This shareware application is brought to you by Gravity Point, any donations for the ongoing upkeep of us poor developers downunder would be appreciated (we do get hungry from time to time) and can be sent to P.O. Box 1047, Caulfield North 3161, Victoria, Australia . It's sole use is for the storing of private information, accessed by inputting a pin number. The labels can be changed so it can be used worldwide. Should you have any suggestions for improvment's please link us (Applelink.Gravity Point or Compuserve 100240,3122). This application is used at your own risk and the authors do not accept any responsibility for loss or misuse of information. All rights reserved, and sale for profit of this application without the express permission of the authors is prohibited. Enjoy! James T. Gambit GravityPoint Revision: Learnt about Sizing the app for the new generations of the newton. A revised release that will allow access via the Assitant is in the works and has been for awhile but due to book contracts the work has been off-loaded until time permits. Thanks for all the great comments about the Personal application.