This is the version history. It is in a separate file because it is long. Most users will just install the current version and start from there. What is interesting is that this is probably the oldest (back to 1993) version history file for any Newton program still in existance that is kept up to date. History 3.0 - 7/17/97 Offical 3.0 release 3.0b7 - 5/30/97 * added filing support to extras * turned on DoCardRouting 3.0b6 - 5/20/97 * added option to vehicle prefs to turn off all alarms for specific vehicles * added the generic print format 3.0b2 - 12/8/96 * fixes Trip Log report so it prints nicer * added Help messages to the trip, full tank and quick entry buttons * cost is calcuated if user enters ppg and gal * quick odometer entry button moved and given an icon * if filter is set to a vehicle MPG will open to the correct entry 3.0b1/2.8b1 - 10/23/96 * compiled for UK, Metric, km/gal, and US * if min and max mpg is wrong inthe statistics then it's probably user error. you can have a min and max that are the same or with values that are different than the octane breakdown because min/max only look at the fillups where you filled up full and the previoius fill up was a full tank also. * create new/delete old vehicles in the vehicle screen * new alarms will use a default value if there is not a value already for it 2.7b2 - 10/9/96 * added preference for delaying of overdue alarms 2.7b1 - 10/1/96 * fixed statistics to work with new alarms * created the Trip button 2.6b1 - 9/18/96 * created overdue alarms * created Assist Todos to work with overdue alarms 2.4b1 - 8/18/96 * added icons to New popup * rearranged the routing popup also move to card has been removed in NOS 2.0 * added NOS 2.0 style foldertab * added a class slot to each mpg entry (will allow for RCU support) * created MPG Uploader to upload MPG data to WildCat * added option to prefs so you can ask PocketMoney to confirm postings * added option to prefs so you can pick the category to post to in PocketMoney * window boarders are 2 points for about and prefs * removed auto close option from prefs for the date editor (editor is a popup) * odometer smart entry is a little bit smarter (you shouldn't be plagued with 1,122,334 odometer entries if you only want 122,334) 2.3b5 - 3/28/96 * fixed filter bug filter now allows filtering on service type * fixed trip log printing bugs. 2.3b4 - 3/28/96 * fixed filter bug filter now allows filtering on service type 2.3b3 - 2/18/96- * fixed bug which was causing all entries to disappear * added Trip Log reporting for Tax purposes 2.3b1 - 12/4/95 - * Metric Localization supported * fixed compute for fillup calculations * added Posting Icon to routing slip 2.3a3 - 7/13/95 - not released * IA is a separate package * NCK support is a separate package * Adding localization support (US supported only) 2.3a2 - 6/20/95 - not released * uses users setting for the HWR letter by letter setting * fix mpg->L/100km miscalculation * added Register support * cleans up heap memory on quit 2.3a1 - 5/10/95 -not released * added work around to the Graffiti 'carriage return' bug in the notes field * added "Kilomettres&Gallons" options for units * fixed date editor bugs for German and 24 hour clock users * duplicating a Pause Trip now defaults to "Resume Trip" instead of "Start Trip" * keyboard icon opens the alphanumeric keyboard instead of the numeric keyboard. 2.2 - 12-23-94- vehicle prefs notes field is unlimited in length mpg calculates correctly for multiple vehicles when no filter is set 2.1 - 12-10-94- fixed metric labels displaying when the prefs->units was set to US fixed "date to" creeping ahead one day at a time in the filter Stats->OverDue Items->Upcoming Services shows all upcoming services not just services upcoming within the next 6 weeks. (-48406 error) tried freeing up some more heap when running the 1.2/3 -> 2.0 conversion. fixed bug if removing 2 editor items in a row. fixed bug overview will not scroll back past the "Date From" filter setting. FIND from the overview now finds the items, but gives can't display error message. I will fix this in the next version. The Work-around is not to FIND when the overview is open, but to go to the entry view and do the find. 2.0 - 11-9-94- manual included dates filter added Find support added Intelliegent Assist support Added NCK support included preferences have own area and are no longer in the prefs area trip its own location preference new trip point "Resume Trip", "Pause Trip", "Distance Marker" filing works with both all folders and unfiled folder now delete list added to action button added gas can to show if complete fillup or partial fillup [ i ] info button added - stats, about, and prefs moved to here "Post To ..." added to envelope. Can Post transactions to PocketMoney Goto First, Last, and Date in envelope Date editor works for 24 hour clocks reminders and alarms 1.3 - 5-18-94- added Allan Marcus' protoDateTimePicker folder tab now hilites correctly beaming support added duplicating a start trip entry nils out odometer new trip - if end trip is will copy the previous start description changing the folder that an entry is in will remove it from the display if the new folder type is not equal to the currently browsed folder. added a Misc other item filter aligned mpg, mph, and distance to create more space aligned overview columns a little bit close (array) editor when I update the display 1.2 - 5-9-94- changed soup structure, fixed minor interface/cosmetic bug, changed way stats figures some items, new button now only has 3 items, Trip Item new, filter works in the overview, will reopen overview if that was last view open support for Brits fast odometer entry option description doesn't use the handwriting configuration prefs. It only will take words in the dictionary and numbers. when the prefs are changed. It will take effect right away in MPG. data entry screen will now calculate mpg forward or backward 1.1 - 4-30-94- skipped so the version numbers wouldn't get confused. 1.01 - 4-15-94- fixed -48210 error when [Not Yet] button was tapped. clear undo stack when user taps up/down arrow or new button. will create the correct entry type if the service filter is set 1.00 - 4-13-94- released to the public version 0.9 - 11-27-93- alpha version released to a couple people.