Director* 2.1 by Bob Patin Summit Productions 1405 Cedarway Lane Nashville, TN 37211 Email: Web: % WHAT IT DOES Director is a utility for entering and displaying directions for a journey from one point to another. When taking directions to a destination across town, for example, you can use a popup menu and editable text to make jotting down directions a simple process. The directions are then shown in 36-point type on your Newton, so that you can glance at the screen while making your way to your destination. Director works in either portrait or landscape mode. % HOW TO USE There are two scrolling list fields and two sets of buttons in Director. The buttons next to each field affect that respective field. % CREATING A NEW DESTINATION Director can store an unlimited number of "Destinations"; each destination can have any number of "Direction Steps". Tap NEW to create a new destination. In the dialog that appears, enter the name of the new destination. You can now start entering Direction Steps using the popup menu at the bottom of the screen. When you get the text as you want it, click the ADD button. % VIEWING DIRECTIONS Click the DIRECT ME button to display your directions one step at a time. Each step in the journey will be displayed in 36-point type on your Newton screen; when youUre ready for the next step in the journey, click the large NEXT button (which is large enough to click with your finger), and the next step is displayed. There is also a PREVIOUS button in case you wish to see the previous step in your directions. % ADDING DIRECTION STEPS To add direction steps to a Destination, use the popup menu at the bottom of the screen. Each time you make a selection from the menu, the text you select is added to the entry line. To erase the entry line, click the ERASE button. To EDIT an existing Direction Step, click once on the desired step in the list, then click the EDIT button. Edit the step and then click ADD. The step will be updated to reflect your edit. % EDITING THE POPUP MENU To edit the popup menu, choose REdit the menu...S from the bottom of the popup. In the scrolling list that appears, tap once on the menu item that you wish to edit. Click EDIT. In the next window, enter the new menu text that you want. Click OK. When youUre through editing the menu, click DONE. Your edits are saved in the Newton in the same file with your Directions, and loaded automatically. % OTHER BUTTONS DELETE -- Tap this button to delete either a DESTINATION or a step in your Directions List. EDIT -- Use this button to edit a step in your directions list. The step will be put into the editable field, where you can edit it; click the ADD button, and the edited text will replace the existing one. CLEAR -- Clears all steps for the current Destination (the one that is loaded or which has just been created). ->NOTE-- Saves your current directions in a Notes entry. % REQUIREMENTS Newton MP2000 % ABOUT THE PROGRAMMING Director was written using George Henne's wonderful NS Basic environment. For more information on NS Basic, visit their web site at . % SEND ALL COMMENTS TO Bob Patin at the above address. Comments and suggestions are welcome! % VERSION HISTORY 1.0 First release 2.0 Changed layout to include 2 scrolling fields, multiple destinations, new buttons 2.1 Modified popup menu to add text to entry field rather than replace it Added ERASE button for entry field Made the popup menu editable, with 30 different menu items