Bowser* is SHAREWARE. You may use and try out Bowser for a period of thirty days, but if you keep the application around after that, you must register with the author. To register Bowser please send a $20 (U.S.) check made out to Don Miller, your name, address, email address, type of desktop computer (Mac or PC), along with the EXACT, PRECISE, IDENTICAL (including spaces, punctuation, etc.) name you have put in your Newton (in Preferences, Personal, Name) to: Bowser c/o Don Miller 2904 SW Lane Topeka, KS 66611 I will send you back by email or regular mail (your choice) the code word that will stop the annoying RThis is an UNREGISTERED copy.S message from appearing. You will need to keep this code word around in case you ever remove and then replace Bowser* files on your Newton. By the way, if registered users changes the name they use in their Newton, theyUll have to request another code word. Also, but no promises, and it depends ENTIRELY on the shareware fee response, I plan to develop a desktop editor for Bowser trees for registered Mac users. If you have any comments, questions, suggestions for the next version, etc., please send them to the address above or email me at