DateMan v1..01 --------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright 1996 Stand Alone, Inc. & Ben Gottlieb NOTE: This software is for Newton 1.X Newtons ONLY. To use DateMan on a Newton 120/2.0, or 130, please download version 2.0 of DateMan. * What's in this archive? --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three Newton software packages and three text files in this archive. They are: * DateMan.txt document you're now reading. 'Nuff said. * DateMan.pkg software package you'll install on your Newton. * Register.txt read me file describing the Register software. * Register.pkg software package you can install on your Newton to Register, which will allow you to pay for DateMan via email. * SAStuff.txt A list of all Stand Alone products. * Welcome to DateMan ---------------------------------------------------------------------: The following is simply an overview ReadMe of DateMan. There are so many different ways to link one item to another and use this ability to your advantage that we are not going to attempt to show you every option here. Rather this ReadMe is intended as a guide to finding information and showing how to move your information about, s well as how to enter your information, access it, and have it interact with other information. When used properly, DateMan should always let you know where to be, with whom, and even what happened last time you met. WhatUs more, Dateman will let you know what should happen this time and when you should get together next time. Truly, DateMan is The Complete Contact Management Solution! Installation: Please refer to the manual and software that came with your MessagePad. If you have room and ever need to swap PC cards (perhaps to use a PC Card modem or other memory card.), we recommend that you install this package into internal memory. DateMan will operate on either a RAM card or Internal RAM, but you can maintain its abilities even with card swaps if it is installed in internal memory. **Prefs** After the install, tap the *Extras* Permanent icon to bring up the Extras drawer. Select the *DateMan* icon, and DateMan will open. If you have any Meetings, To Do Items, Calls, or Events already in your MessagePad, they will appear in an overview list. Tap the RiS button on the lower left corner of the screen. Select Prefs from this pop up list. A *Preferences* list now appears. From this list, tap DateMan Access. You will actually have a list of windows of all the items that are in the Preferences list. You can scroll up and down with the permanent arrows at the center bottom of the screen. The top window **DateMan Access** is where the program starts. A check in the box activates the option next to the box. A check in the box next to *At Wake Up* will set DateMan to open every time you turn on your Newton. If this option is checked, a picker will appear with a list of intervals. Selecting an interval from this list will ensure that, if the Newton is asleep for less than the interval, DateMan will not open the next time the Newton is turned on (for example, if you select 1 hour, then your Newton would have to be off for more than 1 hour for DateMan to automatically start). Next are the options for selecting where the *DateMan button* will appear: Note Pad, Names File, Calendar, and Background Application (if you are using a Background replacement, such as Backdrop Plus, this option becomes important). Also, you can select the next box for the option of having access to DateMan through a tap of your Dates icon. If you check this box, the option of having the top or bottom of the *Dates icon* is given to you. *Tap and hold DM button to open DateMan* Without a check in this box, when you tap and hold the DateMan icon, you will open DateMan in a quick overview of today only. If you check this box, a tap and hold on the DM button will open the complete overview. *Display Options* You may need to scroll down to see the whole window on your screen. *Display Interval Selection* allows you to choose how the top of the overview screen will look. If you prefer to explicitly set the start and end dates of the display, you will probably use the *Mini Calendars*. The other option allows you to specify a start time and an interval. *Show MonthUs Events in Overviews* Puts small indicators into month views, alerting you to upcoming events. These will be small dots, in the upper portion of a day if itUs an afternoon meeting, and the lower portion for morning appointment. An underscore indicates an event for that day. The radio buttons below this checkbox determine the amount of information displayed for each item. One line items puts all your time, date, and type of event on one line with headers dividing up Meetings, To Do Items, and such, while the Two line items will break this same info into two lines, one above another. In Two line mode, you will also see associated names, phone numbers (if the item is a call) and places. *Sort Calls and To Do Items together*, *Sort Calls in with other items*, and *Sort To Do Items in with other items* are all fine tuning your overview screen. Normally there are three areas of the overview: Meetings & Events, Calls, and To Do Items. By checking off these boxes, you can opt to sort some of these items in with each other, as suits your taste. *Show meeting durations*: This gives you the option of having just the meeting start time or the start and finish time listed. This is only applicable in the One line mode (see above.) *DonUt Show To Do Items* and *DonUt Show Calls*: These two checkboxes prohibit DateMan from showing To Do Items and Calls in the DateMan overview screen. Date & Time Entry is the next Preference window. This is where you decide if the time and/or dates have entry lines (blank lines in which you write a date or time) or a time bar (a graphical scale of hours onto which you draw your meeting time). Roll Over Date Items allows to you to determine which events are moved forward if they are not marked complete. For instance, if you have a To Do that is not yet done, and its due date passes, it will automatically be bumped forward to the current date if the Roll Over To Do Items box is checked. YouUre all set to test our your DateMan features now. At any time, you can come back here and adjust one of the prefs differently. This is sometimes a good option, so you may have an idea of the different looks and possibilities available with DateMan. **The DateMan overview screen** DateMan opens to what we will refer to as a ToverviewU screen. Where you have all your events before you on one scrollable screen. You chose earlier in the Prefs whether this has only a length of time picker or a start/end pair of mini calendars. If you chose the Interval Picker, you can set the length of time shown by first tapping on the date in the upper left to set the start date, and then select a length of time (from 1 day to 3 years) from the diamond picker next to it. If you had chosen the mini calendars, just tap the start date and end date on the calendars. In both these modes, the arrows in the lower right of the screen (in the status bar) will advance or move backward the start date an amount equal to the interval you chose above. Along the top of the screen, from left to right: Upper most left: Current date and time Upper most right: Current folder showing Next line depends on whether you chose Interval Picker or mini calendars. With the Interval Picker you have left to right: Far Left: Start date of list Center: Diamond pull down to set interval Both view options have a box to the right for selecting Undone Only. A check here will only allow items that havenUt been checked done to show. You can select and un-select this at any time to see the list either way. Along the bottom of the screen in either view is the same (left to right): TIU button: Access to Prefs RNewS button: Tap to create a new item (Call, Event, Meeting, any of the notes or stationary, or To Do Item) RTodayS button: Set the start date of the display to the current date Left and Right arrow buttons: Move timeline forward/backward Folder button: Print/Fax or Delete/Duplicate an item Action button: Select a folder in which to file the current selection You have several boxes and icons along the left side of the overview list. Outer left most is the check completed box. A selection here will leave a check and depending on whether you chose to show done item or not may cause the line event to disappear from view. Next, to the right; picture icons. These show the type of event, whether itUs a meeting, event, to do, or call. If there is a slight shadow to this icon, then itUs a repeating event. A tap of this icon brings up a window of options. These are the Delete, Duplicate, all the linking options, and the Mark as Done. Select the item from this list you wish to execute. Also, at the base of this list will be listed anything you have this event linked to. Also, beside the To Do items is a black box. Select this to set the importance you wish it to be listed, from one to nine. On the overview list will also be the day, month and date. Then for each event (except to do items) there is a time listed that you had selected when setting up the item. If so chosen in the Prefs, you could also have the end time here. Okay.... WeUve looked at how to set up the list and what is on the list. Now, letUs enter information onto the list: If youUve been working your way through this readme, youUre now looking at your DateMan overview. From here you can always tap the RNewS button at the bottom of the screen to add a new item or listing. Close DateMan now with the close X in the lower right corner. Along the bottom of your screen that you now have open, you will find a DM button. In the NotePad and Names File, you will have a list of event set up options and link options. Also, the ability to Add Extra Info, and to selection to open DateMan to the overview screen. If you are in an application that does not support linking (Backdrop Plus, for example, where there is nothing to link to) then you will only have the new event options. And, depending on how you have the Prefs set, you may or may not have the option of bringing up any of your stationary (NotePad) items. In the case of the DM button on a notepad page. The quickest and easiest way to enter a Meeting, To Do, Call, etc. would be to write the info (Such as: Lunch with Ed at Sims), highlight it and drag it to the DM button. You will be given a Date slip to determine the particulars of the event (its type, priority, exact date and time, and where it should be filed.) The above method is very quick and easy to use. You do lose some of the fine tuning data management that is available to you if you use the DM button and select the New option. Throughout the system, your options for data entry forms vary. DateMan has changed a couple of options system-wide, while with other forms you choose whether to use the standard, default forms or the DM forms. DateMan has enhanced the Calls and Names entry forms throughout. So if you select either New Call or New Name from any DM button or pulldown, you will always get the special DateMan forms. The DateMan form for Meetings, to do items, and Events: If youUve selected the wrong one, you can jump to another type of form by tapping the top diamond and selecting the other choice. All data options carry along from form to form, allowing several quick entry options and many more features for managing your information. With Who, Where, and Regarding data entry lines you can just enter text on the line. Or, you now have the option in all three of these cases to put in presets. In each of their locations is a diamond to tap to pull down a list of possible items you may want in that spot. You can customize that list by selecting New from the itemUs pulldown. Then the next time you need to set up a meeting or other with that person, in a particular location, and/or regarding something inparticular, itUs just a quick tap away. Select the diamond next to the entry request and tap the name or item you wish entered. Link, Link, Link!!! Now the part youUve been hearing about and really need -- the ability to link Calls, Events, Meetings, Names, Notes, and to do items together. You can link any of these items to any other and you can link one to one or one to many. For example, you may have a meeting. Two taps and youUre at the personUs business card or a note of your choosing. No, not a list of business cards or notes, but rather the exact one you had linked. The options are just about endless.... A To Do linked over to a notepad checklist, tied into relative Calls. Let your mind go with this. For from now on, when you enter something into your MessagePad, you can tie it to everything that is important to that item. No more trying to remember where you put something, or how you can contact someone about a meeting. The following will wrap up our discussion of DateMan. You will find a few examples to get you started, then you need to look at the way you need your information linked. Because now no one is telling you how they want you to do it. **Link a note to a business card** Start with a note on your notepad. Now tap the DM button. Up comes a list. Select RLink to Name.S A list of names will appear. You can change folders if needed. Check the Name(s) you wish to link and tap Link. Now, whenever you select the DM button on this note. You will have the option to tap in the last group, which is your links. This takes you straight to the card, in this case. **Link a Meeting to a Business Card** When you have a meeting, you can bring up the linking either from the form while you are building the meeting, or from the meeting icon in the overview. As always, the link list will appear, the new item list will only appear from a DM button, not the Meeting icon. Select the link you wish to have. This time, try the Link to Name. Now, check the name(s) you wish to link from this quick access area and tap the Link button. And, you are all finished. You can tap the Meeting icon in the overview screen, or the DM button in the setup form, and at the bottom of the list is your link to the needed names card. **Link a Meeting to a Note** From the DateMan overview screen, tap the Meeting icon of the meeting you wish to have notes for. As in our other examples, select the operation you would like to happen. In this case it is Link to a Note. A list of Notes will appear. You may again tap on the Folders diamond in the upper right corner to select a different folder of notes. Check the note(s) you wish to link and tap the Link button. You will then return to the screen you had left with the meeting. Selecting the meeting icon will bring up the Link to List again, this time with the option to jump to the note you set. Thanks for running over our quick ReadMe on DateMan. We hope you find DateMan as a true enhancement to your MessagePad as we have hoped it to be. If you would like a printed version of the manual, and/or a commercial copy of this software. Please eMail us at * Registering DateMan --------------------------------------------------------------------- The registration fee for DateMan is $54.95. You have a 30 day trial period in which to examine DateMan, during which it will function fully. Should you wish to register, you'll need to do one of the following: * Call us and pay using Visa or Mastercard. We can give you a password right over the phone: instant gratification! Our phone number is (312) 477-2492. * Send us a check for $54.95 to: Stand Alone, Inc. 3171 N. Hudson, Suite 1 Chicago, IL, 60657, USA * Using CompuServe, GO SWREG and register ID #10036. * Using Flash Sheridan's Register program (enclosed in the DateMan archive) and either NewtonMail (built into the Newton) or Catamount Software's Aloha (shareware, $50, for more info, contact Catamount at Open up Register, fill in the application (DateMan:SAS), the amount ($54.95), and your credit card information, and email it. However you register, PLEASE be sure to include an email address (it's not vital, but it will result in MUCH speedier service) and your name, as entered in the Owner Info section of your Newton. This is used to generate the password we send you to unlock DateMan, so it has to be exact. Once you register, you will receive a password from us. To use it, tap the 'i' button and select "Enter Password". Enter the password into the window that appears, and you'll be registered. Should you ever install a newer version of DateMan, this password will be saved, so there's no need to re-enter it (unless you completely erase your Newton.) * Contacting us --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding DateMan, or any other Stand Alone Newton application, please don't hesitate to contact us: Email: internet: (<-- preferred) AOL: Std Alone CompuServe: 76342,3057 Phone: Voice: (312) 477-2492 Fax: (312) 477-2579 Regular Mail: Stand Alone 3171 N. Hudson, Suite 1 Chicago, IL, 60657, USA World Wide Web: