Newton Date View V-1.0 (c) 1997 by SDH EngSoft written by: Shane D. Hill Release Dates: V-1.0 26/08/97 Introduction: -------------- DateView is an application that quickly gives a summary of meetings, dates, aniversaries and todos for a selected period. DateView also has the option of installing an auxiliary button on your backdrop program for quick access. The view can also be beamed, emailed, faxed and printed. DateView is FREEWARE and can be distributed freely but must not be modified unless approval has been granted by the author. Where to get it: ------------------- 1> DateView has been posted to "comp.binaries.newton" and is available now. 2> Should appear soon at AMUG ftp sites in "recent" 3> Should appear soon at Steve Weyer's NewtDev home page. ( Installation: -------------- You need to install the DateView.pkg file onto the Newton using the Newton Backup Utility or the like. History: --------- I wrote DateView because of the Newton's poor display of upcoming events, (namely the month view in Dates). This version of DateView was written using Steve Weyer's Newton Development Environment for the Newton. DateView Description: --------------------------- Main View The main view displays the upcoming events. By defaults, DateView displays events within a one week period. This can be changed from the status bar. All dates and event tags are displayed in bold text. All event information is displayed in normal text. The size and font of text can be changed from the preferences slip. The DateView display may be scrolled, when more than one screen of information is being displayed, by using the silk screen up/down arrow buttons. The overview button will return the view to the top most event. Status Bar The status bar allows the DateView to be configured and routed. The following buttons are available: "i": This menu gives access to the About and Preferences slip. "Date": This button shows the current start date being displayed. Selecting this button will bring up a date picker for a new start date. The date picker will always start at today's date. This is a quick way of returning to the current date. "<<": This button moves DateView back by the date duration amount set by the next button. "1 Wk": This button shows the current date duration being displayed by DateView. Selecting this button will popup an menu allowing durations from one day to one year. ">>": This button moves DateView forward by the date duration amount set by the previous button. "Envelope": This is the routing button to allow the DateView to be faxed, emailed, beamed or printed. About View This is a floating slip that gives information about who I am and where you can contact me. Prefs View The preferences view is accessed from the status bar "i" button. Currently the following preferences can be set: ToDo's: Allows/disallows the display of ToDo information, (default = true). Priority: Allows/disallows the display of ToDo priority, (default = true). Durations: Allows/disallows the display of event durations, (default = false). ViewFont: Selects the font to be used by event information, (default = Espy). Size: Selects the font size for event information, (default = 10pt) BoldFont: Selects the font to be used by dates and tags, (default = Espy Bold). Size: Selects the font size for event information, (default = 10pt) AuxButton: Allows/disallows the auxiliary button to be placed on the backdrop application. Miscellaneous: -------------- DateView support view rotation and should run on any Newton / eMate 2.x system. Comments and Bug Reports: -------------------------- Please send any bug reports, suggestions or comments to: Shane D. Hill (Aeronautical Engineer, Hons, University of Sydney) PO Box 4331, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, AUSTRALIA. Email: FAX: +61 3 9626 7072 Voice: +61 3 9626 7454