Battery Change 2.0 Hmmm... When was the last time I changed the battery in the smoke detector? When was the last time I changed the batteries in ye olde couch potato remote? How about in my trusty Newt? If you can't remember (or would like to), then Battery Change is for you! What is it you ask? Just my latest Stationery creation for Newton's running version 2.x of the OS! Install the package with your favorite utility (Newton Backup Utility will work as will others...), restart your Newt (give the belly-button a poke), and you'll notice a new package in the Extras:Extensions Folder... This gem will add another choice to your list of Notepad choices -- specifically you'll see a "Battery Change" Choice. Give it a tap... Check it out... Let me know what you think... I plan to add more to it as I become more proficient with the Newton Toolkit (adding memory slots to the pickers, a never-ending comment field on the bottom, etc...), so let me know your wishes, desires, troubles (with the software only please! ;-> ) and I'll do my best to get 'em in (or out!) of there... This software is copyright 1996 by David S. Greenberg (that's Me!) -- and I reserve all rights. If you'd like to include it on a CD-ROM or in a collection or on a Web page, drop me some mail (email, snail mail, whatever...) and we can most likely come to a very amicable arrangement... Also, this software is Shareware -- a mere $5.00 (US Dollars, on a US Bank only please). If you have the software on your Newton more than 30 days, you probably like it and are using it, so how about some $$$ so I can get a pizza while I'm putting out more of this stuff? Send your check or money order to: David S. Greenberg P.O. Box 307 Highland Park, IL 60035-0307 USA Internet: Disclaimer: No warranties whatsoever (including, but not limited to, merchantability, and/or fitness for a specific purpose) are being granted to the user of this software. In no event shall the author or any other party be liable to the user or other party for anything, including, but not limited to, damages, loss of wages, and/or loss of life. In otherwords, you're on your own - deal with it. I did my best with a very complicated set of tools on a system which probably has some bugs in it, so don't blame me, I took all the reasonable precautions I could (including testing it on my Newton 120 v.2.x). Shameless Ad: Check out my collection of Newton Books on a couple of the AMUG BBS In A Box collections (v 15, v 18 - VERY COOL COLLECTION!), probably on AOL (I used to be a member *sigh*), and other places... Some are freeware, some are Shareware... Check out the notices... Let me know what you'd like to see... Watch for more stationery from me! And as soon as I find a decent ISP, I'll have a web page up too...