NotePak Change History: 2.02 > Apple released an updated version of the Alarm Routines that fix an obscure bug. This version of NotePak includes these new routines. 2.01 > Bug removed in checklist view when completed check box was pressed and auto-resort was on. 2.0 > Fixed a problem with custom sort when more than two levels were used. > Fxed a problem with date due filter and the new button. 2.0b15 > Print list view remembers is now sorted based on sort popup. > Added Hide NotePak in the action button (the one with the envelope). > Show All now changes the folder tab to All NotePak Items. > Added support for Recent Visits. 2.0b14 > Auto set date start and auto set dates for new entries based on filters now respect the Date Only check box. > Put Away beamed items should work again. > List of subcategories in the Filter dialog will scroll now. > Added insert bullet to the special menu in the entry view (no return is added). > made the contact field recognize ant text, not just names. > Snooze button in alarm screen should work again. 2.0b13 (just in time for Halloween!) > Fixed a problem when saving items with no dates. > Still working on the Contact field's call/email/fax and show functions. > Added prefs to turn off scroll indicator arrows. These arrow can slow NotePak down in certain situations. > changes in case in the item's text should be saved now. 2.0b12 > Added "Date Only" option in date picker. > Date Done is not included (if selected for inclusion) in exports > folder option in Show button now works. > Made the dates a little wider in the entry view (for our German users)! > % complete in extended view is propoerly hidden for blank items. > call,fax, mail for contact may work for german. Could someone please let me know if these work or don't work on the german newton? > Date Only in the date picker is now remembered by NotePak > Call and Mail contact may work in german > Date field in extended view is wider to accommodate german dates. > Changing contact in entry view should not change the filter's contact. > Fixed a problem with applying a filter that included an all or unfiled folder tab. 2.0b11 > Fixed a problem with the alarm beeps. > "Duplicate" should put the new entry on the default store. > pref soup should be about 10K smaller. > Alarms take much less space to store. (from 10K to .7K!!!) > may have fixed international date problem. 2.0b10 Bugs Fixed: > Delay in beeping after changing the alarm prefs is gone. > Contact choice list works after initial search. > you can now press the assist button once you have deselected adn item int he list view. 2.0b9 BugsFixed > You can not remove a filter without getting an error. > Fixed a number of bugs in the category editor. > fixed a problem with Delete Completed. Shoudl delete item checked off within the last minute. > Fixed the priority popup in the checklist view > NP now "pops" the contact label after a contact look up (if items were found). > Added undo for the New button. 2.0b8 Features Added > NP remembers is you were in list or entry view after reset. Bugs fixed > -fixed a weird problem that occurs after you reboot the NEwton and then enter NP and run a fitler. I think this problem is a OS bug and I am trying to work around it. Ug; major rewrite! > Contact is cleared from the fitler box when reset is pressed. > Notepak does not give an error when launched for the first time if NotePak 1.x had not been installed or if there where no saved filters. 2.0b7 Featues Added: > last used filter is remembered if you reboot or remove the card. > Not really a feature, but I had to restore the old print format. It should respect the setting in the Show pop-up. > changes a few things on the prefs screen > completely rewrote the way preferences are used. I had to change over 100 lines of code for this, so please try all the features and let me know if you get an errors! > Category editor defaults to the category of the selected item. > Contact field doe not automatically do a lookup, you must select LookUp from the popup, then you must select the result from the same popup. I would like to automatically pop the popup after the search, but I don't think I can. > the numbers of days int he delete completed dialog is now saved. Bugs Fixed: > beep volume can now be set for alarms. > Snooze works again for alarms > datePickers should work for non english systems (could someone check this out?) 2.0b6 Bugs fixed: > Changing the font in the Prefs no longer caused an error. 2.0b5 features added > Add "has alarm" checkbox to the filter screen. > Added alarm prefs when you set an alarm. Bugs fixed: > Down arrow indicator should work properly in the list views. > Item position should not change after a single item is deleted. 2.0b4 features added > Added percent complete to sort options. > added "Delete items older than __ days to the delete completed option. > Add auto resort as a preference and as a feature of the list views. > Changed the way default font is set (added system font too!). Bugs fixed > Card grip when names button installed should be gone. > better (but perfect?) hiding and showing of buttons in the category editor. > if a cat and subcat are both not in the list and the user taps a subcat pop-up, NP asked the users to add the cat first, then the subcat. It is possible to import cats and subcats not in the NP list via the NCK. > Set font button in prefs resized > Done box in extended view is saved when auto set % is off in prefs. > removed a bug that cuased an error when the first item in a list was deleted. This mostly happened when delete completed item was used. 2.0b3 Features added > The alarm button, when "on" can be pressed and the alarm time can be reset or cleared from the date/time picker. > If an entry change after an alarm is set, the alarm will reflect the changes. ( is this good?) > Default text for alarm is easier to read. Bugs fixed > Fixed a nasty little bug that caused an error message when you changed an item int he entry view to settings that did not conform to the filter, then you pressed the overview button. > Fixed a bug where if you had the sort set to Date Due and entered NotePak from Dates, then changed the sort you would get an error. > Check boxes in the overview should show ok now. (let me know if they don't!) > Export to NotePad should work ok now. > assist now works from the alarm screen (you still have to select the text) > Open Note button in alarm screen should work now. > filter by Priority should work now. 2.0b2 Features added > Added Backup and Restore prefs to a card (for people with more than one newton > Did some printing stuff. More to come. > Added Subcategory (free form string) to NCK meta data. > Made alarms more anoying. > added new preference: Percent Complete Slider Increment. The percent complete slider will only change the percent complete by this increment. Also, when a completed item is set to incomplete via the check box, the percent complete will be set to 100 - [Percent Complete Slider Increment]. > Made the percent complete in extended list view a pop up. Values of popup are based on the Percent Complete Slider Increment preference. > NotePak remembers the last selected folder, even when NotePak is reinstalled! > I changed the printed reports. Currently, these reports only print one page. I'm waiting for Apple to release some code I need. Bugs fixed > Fixed export to notepad problem. > Fixed a problem related to adding to new items when the selected folder is not All. > Open Note now works from the alarm screen. > Beamed items can now be put away if NotePak is not open. 2.0b1 featuresm added > Added "Clear" button to date picker. Bugs: > seperator lines in show popup cannot be selected now. > Date picker now works in search dialog. > Date picker now works in list view. > NP Button will work ok from Names app. > Set Font in the prefs screen closes tha palette. > When the default font is changed and the entry view is open, the entry view is updated with the new default font when the prefs screen is closed (if not custom styles were selected). > if sort is set to priority and filter include a criterian for priority the correct set of entries is displayed. > Fixed a problem with custom sorts when used with a filter. > Speeded up the New button in certain circumstances. > Alarms can now be set if date due is in the past. 2.0d6 > added Contact (and call/fax/mail contact and Show Contact) to entry view. > Date Completed is now shown in the entry view. > Start Date (option for entry date by default) now shown in entry view > Better memory management in entry view > date picker for all dates now includes time > When NotePak is opened from the Dates application, a special filter is activated (0 days, completed = no) > Added full set of operators (<,=,>) for Priority filter > Added preference to set Start date to Date Entered. > Added Contact, StartDate, DateDue, DateCompleted to filter box. > Find by date now works (again). > Removed style button from Entry View > Added Special button to Entry View (Date/time/datetime stamp, insert %, show style palette. > Filter popup now shows a check next to an active Named Fitler. This check will not be shown if the current filter was set using the Apply button in the filter box or by using Find. > List view should no longer reset to top of list after an item is deleted. > Moved "About NotePak (Formerly the ? button) to the action button. > Added default font user pref (in the Set Prefs window) > Added subcategories (up to 20 per category)! > Added multiple categories to filters > Added subcategories to filters (subcategories overrides categories in filters) > Added NP button to Names application. When pressed, NotePak opens and shows uncompleted items for the selected person or company (based on the List By field). > added preferance to not have NP buttons. > Added NP button to Names. Applys a filter Contact = selected name and completed = no. > non registered users are limited to three sub categories for each category. > Added Move all to/from card to action button. > Added "None" priority > Added scroll indicators which tell you if you can scroll up or down (little arrows appear in the upper and lower left of the screen. > Added Show popup. > Added Show All to Filter popup. > Added Subcategory to sort popup. > When a category/subcategory popup list is choosen and the text is not in the list, NP asks "Do you wnt to add it?" > Added "delete completed items" option in the action button. > When you double tab on a blank line in the overview and new entry is created. > You can now tap 'Assist' for the selected item in the overview. > Added the ability to set an alram from the entryview. > Added 'export to NotePad' to action button. Export one note, whole list to one note, and whole list to many notes. > Added Field list chooser to Fax,Mail,Print, and export. You now determine what fields are in the output! (not implemented for printing yet 7/13/94) > Added free heap space in about screen > Add ne list view? Check out List View in the Show popup button. 1.13 > fixed a problem with Named Fitlers including due in ___ days. NotePak now uses the current date for this type of filter, not the date when the filter was created. > Duh! I fixed the scrolling problem I introduced in 1.12! 1.12 > fixed a filter problem 1.11 > fixed a printing problem when printing a multi-page check list. > updated the about box to reflect the cool name of Atomic Software! > Should draw the list view faster when there are less items to display than can fit on the screen. > Should draw list view faster when sort order field is one of the fields used in the filter. 1.1 > Changed the check list print format. It's amuch nicer format, but with one drawback, it will only print the first two lines of the item description. As soon as we can figure out how to do variable length text fields, we'll implement it! > fixed an error casused by find and replace in the category editor > fixed a problem with the sorting of named filters 1.1b2 > Fixed an install problem. 1.1b1 > I made the version higher to show that NotePak has new features. > Unregistered copies are now limited to 3 Named Filters and 6 categories > Named Fitlers are now sorted > Added a Date Completed field to the NCK. See the manual for more info. 1.02b2 > NotePak now places the buttons in the new filter screen in the right location for 110 pads. > Removed the Override To Do List button option, but added an NP button to the Dates application. 1.02b1 > NCK no long wipes out date due (Note: you must open NotePak on the Newton, then close NotePak, then do a Sync with the NCK to active this fix > InstallScript is automatically "nilled" to give you more memory > Moved the NP button one pixel to the right. > Added a preference to override the To Do button in the Dates app to open NotePak instead of the built in to do list. > added Named filters (see the docs, this is a very cool feature!). Change History: 1.01 > NotePak now clears the watch icon when an arrow is press in the overview and there are not enough items to scroll. > Fixed a problem when using a filter set to Due in 0 Days. > Added preferences screen which includes default priority for a new item. this screen will hold more prefs later > NotePak will set the default date due to the current date if sort is set to date due. > NotePak will not return to the overview when item's folder is changed in the entry view. > fixed a problem where the check boxes sometimes displayed wrong in the List View. > Added auto set % complete to preferences. When set to on, percent compelete will change to 100% when the Compelted checkbox is checked. Also, when % complete is set to 100, the Completed checkbox will be set to on. Finally, when percent complete is set to a value < 100, the Completed check box be set to unchecked. 1.0 > modified about text > Cleared the undo buffers when user press Up, Down, Overview, or New > Display watch icon when drawing overview. > Changed the text in the about screen after the user registers. > changed the Style button in the entryview to show the palette icon > use styles in the print one form.