LookUp 2.0 LookUp 2.0 is a Newton utility which runs in the background and checks automatically whether there are any jobs to do in Newton`s ToDo list, a date or a birthday. An alarm is given when you switch on the Newton if anything is found, and you are given the option of going straight to the ToDo list, the calendar or the cardfile whereby LookUp sets the calendar date to today's date automatically btw. the cardfile to the birthdaycard. You can turn on Dates/2 that is: LookUp lets you tap on the upper half of the Dates button to open the calendar and on the lower half to opon Todo. If you tap on the lowest point of the Dates button, LookUp starts its query. If you want to use GestureLaunch from ICS together with Dates/2, please install Dates/2 first and then GestureLaunch. The LookUp distribution contains the following files: -LookUP20.pkg: LookUp for the Apple MessagePad (Newton) -LU20Man.pkg: LookUp-Manual for the Apple MessagePad (Newton) -ReadMe.ger: This README in German -ReadMe.eng: This README in English Install LookUp with the Newton Connection Kit or the Package Installer. There is no icon for LookUp in Extras, but you will see an additional LookUp option in the Newton's Prefs. If needed, you can deleted LookUp just like any other Newton application, in Extras/Card or Prefs/Memory, depending where you installed it. LookUpTs language depends on the locale-setting. If you install it on the card you will get "Newton still needs the card you removed..." message, but if you insert the card back in and then eject the card after the message goes away you will be able to eject the card without the grip of death. There are many options you can set for LookUp. The more options you select, the longer takes LookUp, when you switch on the Newton. The following settings can be configured in Newton's Prefs for LookUp 2.0: % ToDos: Priority checkboxes: Use these to set the ToDo priorities which LookUp should react to. For example, you may only want LookUp to remind you of Priority 3 items. % Dates: You can choose, if LookUp only reacts to repeating or to nonrepeating or to all or to no Dates. % Calendar Notes: This are the entries written in the crib note area of the calendar (the blank space to the left of the small month calendar). You can choose, if LookUp only reacts to repeating or to nonrepeating or to all or to no Notes. % Birthdays: LookUp checks the cardfile if there is a person, who has birthday today. The Name of the person is shown i a textlist (max 6 names per day). Tap the name and you will open the cardfile and jump to the selected name. % Delay: This slider sets the length of time that the LookUp alarm window remains visible after switching on the Newton. If you set the slider to maximum, the LookUp alarm window will not disappear automatically, and you will need to close it manually. % LookUp: This popup lets you choose how often LookUp should warn you about unfinished jobs: - every time: LookUp warns you each time you switch on the Newton if there are any jobs to do. - once an hour: LookUp warns you each time you switch on the Newton if there are any jobs to do, but not more than once per hour. - once a day: LookUp warns you the first time you switch the Newton on each day if there are any jobs to do. % Sound on: If you check this box and there are jobs to do, you will get an acoustic alarm sound from LookUp in addition to the alarm window. If you have configured a password for your Newton, make sure you have set a long enough Delay with LookUp's slider, else you won't get any alarm at all if you turn the alarm sound off. % Dates/2: If you check this box, the Dates/2-function is activated (see description above). % Activate or Deactivate: Use this button to switch LookUp on or off. If LookUp is deactivated, the LookUp preferences soup will be deleted if you remove LookUp from your Newton (by deleting LookUp or simply by pulling out the memory card). This includes your LookUp registration code too, so make a note of the registration code elsewhere and be careful with the deactivate button! You only really need to use it if you want to completely remove LookUp from your Newton. If you just want to switch LookUp off, uncheck all the checkboxes instead (Dates/2 and Sond on are not interesting in this case). %Start: Use this button to start LookUp as it starts at power on. %?: LookUp-Info and LU20Man if installed (only with OS > 1.05). LookUp is about 75 kB in size and needs only about 2.1 kB in Newton's heap. LookUp is a ShareWare product of Ralph Kaiser. You may copy LookUp and give it to others, but you must always copy it together with the ReadMe-Files. The ShareWare fee is US$ 15. You can register LookUp and pay the fee by transfering the fee (or the equivalent amount in another currency) to Ralph Kaiser's bank account (see below). Alternatively, you can post the money to the address below (please no Checks). When registering, send me the LookUp registration code which is displayed in LookUp's registration window. This code is calculated from the name configured in your Newton's Prefs. After receiving your payment I will send you a registration number, which you should enter in LookUp's registration window to stop the shareware warning from appearing. Registered LookUp 1.x users can get a registration number for LookUp 2.0 for US$ 5,- by sending us the new registration code together with your name. If you send us a money transfer, don't forget to specify "LookUp", and include your name and address too (if possible), including e-mail address if you have one, so we can keep you informed about updates and about other products from Ralph Kaiser. Any commercial distribution of LookUp requires the explicit written permission from Ralph Kaiser. Ralph Kaiser does not warrant, guarantee or make any other representations regarding the use, or the results of use of the software or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness or otherwise. Neither Ralph Kaiser nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of this product shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use the product. Ralph Kaiser develops and markets state-of-the-art ShareWare and commercial software products for the Newton and for other platforms such as the Macintosh. If you have any questions about this product or about any of the other products from Ralph Kaiser, or if you have any ideas about products you would like to see or if you need help in marketing your own products in Europe, please feel free to give me a call or write to me: Ralph Kaiser Vorsterhauser Weg 38 D-59067 Hamm, Germany Tel.: +49 (2381) 940434 Fax.: +49 (2381) 443283 Internet e-mail: kalli@bistro.westfalen.de bank: Postbank Dortmund bank routing code: 44010046 account number: 206116-469 version history: 0.0-1.0: % little applikation checking automatically whether there are any jobs to do % preferences are integrated in newton-prefs 1.0 (first public release): % delay setable with a slider % you can choose how often LookUp warns 1.1: % the "card remove"-Error is repaired % LookUp sets the date % you can turn off the Sound % there is and english and a german version % you can set the priorities % Online-Help is integrated % a ShareWare-window is integrated % there is a reg.-code 1.2: % the dates-button is changed % some routins are better % Lookup is tested for all newton-platforms existing now % the manual is an extra package % the language is english or german, depending on the lokale setting 1.3 % Dates/2 can be activated and deactivated % Dates is new % Calendar Notes is new % Birthdays is new % little bug in repeat type of LookUp eleminated 1.4 % added Start button % the repeat behavior of LookUp is corrected % a line in the birthday textlist shows, if it is taped 2.0: % Compiled with NTK 1.5 % Increased performance % New registration number and code % Dates/2 starts LookUp+s query by taping its bottom % the repeat behavior of LookUp is corrected again :-)