Appraisal (a picture is at the bottom of this page) A data gathering application. This application enables the user to quickly gather opinions or observed data and record it as a series of observations. The Data is stored as a soup and should be resistant to Resets and other small problems. This version has the titles and comments set in the application, the real version will have the abbility to edit and save changes to most of the text that appears on the screen, ie the questions etc. This application can be used to monitor childrens progress, small opinion polls, job progress, etc. Data can be either modified and / or added to. The modification Time and Date is saved and displayed. The Exported Data file will be a TAB delimited text file transferred via a standard comms package, eg ClarisWorks, although a stand alone application maybe written, later To Use Press new for a new form Make any changes % set the sliders to their desired value % choose a name from the list or write in your own choice and then add it to the list with the + button % write in any more notes, double-tap for a keyboard Press save or take advantage of the Autosave feature. % if the Autosave box is checked then the record is saved when you move away from the current record, ie move back, forward or home That's it. You can power off and on without losing data or you place in the data base. This is a Demo application. Appraisal ) 1995 Paul B Jones P.O. box 208 Moora 6510 Western Australia J