Drop To Do To Do Management for the Newton Table of Contents 1 Welcome and Registration 1.1 About Drop to Do 1.2 System Requirements 1.3 Registering Drop to Do 1.4 Contacting Stand Alone Inc. 1.4.1 Business Hours 1.4.2 Email 1.4.3 Phone 1.4.4 Regular Mail 1.4.5 World Wide Web 1.5 Reporting Bugs 1.6 Version History 2 Installation 3 Creating New To Do Tasks 3.1 The To Do Task Window 3.1.1 Alarm 3.1.2 Note 3.2 New To Do Tasks From Within Drop To Do. 3.2.1 Using the New Button 3.2.2 Writing a New Task Into the To Do List. 3.3 New To Do Tasks From Outside of Drop To Do 3.3.1 The To Do Button 3.3.2 Dropping a To Do From the NotePad 4 Drop To DoUs Main Screen 4.1 Folder Tab 4.2 View 4.3 Date 4.4 To Do List 4.4.1 Check Box 4.4.2 Priority 4.4.3 Date 4.4.4 Task Name 5 The Routing Button 5.1 Routing the Entire To Do Task List 5.2 Routing Individual Tasks 6 Preferences 6.1 Search Start Date 6.2 Search End Date 6.3 Open Editor When Dropping To Do 6.4 New Alarm On 6.5 New To Do Date 6.6 Default Reminder 6.7 Default Priority 6.8 Active Alarms 6.9 Alarm Time 6.10 Open Drop To Do with Alarm 6.11 Copy To DoUs to NotePad 6.12 Drop Button Appears 6.13 Suppress Date in List Display 1 Welcome and Registration 1.1 About Drop to Do Welcome to Drop to Do, a to do manager for the Newton. It lets you print, fax, mail, and view your to do lists over any length of time. It also gives you a quick entry screen so you can enter multiple to do items easily. Included in this archive are the following packages: %Drop to Do.pkg This is the software package that you need to install on your Newton %Drop to Do.pdf This is the usersU manual for Drop to Do. You are reading it right now. %Drop to Do.txt This is a text only format of the usersU manual. If at all possible, use the pdf version of the manual as it has layout and graphics that cannot be included in the text version. The pdf version of the manual is viewed using Adobe( Acrobat Reader(. This can be obtained free of charge at www.adobe.com. %SAStuff.txt A list of all of the software available from Stand Alone Inc. %SA reg.pkg If there isnUt a registration option under the button, install this package to register your software. 1.2 System Requirements Drop to Do requires Newton OS 2.0 or 2.1, and a Message Pad 120, Message Pad 130, Message Pad 2000, or eMate. 1.3 Registering Drop to Do The Drop to Do Demo will work for a 30 day trial period. At the end of the 30 Days, it will stop working. To avert this tragedy, you will need to get in touch with Stand Alone to register your software. You can register with us by several different methods. You will need to include the following information, no matter how you choose to register. Most importantly, you need to include your name EXACTLY as it is entered in your Newton, including spaces. We use this to generate your password, so it must be precise. You will need to specify which programs you wish to register, and include payment for each of them. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. If you are using normal mail, you can send us a check as well. Make sure to include your card number, the expiration date, and what type of card you are using. You also need to give us a way to get in touch with you. Email is the preferred way, followed by your address and phone number. An Email address is not strictly necessary, but it will result in much faster service. For instant gratification, register by phone, and pay using Visa or Mastercard. To do so, call (773) 477-2492 and we will give you a password right over the phone. Alternatively, you can send us a check to the address below. You can also Email us one of several ways. The application has a Register section under the button. Tap on that to open up a registration slip. If you fill out that slip, and have an Email client on your Newton, it will automatically Email us and we will send you a registration code. You could also just Email us the relevant information from your Newton or a desktop machine, and weUll send you a code. If you are registering through Compuserve, use, GO SWREG. Once you register, you will receive a password from us. You can install this password one of two ways. There is an option to Enter Password under the menu. Tap on it to bring up a screen that has a space to enter the password. Alternatively, just install the SA Register package enclosed in the Drop to Do archive. Select RDrop to DoS from the pop-up menu at the top, and enter the password. You should get a message confirming the password. Afterwards, you may remove the SAS Register application from you Newton. 1.4 Contacting Stand Alone Inc. There are several ways to get in touch with us here at Stand Alone, Inc. Email is the preferred form of communication, but whatever works for you is fine. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or compliments, please don't hesitate to contact us through any of the methods listed below. 1.4.1 Business Hours Stand Alone is open from 9 AM to 9 PM Monday to Friday, and 10 AM to 4 PM Saturday and Sunday. These times are CST and GMT -5. 1.4.2 Email: internet: info@standalone.com AOL: Std Alone CompuServe: 76342,3057 1.4.3 Phone: Voice: (773) 477-2492 Fax: (773) 477-2579 1.4.4 Regular Mail: Stand Alone 3171 N. Hudson, Suite 1 Chicago IL, 60657, USA 1.4.5 World Wide Web: http://www.standalone.com 1.5 Reporting Bugs If you find a bug in our software, it would be helpful if you reported the bug to us. To report a bug, please Email us with Bug Report Request in the subject line. In the Email, include the following information: %What type of Newton you are using (i.e. MP 2000) %The version number of the system software (i.e. Newton OS 2.1) %The software name and version number (i.e. Drop to Do 1.03) %The error number %A brief description of how we can recreate the error %Your name and Email address so we can contact you when the bug is fixed When reporting bugs, it is best to Email us, rather than calling, so that the programers have a written record of the information they need to solve the problem. As soon as we receive your Email, the programer will examine the problem, and fix it.. Because our programers are busy creating software, it can take a while for them to reply, but they will release a new version of the software that fixes the bug as soon as they can. 1.6 Version History Version Date Notes 2.0 July 17, 1996 First public release 2.1 November 24, 1996 Bug fixes, new alarm features, added routing from the to do slip in the NotePad, added German support, improved the date picker. 2 Installation The first thing that you need to do to get your software up and running is to install it on your Newton. To do this, you need to have Newton Backup Utility, or Newton Connection Utilities, set up to talk to your Newton. If you have problems with this part of the installation, please contact consult the documentation that came with your Newton. Once Newton Backup Utility is set up, just follow the steps listed below to for each of the packages you wish to install. 1. Open the Newton Backup Utility , or Newton Connection Utilities on your Desktop machine. 2. On your Newton, go to the Extras Drawer and tap the Connection icon . 3. Once the Newton Backup Utility has loaded on your desktop machine, make sure your cables are connected and tap the button on your Newton. 4. For each of the packages you wish to install, do the following: % Tap the Install Package button in the Newton Backup Utility % Go to the folder where your packages are, and select the desired package. % Click on the RInstallS button 3 Creating New To Do Tasks One of the primary functions of Drop To Do simplifying the creation of new To Do tasks. You can create new items from several different places on the Newton. The first area is from Drop To DoUs main screen. Alternatively, you can create new notes where ever a To Do button is placed on the status bar. 3.1 The To Do Task Window All of the new To Do tasks created with Drop To Do use the same To Do task window. It is similar to the built in task screen, but it has a few additional features. Other than the two new enhancements, it works just like the NewtonUs standard To Do task window. 3.1.1 Alarm The alarm check box lets you decide if there is an alarm associated with the task. 3.1.2 Note The Note button lets you add a note to the To Do task. If you add a note, a note icon will appear next to the item in Drop To DoUs main screen. 3.1.3 File Button The file button lets you file To Do tasks in folders. File them just as you would a note. 3.2 New To Do Tasks From Within Drop To Do. Creating new To Do tasks is simple from within the Drop To Do application. There are two ways to create new To Do tasks from within Drop To Do. 3.2.1 Using the New Button All you need to create a new task using the New button is open Drop To Do and tap on the New button at the bottom of the screen. When it is tapped, the To Do task window appears. The To Do Task window is described in Section 3.1. 3.2.2 Writing a New Task Into the To Do List. You can also add new To Do tasks by writing the name of the new task onto a portion of Drop To DoUs main screen below the list of existing To Do tasks. What ever you write into that space becomes the title of the new To Do. 3.3 New To Do Tasks From Outside of Drop To Do There are two different ways to create new To Do tasks from outside the Drop To Do application. 3.3.1 The To Do Button Drop To Do gives you quick access to your To Do tasks with its To Do Buttons. Tapping the To Do button opens a to do slip. Tap and hold on the To Do button to open Drop To Do. Using an option in the Preference Menu, you can add the To Do button to Notes, Names, and the background application. For more information on the Preference menu, please see Chapter 6. 3.3.2 Dropping a To Do From the NotePad If you are in the NotePad, there is a special way to enter new To Do tasks. If you highlight text in a note and drag it to the To Do button. The highlighted text then becomes the title of the new To Do task. 4 Drop To DoUs Main Screen The main screen of Drop To Do is where you can view all of your To Do Tasks. It displays of wealth of information, so each part of the screen is explained in the following sections. 4.1 Folder Tab The folder tab is where you decide what To Do tasks are shown. The check mark is next to the currently shown folder of To Do tasks. 4.2 View The View picker gives you another way to display your To Do tasks. It displays them by done and not done tasks. To set a To Do to done or not done, please see section 4.4.1. 4.3 Date The Date picker allows you to set the time range of shown To Do tasks. When it is tapped, a calendar pops up where you set the starting and stopping dates for the shown To Do items. Only To Do tasks that are from the included range of dates are shown in the main view. 4.4 To Do List The To Do list shows all of the To Do tasks dated within the dates shown in the Date picker. There are four sections of each To Do task. 4.4.1 Check Box The check box marks the To Do as done or not done. Tap on a box to check it, marking it done. Tap on it again to uncheck it, marking it not done. 4.4.2 Priority This box shows the priority of the task. Tap on it to bring up a picker where you can set the taskUs priority. 4.4.3 Date This place shows the date of the task. Tapping on the date brings up a calendar where you can change the taskUs date. Using the Preferences section, you can choose not to show the date. 4.4.4 Task Name Tapping on the task name brings up the To Do task window for that specific To Do task. For more information on the To Do task window, please refer to Section 3.1. 5 The Routing Button The routing button is where you can print, beam, fax, or Email your To DoUs. 5.1 Routing the Entire To Do Task List To perform an action that routs the entire list, tap on the Action button while in Drop To DoUs main screen. You can choose to print, fax, beam, mail, or make a copy of the list and add it to your notes. If you select any of these actions, they will effect the whole list. Delete is the exception to the rule. When you select Delete, you enter a date. Delete will delete all the items before that date. Additionally, you can set delete to only delete done items. When you have set what items you wish to delete, tap the Delete button. 5.2 Routing Individual Tasks Routing individual tasks is very similar to routing the entire list. However, you use the Action button found in the To Do Task window, rather than from Drop To DoUs main screen. For information on how to access the To Do task window, please see Chapter 3 and Section 4.4.4. 6 Preferences Drop To Do includes an extensive preferences section so you can craft the program to your needs. 6.1 Search Start Date Here you can set the Drop To DoUs default date for the date picker. 6.2 Search End Date This picker sets the ending date for the Drop To Do main view. 6.3 Open Editor When Dropping To Do This preference opens up the To Do task window when you create a To Do task from the NotePad by highlighting text and dragging it to the To Do button. If it is not checked, dragging the text from the NotePad to the To Do button still creates a task, but doesnUt bring up the To Do task window. 6.4 New Alarm On When this preference is checked, all new tasks appear with an active alarm. 6.5 New To Do Date This picker is used to set the default date of all new tasks 6.6 Default Reminder This sets the default reminder for all new tasks. 6.7 Default Priority The Default priority sets the default priority setting for all new notes. 6.8 Active Alarms If this box is checked, the Drop To Do alarms are activated. As long as there is at least one task with an alarm checked, then the alarm will sound. 6.9 Alarm Time Alarm Time sets the time for the Drop To Do alarms. 6.10 Open Drop To Do with Alarm If this option is selected when an alarm goes off, the alarm displays any To Do tasks with an alarm. 6.11 Copy To DoUs to NotePad When the Drop To Do alarm goes off, this option makes a copy of a task with an alarm set, and places it in the NotePad. 6.12 Drop Button Appears You set where the To Do button appears with this preference. The To Do button can be placed in the NotePad, the Names file, and the Background application. 6.13 Suppress Date in List Display This option removes the date from the list of To Do tasks in Drop To DoUs main screen.