more suitable names, remove our suggestions or even rename ours.. Select ROther . . .S and the ROther Item R dialogue window opens. Either select from the list and rename the selected item in RLocNameS tap the RuOperationS button and make a choice to SAddS your new entry, RRemoveS the selected location or RReplaceS the selected location with your new entry. After which close this dialogue RXS to continue. Item Item: enter the name of the item Serial#: enter a serial number or registration number RuAquisition Date: ThatUs the date when you puchased or got the item RuSource: select or create a RNewS name of the place or person where you got the item (this picker stores the name address etc. in the RNamesS address book in the Newton for ease of use.) RuQuality: select the descriptor that best describes the quality of this item RuLocation: identify the location of the item RuCategory: identify the group that best describes the kind of item Value Purchase Price: enter the price that you paid for the item RuOrigin: select how the item was obtained RuReceipt: select Yes or No RuAppraised Value: enter the appraised value RuAppraisal Date: enter the date of your appraisal Ru Appraiser: select or create a RNewS name of your appraiser (this picker stores the name address etc in the RNamesS address book in the Newton for ease of use.) Item description Item description: Hand enter the items decription with identifiers here Insurance Ru Insured: This defaults to RYesS and displays the insurance information that you entered in Prefs. Selecting RNoS erases the insurer information for this item only. RuInsurer: By default this displays the insurer that you entered in RPrefsS you can change the insurer information here at any time for the item that you are working on RuPolicy #: By default this displays the Policy # that you entered in RPrefsS you can change this information here at any time for the item that you are working on Conditions Conditions: This is a summary list of all conditions that you may have entered for this item. Highlight a date and condition in this list to see the detail of that condition. This is a limited use limited entry demonstration version of Home Contents Inventory created by n-Abled Solutions. To get your fully operable version of Home Contents Inventory call us at 908 766 4043, today! )1997, All rights reserved, n-Abled Solutions