Keywords: EXPERT FLOWCHART GUIDELINE NEWTON DECISION TREE BROWSER FLIPBOOK Bowser(TM) is an entirely new genre of software for the Apple Newton MessagePad(TM). Bowser places at the fingertips of its enlightened users, a portable "expert system." MessagePad users from a host of different occupations or fields can call up Bowser and receive step-by-step expert advice, scripted instructions, guideline recommendations, or trouble-shooting help. Bowser accomplishes this with an easy-to-use metaphor that is literally learned in seconds. Using a "flipbook" metaphor, Bowser is, in essence, a sophisticated decision-tree browser. Any non-cyclic, directed graph (computerese) or similar flow chart (for everybody else) can be easily converted within Bowser's intuitive decision-tree-growing environment into a flipbook. This format allows the flow chart or decision-tree to be traversed quickly using precious little screen space. Bowser can coexist and complement in-use Newton applications. In addition, at any time during the tree traversal process, the user can step back, and get an overview of where he or she has "climbed" in the tree so far, or get additional information about each step. Bowser's capacity for decision-trees is limited only by the amount of storage on the user's MessagePad or Marco(TM). Dozens, maybe hundreds, of individual guidelines, checklists, or expert systems can be carried anywhere in the pocket or purse of the user. Individual decision-trees can be shared widely by creating an exchangeable file using the import/export features of the Newton Connection Kit(TM). The number of potential uses for Bowser are almost limitless. Bowser can be used in healthcare to help physicians make treatment decisions by using detailed national, or even personal, practice guidelines. Appliance repairmen can tab through a troubleshooting checklist while trying to fix a broken dishwasher. Real estate agents can see if a client qualifies for a certain type of real estate loan. Private airplane pilots could ..., and the list goes on, in other yet undiscovered ways. Bowser is SHAREWARE ($20).