Account Info Thank you for trying Account Info. This is my first program for the Newton platform. If you like it and use it regulary please register and pay the shareware fee. Tell me if you have other ideas how I can expand the capabilities of the Names application. Description Account Info is an extension which extends the built-in Names application (NOS 2.x). With this extension you can add to person and to company cards some account information, such as a bank name, an account number and a PIN. You can add multiple entries to each card. How to use Account Info Install "AccountInfo(USxx).pkg" with the NBU or NCU. Then you can open the Names application an add the Account Info. Tested This extension has been tested on a MP 120 [D-2.0(536205)-1] and a MP2000 [2.1 (717145)]. This extension is Shareware (10$). You can distribute Account Info as long as this Readme file is included and the extension isn't modified. Version History v09: About Screen v08: Memory function for the field Bank; Field length changed v07: First US Version How to pay To pay for this extension you can use the Kagi registration service: or send the money to the address below. You can send US$ (10$), CHF (10 CHF) or DM (10 DM). Contact me! Dinoware Marcel Strittmatter Stationsstrasse 62 CH-8003 Zrich (Switzerland) email: homepage: or