Name = ALOHA11 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:ALOHA11 Size:115K Date:12/12/96 Description: Aloha 1.1.1 - Aloha is a Newton email client to access America Online (AOL). Newton users now have a way to retrieve email from AOL when at home, in the office, or wherever their travels might take them. Requirements - Newton 1.x, most modems should work when properly configured. SprintNet access point : other networks will be supported as the market demands. America Online account : you must have an existing AOL account for Aloha to access. Features - Send mail to AOL. Receive mail from AOL. Works with any Newton package that supports text mail messages. Gives AOL users an easy way to pay for Newton shareware. Does not interfere with your NewtonMail account. Works with multiple AOL... Name = ALOHA245 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:ALOHA245 Size: 84K Date: 2/19/98 Description: Aloha 2.45 - Aloha is an email client for Newton PDAs that uploads and downloads email from America Online. New - added AOLGlobalNet Support, fixed incoming email truncation problem, close iobox if less than 20k of heap is free. For OS 2.0 only. Name = ANSWERIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:ANSWERIN Size: 23K Date:11/03/93 Description: AnsweringMachine - This is a program for the Newton, which must be installed with the Newton Connectivity Kit. This is a small program to use with your answering machine. Just enter your individual codes and call back the messages, store a new message.. Its uses about 41KByte on your Newton. Name = APPLELIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:APPLELIN Size: 25K Date: 8/21/95 Description: AppleLink US - AppleLink Phone Numbers. A guide to all of the phone numbers for AppleLink in the US. Includes high speed numbers. In NewtonBook format . Name = AREAS1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:AREAS1 Size: 35K Date: 5/07/95 Description: Areas 1.00 - Areas is a Newton app that allows the user to look up US and Canadian area codes. The state or province that the are code is in and the time zone or time zones that the state or province is in are listed. Areas is free. Since I dont promise to update it as area codes are added, the source code is free too. Name = BEAMBUSC Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEAMBUSC Size: 7K Date: 7/28/95 Description: BeamBusCard 1.0 - Beam Your Business Card! is a simple application that installs a button on your Notepad's statusbar. When you click on it, Beam Your Business Card! finds your business card and selects it for beaming automatically. WHY - It's annoying the current process one has to go through to select one's business card for beaming. Hold on a second, let me get my business card up ... man, Overview is so slow! Okay ... I'm scrolling through ... here it is. And so on ... from this need arose Beam Your Business Card! FEATURES - Notepad button. For easy access. Name = BEAMER1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEAMER1 Size: 11K Date:10/21/94 Description: Beamer 1.0 - The Beamer application is a useful utility for those using Newton Beaming or NewtonMail. Beamer will allow you to fill up the inbox of a friend with items from your notepad, names, calendar or todo. Beamer brings up a list of all the entries in one of these soups and you can beam or mail any set of them to one user by checking off the appropriate items. You can switch soups with the list picker at the lower left corner of the screen. The name was changed to Beamer from BeamMeUp in this version to avoid conflicting with two other applications named BeamMeUp. When beaming, this works best when the person who wants to receive sets their Newton in receive beams automatically. Name = BEAMOMAT Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEAMOMAT Size: 15K Date: 9/26/94 Description: Beam-o-matica - Beam-o-matica is simple. It sends and receives text as straight ASCII via the Newton MessagePad's infrared port. Using this utility a person can send and receive ASCII from the Newton to any machine capable of connecting to a Sharp CE-IR2 serial modem at 9600,8,1,N. SENDING TEXT - Hilight the text to be sent and click the Tx button. RECEIVING TEXT- Click the Rx button. The newton will place any text received via the IR port to where the cursor is currently pointing. To stop receiving click on the Stop button. It's that simple. This application is shareware. By Vernon Huang. Takes up 28k once installed. Name = BEAMPKG1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEAMPKG1 Size: 12K Date:10/19/94 Description: BeamPkg 1.0 - By popular demand, from the makers of MagicApp (trade mark), a Newton program that allows you to beam packages between Newton MessagePads. Packages large and small can now be sent with the tap of a pen. This program only works with the MP110 and MP100. BeamPkg brings the convenience of beaming to the sending and receiving of Newton packages. BeamPkg slices a Newton program up into little pieces and transmits those to a receiving Newton where it is reassembled. When you are sending large packages, make sure you have enough battery power and enough storage space on the receiving Newton. You should allow for 2.5 times the size of the package in free space on the receiving Newton. If you botch a... Name = BEEPME1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEEPME1 Size: 31K Date: 7/03/94 Description: BeepMe 1.00 - BeepMe implements TAP (Telelocator Alphanumeric input Protocol) on a Newt. It allows the user to send alphanumeric pages from a Newt to alpanumeric pagers served by a system that will accept pages in TAP's manaual format. TAP specifies two ways in which pages can be sent, a manual procedure and an automatic procedure. BeepMe implements TAP's manual mode since it's much simpler than the automatic prodecure. BeepMe works with my paging service's implementation of TAP's manual mode. I have no idea about how consistent paging systems' implementations of TAP's manual mode are. Name = BURRITOB Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BURRITOB Size: 15K Date: 4/04/94 Description: Burrito Beamer - This is an interesting Newton app, where you just select the items you want on your burrito, and send you order! Now if your local custom taqueria has a Sharp RY5AR021 Enhanced-Range Infrared Data Receiver and is within range, you can save time by beaming your burrito order ahead of you. If it's still a low-tech operation, you can instead email your order, or if it's particularly quaint, fax it. No support yet for ethernet, since La Costena in Mountain View doesn't support it. User configuration, client-to-client beaming, and client-to-client email with enclosures is not supported in the current version. If both clients have Burrito Beamer installed, beaming and email with enclosures will... Name = BYDATE.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:BYDATE.TXT Size: 65K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Communications file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = BYNAME.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:BYNAME.TXT Size: 65K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Communications file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = CDCHANGE Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:CDCHANGE Size: 21K Date: 2/05/98 Description: CD Changer 1.1 - Sony MegaCD Changer Remote! Select from a list of your CDs and tell your Sony Changer to play it. CD Lists can be easily imported in Newton Book format. Also - automatically name your CDs from your Newton. CD Changer 1.0 will type in the names of your CDs for you. (Only if you CD Changer supports it). NOTE: When naming your CDs, there is a considerable DELAY between it going to that CD, and it naming it. Please be patient. It's also possible that the delay is not long enough, as the Disc Changer must completely change and start playing the Disc before the Naming will work. So far, this has only been tested on the Sony CX255 and CX250. It will likely work with the 100 disc changer (CX205, I think). Also -... Name = CHATBUDD Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:CHATBUDD Size:124K Date: 1/18/98 Description: ChatBuddy 1.6 - is an IRC client for Newton 2.x systems only. 120 and better. Resizable Windows. Multiple channel and multiple server connections. Operates on MessagePad 130, 2000 and eMate 300. DCC Support. Parental controls. Connection list. Emoticon and acronym popups. Full Keyboard support. ChatBuddy costs $30 US. It will run for 14 days and then expire, unless it's paid for. You can register your copy by calling Tactile Systems at 303-841-1114 or ordering online or faxing your order information to 303 804 5968 (fax). Name = CISMAIL2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:CISMAIL2 Size:253K Date: 1/14/97 Description: CompuServe Mail for Newton 1.0.2 - January 6, 1997. This package adds CompuServe mail functionality on Newton MessagePads running Newton OS 2.0. Requires Newton OS 2.0 or later. German Newton OS customers should install the German version of this software. This software will decompress into a package or .PKG file. Use any package installer (for example Newton Backup Utility) to load the software on your MessagePad. The software appears a new menu option in your In Box and Out Box. Version 1.02 of CompuServe Mail for Newton 2.0 fixes the following problems: 1. The login process hangs when using access numbers in Australia and Hong Kong. 2. If your mail font is large, you are unable to view the last part of large... Name = CONNECTA Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:CONNECTA Size: 3K Date: 7/28/95 Description: ConnecTalk - This utility pops up a menu of names of local talk connections (the same list as if you choose Connection, Localtalk, and Choose Macintosh). Tapping an item opens the connection. Tapping off the menu opens the Connection app at the view that lets you tap More Choices. Name = DECINAME Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:DECINAME Size: 83K Date: 7/28/95 Description: DeciNames - On the 10th of October, the dutch PTT Telecom is changing most of the phone and fax numbers in the Netherlands into 10 digits, to allow more numbers. DeciNames will automatically convert your phonenumbers. Watch it, it's a one way street! Het gebruik van DeciNames wijst zich vanzelf. De demoversie zal geen enkele verandering doorvoeren in uw Newton bestanden. U kunt dus naar hartelust uit proberen! Name = DESKTOP Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:DESKTOP Size: 17K Date: 4/05/96 Description: Desktop - Desktop is designed to get information from a 2.0 Newton to a desktop Mac or PC easily. It appears as a transport (like email) and lets you mail items to your PC. Like email this can be either immediate or delayed. Desktop is copyright S. Millman 1996 all rights reserved. It is freeware. Name = DOSTERM Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:DOSTERM Size: 25K Date: 9/24/95 Description: DOSterm - A CTTY device for DOS machines, using a MessagePad. MS-DOS comes with a program called CTTY, which allows you to control a PC via the serial port. This Newton application is a terminal application that uses this feature. Plug the Newton into the serial port via a Null modem cable and enter the following commands into DOS, MODE COM1:1200,N,8,1; CTTY COM1: this will set up the serial port for 1200 baud and switch input and output throught it. The Newton can then issue commands and display the results. Pure Novelty value. It does actually work and it is amazing to see a DOS directory listing in the Newton screen. Name = EASYCONN Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:EASYCONN Size:232K Date: 2/25/97 Description: Easy Connect 2.0 - is a basic terminal emulator that enables you to communicate your Newton Message Pad with remote or local devices, and interchange information. It emulates a simple teletype (TTY) and the basic features of an ANSI terminal (VT100, VT102, etc.) through a Modem or Serial connection. As an only terminal, EasyConnect does not establish SLIP, PPP, or another type of TCP connection in your Newton. Name = EASYCONN Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:EASYCONN Size: 43K Date:10/09/96 Description: EZCD100 - NEWTON MESSAGEPAD VT100 EMULATOR. I have finished the first release of the EasyConnect 1.5 that you have been waiting for. There are three versions: the MP100 version, the MP110 version, and the OS 2.0 version (But only the MP100 version is fully tested), in spanish or english. Improvements like Translation, Smaller font called Minico to get an smaller screen. The floating keyboard sends characters directly to the Host. The floating control keyboard has an editable Unicode character to send those weird ones. And one funky Info button. With this Demo version you can send up to 10 times, words or characters to the host. Then you can connect, loggin and reach reasonable information from your Host. If... Name = EETRANSF Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:EETRANSF Size:487K Date: 6/30/97 Description: EETransfer 1.0 - EETransfer is a fully featured, fully scriptable, Newton 2.xx program from Easter-eggs. It allows you to perform and automate various kinds of connections and data exchanges with any other computer. EETransfer is really a two in one package, aimed at two different kinds of people: power users and VARs / System Integrators. Can connect using a serial cable, a modem, IrDA or AppleTalk. Very well suited for wireless communications. Support the XMODEM, YMODEM and ZMODEM protocols. Can also send and receive data using no protocol. Can connect to any other computer including (but not limited to) DOS, Windows, MacOS, Unix and Newton systems. VT100 Terminal emulation. Screen shots. Can send and... Name = EMAILSER Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:EMAILSER Size: 23K Date: 2/11/97 Description: Email Services 1.2 - saves you time entering email addresses and memory by letting you expand the email services the Newton OS knows about. So you can add your site to the popup list. For example, add a new Catamount service that will append to every outgoing email address. Name = ENOTES1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:ENOTES1 Size:100K Date: 5/20/96 Description: ENotes 1.6b1 - The latest version of the fully featured Internet email client for Apple Newton personal digital assistants. eNotes is a program for your Newton MessagePad that can connect to a UNIX host via modem or serial line and send or receive Internet mail. It also provides a nice interface for reading, sending and organsing your mail. FEATURES - Simple login scripting for connecting to your internet service provider Clear and easy to use interface, Smart text wrapping to overcome the Newton's small screen width Full threading of email items with the same subjects, Runs at up to 57,600 bps with MNP error correction, Works with GSM mobile phones with the appropriate hardware connectors. In short it's the most Name = ENOTES2D Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:ENOTES2D Size: 59K Date:10/04/96 Description: eNotes 2.0 - Development Release 1 is available for interested Newton users. eNotes is a family of email solutions for the Apple Newton devices and the first member of the eNotes 2.0 family is an email client for SMTP/POP3 internet email systems using the Apple Newton Internet Enabler software. This software is a development release of eNotes, and as such, is not yet complete nor ready for serious testing. It is being made freely available to give a preview of what is to become the smallest memory footprint, simplest and most powerful email system for Newton OS2. We strongly discourage you from using it as your main email software. We recommend you continue to use eNotes 1.6. eNotes 2.0 is... Name = EUDORAPR Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:EUDORAPR Size:822K Date: 4/29/97 Description: Eudora Pro 1.0 demo - for Newton provides the ability to send and receive electronic mail with your Newton MessagePad. It is fully integrated with the Newton operating system, allowing you to use virtually any application to send electronic mail. In addition, it allows you to use the built in Names application to quickly and easily address your messages. Eudora Pro for Newton is the premier e-mail companion to your Newton MessagePad, providing you with e-mail access anywhere you can make a connection to your Internet service provider. System Requirements Newton MessagePad 2000, 130 with at least 150K free storage, PPP or SLIP connection Modem that works with MessagePad, Newton Internet Enabler 1.0 or... Name = FARALLON Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:FARALLON Size: 6K Date:12/08/97 Description: Farallon-Ethernet driver - For Newton Computers using Newton OS 2.1 and Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) 2.0 eMate/Newton. Works with Farallon PC card. Farallon can be contacted at 1-800-485-5741. Name = FAXCARD1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:FAXCARD1 Size: 21K Date: 6/04/95 Description: Fax Card 1.0 Demo - Design your card contents in the main display window, where you can write and draw. Fax or print your postcard when done. You can also copy this postcard format to the NotePad. Write or draw, then fax away! Name = FIXEMAIL Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:FIXEMAIL Size: 8K Date:12/13/95 Description: Fix E-Mail Address 1.0 - In the e-mail address field of Names, you can now choose the kind of e-mail address. But if you imported old data into new system, the old e-mail fields are labeled with just E-Mail. Actually, this E-Mail label means that this address is an eWorld account. I don't like this. So this application looks into whole Names entries, then fix the field as it should be. If the field is, then it will be changed to foo labeled with America Online. Unknown address is labeled with Internet or eWorld. Requires Newton OS 2.0. Name = GOFETCH1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:GOFETCH1 Size:220K Date:12/02/97 Description: GoFetch 1.27 demo - Shell & NIE transport. Note that installing these versions of the transports give another 10 days of trial (shortened from 30 days) but it also replaces the transport preferences. This doesn't affect any setup done from the GoFetch Setup program, just the preferences found in the [i] button in the in and out box. All of the GoFetch preferences are now available using the Options button from the connection slip. As before, these options are only set for the current session. To change the preferences for all future sessions, use the preferences in the [i] menu. The option button now pops up a dialog window that contains all of the GoFetch preferences. Choosing the OK button applies the... Name = HELPURL2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:HELPURL2 Size: 38K Date:12/10/96 Description: HelpURL - shows how to add URLs to an about box and create a dynamic help book from HTML. This works best with Newt's Cape installed on NOS 2.0 (though it will also work on 1.x). You can develop an About Box with URLs. Use the protoAboutText object. Modify text, viewFont, etc. as appropriate. Text slot can contain simple HREF expressions only (see example). (For 1.x compatibility, use short lines with no wrapping.) This is processed at compile-time. Name = HIDEEWOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:HIDEEWOR Size: 3K Date: 4/15/96 Description: HideEworld - This package hides eWorld NewtonMail options on Newtons with system 2.0. As eworld no longer exists this NewtonMail option is no longer needed. Name = IMMELTIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:IMMELTIN Size: 7K Date: 7/22/94 Description: I'm Melting 0.0d0 - Has a button which adjusts printing a single card in Names so that it doesn't fall off the bottom of the envelope. Also, plays a sound when you remove your card. For the Newton. Name = INBOXEXP Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:INBOXEXP Size: 5K Date:10/08/94 Description: In Box Expander 1.0 - This is a hack I just came up with so that I can receive large numbers of mail messages on my newt without runnin out of RAM (I've got a 100, and, once the names are on, there's only 'bout 50-60k left.) It has NOT been rigorously tested, so be warned. Don't worry, though, it's pretty benign. It does two things - All incoming stuff (mail and beams) is stored in the default store, rather than the internal RAM. The default store can be set by checking the Store new items on card checkbox in the card slip. The In Box, Out Box, Connection slip and Card slip are now all draggable. Name = INFONOTE Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:INFONOTE Size: 37K Date:12/10/95 Description: InfoNote 1.1 - MPadClub a le plaisir de vous prsenter InfoNote, un tout nouveau service gratuit et EN FRANCAIS pour vous tenir au courant des dernires Infos du Newton! Lutilisation d'InfoNote est simple: Vous connectez un Modem votre Newton et vous appuyez sur le bouton Connexion d'InfoNote!... La connexion se lance, votre Newton se connecte 30 secondes au serveur informatique de MPadClub situ a Lyon (France) et raccroche. En si peu de temps, lessentiel de lactualit Newton a t transfer dans votre Bloc-notes o vous pourrez lire ces Infos, les classer, les imprimer, les tlcopier... MPadClub is proud to introduce InfoNote, a brandnew free service IN FRENCH which allows you to know what's really new in... Name = INKSPOT1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:INKSPOT1 Size:118K Date: 5/15/98 Description: Ink Spot 1.14 - an offline news reader for the Newton. This version implements several new features, including the ability to perform ISO 8859 decoding. This makes Ink Spot the only newsreader for the Newton that can handle umlauts, tildes, and other 8-bit characters. Version 1.08 also works around an intermittent bug with some news servers, in which the server would tell Ink Spot to download articles that were previously downloaded. Find messages containing a word or phrase in the subject or body of an article. Download as many or as few messages as you want. There is no pre-set limit on the number of messages you can download, and a 24K limit on individual messages. Download full headers or discard headers... Name = MAILEDI1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILEDI1 Size: 13K Date:12/14/94 Description: Mail Edit 1.2 - Mail Edit offers a new way to read and reply to email on the Newton. It allows you to read messages in a variety of fonts and sizes, and allows easy access to the keyboard and, if it's installed, Graffiti (commerical prog by Palm Computing). It also makes use of more of the screen, allowing you to edit more of a message at once. To access the address information on outgoing mail, click on the Address button. To load a package attached to a mail message (the package name will be right below the message text) click on the action slip and then select Load Attachment. If you want a 'signature' on your messages click on the Address button and enter some text into the Signature field. Name = MAILFIX0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILFIX0 Size: 5K Date: 6/03/94 Description: MailFix 0.41d8 - Fixes two deliberate NewtonMail bugs - It makes NewtonMails views non-floating, so that the clipboard and things like Erica Saduns Figgles keyboard are no longer disabled, and sets (after a delay) the font and size to your default. Use with caution. Sometimes works only partially in Dates. There are two other design errors I couldnt fix - Undo isnt supported when you need it most, and the Close box sometimes means Save Changes and sometimes means Discard Changes. The conjunction of these last two NewtonMail misfeatures and MailFixs working only partially in Dates can be particularly annoying. Version 0.40d1 now works with NewtonMail 1.2b. This is a beta. Freeware by Name = MAILJAM Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILJAM Size: 6K Date:10/18/95 Description: MailJam - This removes the mail items from the Newton's internal queue that the Newton still thinks it needs to download. If you break the receiving mail connection in the middle of a large file the Newton keeps track of this and wants to help you out by starting off where it left off the last time. This can become a problem especially if it is a very large file and you are using a MP0 or MP100 with very limited internal ram. So, this package will remove the items from the Newton queue so that you can download the next message. Name = MAILNUMB Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILNUMB Size: 29K Date: 1/06/94 Description: Mail Numbers 1.0demo - With a NewtonMail account, a Newton, a modem, and a phone line you can stay in touch no matter where you go. Unfortunately, accessing NewtonMail while you are on the go isn't as easy as using the Newton itself. The biggest problem is that, as you move around the country, the phone number you have to dial to access NewtonMail changes from city to city. Of course, Apple provides a booklet listing all of the current NewtonMail phone numbers for each city, but that booklet takes up valuable travel space. Wouldn't it be great if there were a piece of Newton software that would let you change your NewtonMail phone number with just a few taps of the pen? Well there is! And, you just... Name = MAILPHON Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILPHON Size: 19K Date: 3/30/95 Description: MailPhones 0.9 - MailPhones maintains a soup of NewtonMail access telephone numbers and allows you to change your current access number easily. When the app starts up for the first time it looks for your current location and NewtonMail access telephone number (as set in Time Zones and Prefs) and creates a soup with those items as the only entry. Perhaps it is an unjustified assumption that the two go together, but you can edit either or both if you need to. After the first time that MailPhones starts up, it checks the list of cities and local access numbers that you've told it about and displays the city name (if it knows it) that goes with the telephone number that's currently specified for NewtonMail. Name = MAILSAVE Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILSAVE Size: 18K Date: 6/02/94 Description: MailSaver 1.41 - MailSaver is a one-stop NewtonMail assistant. It gives you access to your inbox, outbox, sprintnet access number (including keeping a list of your frequently used access numbers). It can put away mail enclosures, save the text of a message to a new notepad entry, and strip internet routing headers from messages before saving them. MailSaver is shareware. Please give it a try, tell me what you think, pass it on, and register your copy (if you use it, which i'm sure you will). Copyright 1993-94 by Simeon Leifer. Name = MEMOFAX Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MEMOFAX Size: 21K Date: 7/20/94 Description: MemoFax - Memo Fax is an easy to use shareware memo faxing program, and includes complete documentation. It'll even look in your address book for fax numbers! This version is limited. You can only enter two memoes. I figure that is enough to get a feel for it and yet not be able to really use it for an extended period of time. Name = MHZ2144 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MHZ2144 Size: 7K Date:12/05/95 Description: Mhz2144 - This folder contains a modem setup for the Megahertz 2144 PC Card for use with Modem Enabler 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) and this document. Please install Apple Modem Enabler 1.0(or later?) for Newton. After you installed Modem Enabler, then you can install the setup package. Once the setup is installed, go to the Modem preference and select the Megahertz 2144 PC item from the Connect with pop-up. That's it, now faxing and Newton email will use your Megahertz 2144 PC Card. Name = MODEMBRI Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:MODEMBRI Size: 30K Date: 9/18/97 Description: ModemBridge 2.6 - this version is unlocked until midnight, October 31st, 1997. At that time, ModemBridge will still work, but only up to 9600 baud. After that time, you will have to register ModemBridge to regain full functionality. ModemBridge (MB) allows another computer to access your Newton's PCMCIA Modem via serial port. This is useful if you don't have the budget for both a PCMCIA modem and a desktop modem. Or you may have a laptop on the road which doesn't have a modem or PCMCIA slot. MB will iconify, allowing you to use your Newton for other tasks, while your desktop/laptop machine is using the modem. Requirements ModemBridge requires Newton OS 2 and a serial connection to a computer (minimum for... Name = MODEMMO1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:MODEMMO1 Size: 27K Date: 2/24/96 Description: Modem Modifier - 2.01 by DMP Systems - Modem Modifier v2.01 is a shareware program. It lets you change the modem parameters for Newton NOS 2.0 . For 1.x Newtons, use Modem Modifier v1.12. Modem Modifier relies on the documented format of a modem setup as defined in the Newton Developer Technical Support Sample Code for making a modem setup. It's really a simple format. This documentation is based on the information supplied in the sample code and other sources. It may not be complete and is subject to change. I've also found where the internal modem setups are stored and allow you to copy them. The location of them may change in future Newton OS's. Name = MODEMMOD Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MODEMMOD Size: 22K Date: 3/12/95 Description: Modem Mod 1.12 - Modem Mod is a shareware program. It lets you change the modem parameters for installed modems. It has been tested on a MP100 and 110. Modem Mod relies on the as yet, totally undocumented format (to me) of a modem setup. I gleaned the information by looking in the soup that holds the modem setup and altering parameters and seeing what they do. Should work just fine as it's really a simple format. Install one of the Modem Packages that came with Modem Enabler. You are going to alter it. If you didn't install one, Modem Mod will alert you. Launch Modem Mod and wait a few seconds for it to set itself up, read the modem entry, display the splash screen. Change parameters to what you want. The changes... Name = NAREACOD Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NAREACOD Size: 19K Date: 2/28/95 Description: NAreaCodes 0.4 - This app is a Formula template. That is, it installs itself in the Newton's Forumulas app list. This is where you'll normally find the metric and currency converters and the loan calculators. Now, you'll have an area code lookup database in there as well. There is one field for you to enter an area code. Enter one and tap the Find button to the right of the entry field. nAreaCodes will lookup that area code and display what area is covered by that code. If you enter an invalid or unknown area code, it will display Not found. This app will expire 30 days after you install it. Name = NDIAL0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NDIAL0 Size: 22K Date: 2/28/95 Description: NDial 0.7 - This app adds a louder and adjustable length touch-tone (DTMF) dialer to your Newton. It will evolve a bit more, but these are the first renditions. When you open nDial, enter a number to dial, set the length desired for the tones and tap the Dial button. It will create tones up to 4 seconds in length, but this is dependent on how much free heap space your Newton has at dialing time. Slide to the left for quick .25 second tones or to the right for up to 4 second tones. Commas and dashes are supported and will create 500 and 50 millisecond pauses. All ASCII text characters are mapped as they appear on a normal phone. The letters Q and Z are mapped to dial a 1. It will expire 30 days after you install... Name = NETLOOK1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NETLOOK1 Size: 14K Date: 3/28/94 Description: Netlook 1.01 - Netlook lets you build a soup of NBP entities you can get the Newton Mini-Chooser to search for. The entity records can be mailed, beamed, printed or faxed although none of these have yet been tested and probably fail horribly. There are a couple of other programs that do similar things to Netlook, but I wanted the practice programming and I wanted to make it nice and easy to configure. There is also a certain amount of use in being able to mail or beam (I hope) the records to other people. Name = NETPOLL1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NETPOLL1 Size: 13K Date:11/30/96 Description: Net Poll 1.0 - also known as NetNames AppleTalk Poll is a simple to use network diagnostic utility that displays and polls named devices on AppleTalk. NetNames has been on many 'Best Newton Shareware' lists. It is useful for Network system administrators to troubleshoot AppleTalk networks. Newton users trying to print or use the Connection Kit, Newton Backup Utility or the Newton Package Downloader over an unknown network. Users setting up Wireless Network devices. In order for the Connection Kit, Newton Backup Utility or the Newton Package Downloader to display an AppleTalk name, they must be setup for AppleTalk and be waiting for the Newton. Otherwise they will not register their name on the network,... Name = NETPOLL2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:NETPOLL2 Size: 12K Date:11/30/96 Description: Net Poll 2.0 - also known as NetNames AppleTalk Poll is a simple to use network diagnostic utility that displays and polls named devices on AppleTalk. NetNames has been on many 'Best Newton Shareware' lists. It is useful for Network system administrators to troubleshoot AppleTalk networks. Newton users trying to print or use the Connection Kit, Newton Backup Utility or the Newton Package Downloader over an unknown network. Users setting up Wireless Network devices. In order for the Connection Kit, Newton Backup Utility or the Newton Package Downloader to display an AppleTalk name, they must be setup for AppleTalk and be waiting for the Newton. Otherwise they will not register their name on the network,... Name = NEWTFTP2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:NEWTFTP2 Size:118K Date: 3/20/98 Description: NewtFTP 2.0 - is a FTP client for NewtonOS based devices. It requires NewtonOS 2.0 or greater and Newton Internet Enabler(NIE). NewtFTP allows you to send files to and recieve files from FTP servers. Download packages, web pages, and text files. You can upload almost anything from you your Newton device as a text file or as a Newton Object. Uploading items as Newton Objects alows you to send Name Cards, notes, NewtWorks documents, and packages (to name a few) to other users of NewtFTP. Think of it as long distance beaming. Name = NEWTONMA Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NEWTONMA Size: 34K Date:11/03/94 Description: NewtonMail Modules 1.01 - Over the last several months, many of you asked us for a number of enhancements to NewtonMail. In order to provide you with an immediate solution to your most frequent requests, we have developed a set of NewtonMail Modules which are enclosed. These modules give you an immediate upgrade path for NewtonMail which will be supported and integrated within future releases of NewtonMail. The included document gives an overview of the current functionality of these NewtonMail Modules. The modules are an addition to the existing mail software that is built into your Newton ROM. The Newton Connection Kit is required in order to install the modules in this folder. Copyright Apple Computer.... Name = NEWTONW1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NEWTONW1 Size: 84K Date: 4/11/95 Description: Newton WWW 1.1 Demo - Before you start downloading the browser please make sure that you have a DIGITAL Alpha or a SUN Workstation with an internet connection somewhere and access to them via a serial or a telephone line. If not, you can install the Newton package on your PDA, but you only can use it in demo-mode. The browser provides textual data presentation as well as image display or searchable index handling. Moreover users are able to store the information in the build in notebook, to print it or redistribute it by mail or by fax. Works on a 100, and now the 110 and 120 screen sizes. Name = NEWTTERM Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:NEWTTERM Size: 23K Date: 9/15/97 Description: NewtTerm is a terminal program I wrote for my Newton 100. It doesn't support VT100 or anything fancy like that. But it does let me log into my ISP and check my unix based email. Most of the code was stripped from Apples sample source. Its kinda amazing it works. Compiled the .pkg with the NTK v1.6.1. The source remains the same. Name = NEXCHANG Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NEXCHANG Size: 19K Date: 2/28/95 Description: nExchanges MD 0.1 - nExchanges.MD is a Formula panel of Maryland telephone exchanges. If you need to look up an exhange, then this is for you. This allows you to find out where a telephone number is located. Simply enter the first 3 digits of the number and nExchanges will tell you where that number is located. This version is for Maryland only, no other areas are available at this time, but soon... Shareware. Name = NHTTPD Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:NHTTPD Size: 55K Date:11/25/96 Description: nHTTPd - I'm pleased to announce that the first version of nHTTPd, a Newton Web Server, is stable enough for folks to experiment with. nHTTPd, documentation, and source code are now available at for those interested. As with all of our efforts, these packages are available as-is and free of charge. It should probably be stated up front that these packages are of primary interest to developers, rather than end users... but if you're interested in writing plug-ins to serve Web documents from your Newton, or add sounds to your Newton's sound registry, come on by and check 'em out! Name = OPTIMA14 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:OPTIMA14 Size: 7K Date:12/05/95 Description: Optima 144 - This folder contains a modem setup for the Hayes Optima 144 + FAX PCMCIA FAX/MODEM crad for use with Modem Enabler 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) and this document. Please install Apple Modem Enabler 1.0(or later?) for Newton. After you installed Modem Enabler,then you can install the setup package. Once the setup is installed, go to the Modem preference and select the Hays Optima 14'4 item from the Connect with pop-up. That's it, now faxing and Newton email will use your Hayes Optima 144 + FAX PCMCIA FAX/MODEM crad. Name = OZTEL1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:OZTEL1 Size: 10K Date: 2/27/95 Description: OzTel v1.1 - This (version 1.1) is the third_version of the first OzNUG group programming project - a program to convert current Australian telephone numbers to Austel's new 8 digit numbering scheme. Yes, all Australian Telephone numbers are changing to 8 (eight, count 'em!) over the next three or four years, with many areas in the major cities of Sydney & Melbourne changing by July 1995! At the same time, many area codes are changing to a much simplified two-digit code (e.g. all of NSW will be 02, all of Victoria 03 etc). Version 1.1 works for ALL numbers (i.e. it will convert any valid Australian number, as long as it is entered with the both area code and number). Name = PAGEXPRE Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:PAGEXPRE Size: 65K Date: 6/15/95 Description: PageXpress 3.1 - PageXpress is an application that lets you send pages to Apple Wireless Messaging subscribers from your Newton. PageXpress also lets you send the same message to multiple subscribers at the same time. The application is quite simple to use, once you've configured your recipient list. To do so select Manage Recipients after tapping on the action button. The Recipient Manager window will appear and you can Add or Delete entries. You can also edit an existing entry by double-tapping on the entry in the Recipient Manager list. To send a page, select the recipients you want the message to go to, write in a message or select one from the popup menu, make sure your modem is ready and select Send... Name = PAGINGTR Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PAGINGTR Size: 62K Date: 4/16/96 Description: Paging Transport - This is an extension that installs a communications transport which can be used with most paging services (SkyTel, MobileComm, etc..) using Telecator Access Protocol (TAP). It can also read messages from the Socket Communications PageCard. Some of the other features include: 1) The ability to poll the pager for new messages. 2) A backdrop application button (in the status bar) for easy access to checking your messages on the pager. 3) CardFile (Names) lookup. When a message comes in with just a phone number, the number is matched against phone number combinations found in the Names soup. If a match is found, useful information from the Names entry is added to the message and displayed.... Name = PAPERBOY Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PAPERBOY Size:102K Date: 1/17/98 Description: PaperBoy 1.5 - is a threaded offline newsreader for the Newton that uses NIE (Newton Internet Enabler). Requires Newton MessagePad running 2.x OS. Paperboy is shareware, with a built in 30 day demo period. Name = PERSONTO Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PERSONTO Size: 13K Date:12/28/95 Description: Person To Co - For those of you who've migrated their names file over from a 1.X Newton, you may have noticed the inability to change a Person's name card into a Company card, and vice versa. In addition, you may have created a name card and decided to change it into the other type. Person <-> Co. solves this problem. It provides a list of all the names in your names file, with an iconic representation of their type to the left of the name. You can tap on the icon to pop up a list of available types (currently only Person and Company) and choose a new type. Tapping on the name itself will open the card file to that name. Requires Newton Operating System 2.0. Name = PHONESER Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PHONESER Size: 22K Date: 2/11/97 Description: Phone Services 1.2 - lets you modify the phone popup. (Phone, Home, Work, Tech Support, Secretary, Vacation, Parent's). Name = PIZZABEA Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:PIZZABEA Size: 13K Date:12/02/94 Description: PizzaBeamer 0.2 - Allows you to fax, email, or beam a pizza order. Contains click boxes, just click on the ingredients, write in any extra info, and click fax! Shareware $5; expires after one month. You can pay for this and other shareware using Register. Name = PLUSPLUS Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PLUSPLUS Size: 48K Date: 1/06/97 Description: Plus plus Volume 1.11 - is a small extension to increase Newton's volume when you dial phone numbers. It does this by patching the O/S . It also uses it's own set of touch tone sounds as the ones in ROM don't sound so good when the volume in increased. This may be why Apple LOWERS the volume to 1/2 maximum (no matter what you have the sound level set) when dialing. ++Volume will set the volume to the loudest setting before dialing. After dialing the volume is reset to what it was. ++Volume is shareware and has a fee of $10. It will expire 45 days after installation if unregistered. Requires OS 2.x. Name = PM288MT Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:PM288MT Size: 7K Date:12/05/95 Description: PM288MT - This folder contains a modem setup for the Practical Peripherals 28'8 MT for use with Modem Enabler 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) and this document. Please install Apple Modem Enabler 1.0(or later?) for Newton. After you installed Modem Enabler,then you can install the setup package. Once the setup is installed, go to the Modem preference and select the PM288MT item from the Connect with pop-up. That's it, now faxing and Newton email will use your Practical Peripherals 28'8 MT. This modem setup is freeware. Name = POSTOFFI Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:POSTOFFI Size: 49K Date: 7/02/96 Description: PostOffice 3.0 - is an Aloha add-on package which allows you to easily configure the phone access number for AmericaOnline access from Aloha. Aloha is the AmericaOnline email solution by Catamount Software. PostOffice 3.0 is the ideal configuration utility for those who travel extensively and need to frequently change access numbers. PostOffice 3.0 allows you to select the network, state, city, and local access number from listpickers. Once selected, PostOffice configures Aloha to use the chosen settings. You no longer have to maintain notes, or access numbers in your Names application. PostOffice is shareware $15.00 and includes online help. PostOffice 3.0 is usable on Newton OS2.0 only. Name = POSTOFFI Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:POSTOFFI Size: 25K Date: 5/23/95 Description: Post Office 2.0 - Post Office allows you to maintain, and switch between sets of NewtonMail locations and access numbers. It came about because I do a lot of commuting and I got tired of manually changing the NewtonMail phone number every morning and switching it back when I got home. To Run Post Office - Install on your MessagePad in the normal way (NCK, NTK, Package Downloader, etc.) Open Extras drawer. Tap on the Post Office icon. Read the online help for detailed use information. Post Office is a Newton app developed using Steve Weyer's Newt development environment (ver 3.0). Name = POUR Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:POUR Size: 19K Date:12/11/93 Description: Pour - Pour is a little utility that will allow you to choose any soup from the available stores on your Newt (or an onion er union soup if you have a card) and will pour it down the serial port at 9600-8-N-1. Pour sends the soup as text, with frames enclosed between braces and their entries labeled and arrays enclosed between square brackets. Pour came about for two reasons. First, I wrote a little app to keep track of the hours I spend working for my various clients (anyone who would like a copy, please ask I haven't distributed it just because I haven't yet decided just what I want to do with it) and then realized that I probably didn't want to let the data accumulate in my Newt forever. Hence Pour! Name = PT100101 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PT100101 Size:137K Date:12/13/97 Description: PT100 1.01 - is a VT100 emulator for the Newton capable of both Modem sessions and Direct Serial sessions. In addition, PT100 is the only VT100 emulator on the Newton capable of providing Telnet capability with Newton Internet Enabler (NIE). PT100 requires Newton OS 2.X and supports and takes advantage of many of the advanced features of the eMate 300 and the MP2000. For telnet access, an MP130, MP2000 or an eMate 300 is recommended. Name = PURL10 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PURL10 Size:433K Date:11/14/96 Description: pURL Demo version 1.0.1 - November 1996. This is a demo version of pURL, an URL manager for the Newton platform. Why use a Newton device to organize and communicate and not have a cool place to keep your URLs? The more you integrate the net into your life, the more you need an organized way to quickly get to the resources. pURL lets you create this organization using drag and drop capabilities. pURL's features include Hierarchical, nested folder metaphor for storing URLs. Tap an URL to launch the associated NIE based application. Import bookmarks from Netscape Navigator, NetHopper and Newt's Cape. Import subscribed news groups from Newt'sPaper. Export URLs to Newt's Cape. URLCop compatible. The demo version is... Name = SAYONARA Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SAYONARA Size: 3K Date: 3/19/96 Description: Sayonara eWorld!.pkg - eWorld will be shut down on March 31, 1996. So is there some reason there's eWorld mail client in your Newton? This small auto part will kill it. You'll never see eWorld selective on your mail slip. If, for some reason, you need eWorld client AFTER you install Sayonara eWorld!, just remove this package and then restart your Newton. Requires Newton OS 2.0 with eWorld client installed. Name = SENDMYBI Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:SENDMYBI Size: 14K Date: 5/28/94 Description: SendMyBizCard 1.5 - Send My Biz Card is a small app that lets you create an entry in your Names cardfile using the information in your 'Personal' preferences or just select an existing one. It remembers this card and whenever you want to send your electronic business card, just open 'Send My Biz Card' and hit the 'Beam' button. No more need to search for your card with the find function or a lot of taps on the screen. Name = SETCLOCK Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SETCLOCK Size: 13K Date:12/20/95 Description: SetClock 2.1 - SetClock is a small program for Newton OS 2.0 that calls one of three time servers, and sets your Newton PDA's clock to a standard time. I suggest filing SetClock in your Setup folder and referencing it as necessary. SetClock uses Newton intelligence to figure out where you are and adjust GMT time to your local time zone. SetClock is simple to use, but provides on-line help if necessary. Name = SHOWMATE Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SHOWMATE Size: 55K Date: 1/13/98 Description: ShowMate 2.1 - is a fully scriptable and schedulable remote control featuring several unique features, such as combined equipment management, alarm scheduling, creation of scripts (software programs), and design of custom remote controls. ShowMate supports several brands including Sony, Philips, Panasonic, JVC and Yamaha. In total, there are over 1300 different infrared commands available within ShowMate. Requirements - Newton OS 2.x or higher. About 115 kilobytes free RAM. Name = SHOWMATE Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:SHOWMATE Size: 44K Date: 1/17/97 Description: ShowMate Remote Control - is a fully scriptable and schedulable remote control featuring several unique features, such as combined equipment management, alarm scheduling, creation of scripts, and design of custom remote controls. MyRemote Control: Allows you to create custom remote controls Panasonic Support: Over 100 supported Panasonic codes for audio and video Enhanced Operation: Combine BOTH Panasonic and Sony codes together. New Commands: Repeat Last Command & Delay functions ShowMate supports the following equipment: Sony (North America) AUDIO: Amplifiers, Tuners, CD players, DAT players, TAPE players, PHONO players, VIDEO: Televisions, VTRs, Laserdisc (LD), Video Cameras Panasonic (North... Name = SHOWTIME Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:SHOWTIME Size: 32K Date:11/16/95 Description: ShowTime - Sine of the Times, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of ShowTime, the Newton's first fully scriptable and schedulable remote control. ShowTime offers easy management of multiple electronic components, alarm scheduling, and creation of scripts (software programs). Currently only modern Sony equipment is supported. In total, there are over 400 different infrared commands available within ShowTime. ShowTime provides full functionality for - Sony Amplifiers, Sony Tuners, Sony Compact Disc (CD) Players, Sony Digital Audio Tape (DAT) Players, Sony Cassette Tape (TAPE) Players, Sony Phono Players, Sony Televisions, Sony Video Tape Recorders (VTR), Sony LaserDisc (LD) Players, and Sony... Name = SHUFFLER Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SHUFFLER Size: 30K Date:11/14/96 Description: Shuffler 1.0b4 - is a bookmarks organizer for the Newton OS2.0. Shuffler lets you add, remove, edit and route bookmarks that reside in Avanti's bookmark soup. Besides handling the bookmarks as already described you are now able to launch bookmarks directly from Shuffler. Shuffler will open an internet application on your Newton that is the most suitable for the given URL, a http URL will activate an Internet browser and a news URL will activate a News reader etc. You are also able to launch and add URL's directly from the notepad or where you you might find one. Name = SIMPLEMA Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SIMPLEMA Size: 76K Date: 2/24/98 Description: SimpleMail 2.21 - is a Newton e-mail transport that lets you send and receive messages over the internet using POP/SMTP. It uses the Newton Internet Enabler (NIE), so it will only work with Newton 2.0 or better. It works with MP120, MP130, MP2000 and eMate. It's compact, taking up only 80K store space. Best of all, it's free! Name = SLOUP2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:SLOUP2 Size:192K Date: 1/08/98 Description: Sloup 2.1 - transfers paragraphs or tab-delimited text between a text file and Newton soup entries via a terminal emulator and serial connection; print values and errors to terminal. Feature Summary: transfer desktop text to/from Notes (and Outlines and Checklists on NOS 2.x) and NewtWorks (2.x), import/export Names (examples provided), import/export tab-delimited data via your desktop terminal emulator, use your desktop keyboard to enter text on your Newton, transfer graphics for applications in Newt Development Environment and books in Newt's Cape, upload 2.x packages to Unix, versions for 1.x and 2.x Newtons; German version avail. Sloup is shareware ($10). Registered users receive access to versions... Name = SMSMAILE Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SMSMAILE Size: 36K Date: 7/23/96 Description: SMS Mailer 1.0 - for Newton is a new package for Newton 2.0 devices, designed to work in conjunction with the Nokia 2110 family of GSM phones through the Nokia Cellular Datacard DTP-2. The program allows the user to compose and send SMS messages to the screen of the receiver's GSM phone. The application works like the while you were out popular notes, allowing easy composing of messages. Also, the destination list stores the last used numbers, and work integrated with the names info to select the receiver or receivers. Can manage group messages and multi-destination messages. Shareware: 48 USD. Unregistered version works in full (only inserts a banner at the beginning of each message). Can be... Name = SMSNOKIA Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SMSNOKIA Size: 13K Date: 9/08/96 Description: SMSNOKIA 0.2 - only for Newton OS 2.0 or higher. SMSNOKIA is designed for the NOKIA Cellular Data Card (DTP-2) and the NOKIA Cellular Phone 2110. SMSNOKIA sends Short Messages form a Cellular Phone to another Cellular Phone. SMSNOKIA is now also able to read all new messages out of the phones memory into the Notepad. The maximum length of a message is 160 chars, longer messages will be truncated to that size. Future releases of SMSNOKIA may also allow other gateways like Cellular -> Pager or Cellular -> Fax. Name = SONYREMO Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:SONYREMO Size: 19K Date: 8/24/94 Description: SonyRemote 1.01 - SonyRemote is a Newton Compatible application that allows you to use the InfraRed transmitter on a Newton to control some Sony consumer electronics devices. The VCR codes control a Sony Beta VCR from the reports I have received. Most codes from the CD player, Tape Deck, Television, Amplifier and Tuner work, I think the shift is non-functional on the tuner. I have left it in just in case it works on someone's tuner. The volume control also appears to behave very slowly (at least for me) on the tuner. It should remember the position on the screen and the last used remote between uses. I got SonyRemote to work 22 feet away! Name = TEKIO1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:TEKIO1 Size: 14K Date: 5/20/95 Description: TekIO 1.1 Demo - TekIO is a faceless application that facilitates text import/export via the serial port for the Notepad application - Exporting text - connect the serial cable, startup the receiving software, select Text out in the Notepad's Action menu. That's it! The serial port parameters are not configurable; they are 9600-N-8-1 with software flow control. TekIO may conflict with other Newton applications that hack the Notepad's Action Menu. TekIO will play the crumple sound after it finishes importing/exporting text and is closing the connection. Don't send large ( > 4kbyte ) text files, they seem to break the Notepad application. Name = TERM2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:TERM2 Size: 27K Date:12/09/95 Description: Term 2.2 - Term2.2 is a simple terminal application for the Newton. Use this as you would a simple terminal emulation, in TTY or TEXT mode. 1200, 2400, 9600, no Handshakes, 8+1 no parity. This app uses the Monaco 9pt font, but it will use the system 9pt font if Monaco 9 cannot be found. Straight TEXT, no ANSI, no VT100 Or NewtonOS 2. Name = TTU0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:TTU0 Size: 31K Date:12/14/95 Description: TTU 3.2E - transForm Transfer Utility (TTU) is a free helper application that allows you to transfer transForm entries from Newton to a desktop computer via a serial connection and a standard terminal emulator. To test/use the software you will need the following - A MessagePad 100, MessagePad 110, MessagePad 120, Motorola Marco, or a MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0. A serial cable to connect your Newton to your desktop computer. A terminal emulation program that runs on your desktop computer. 1.x and 2.0 savvy. Name = TVPAD0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:TVPAD0 Size: 18K Date: 8/09/94 Description: TVPAD 0.9 - TVPad is a scriptable remote control for the Emerson VCR and Magnavox TV. There is also an area for Mitsubishi TV and Sony TV, but I'm not sure they work yet. Pick a remote, and control the on/off, volume, and channels for your TV. There are also programmable buttons for your favorite channels such as MTV, PBS... The scripting is a little like modem strings. So, V+ C23 might mean, Up the volume and switch to channel 23. Uses the infrared on the Newton. Name = USRSPORT Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:USRSPORT Size: 6K Date: 3/07/95 Description: USRSport - This folder contains a modem setup for the external USR Sportster modem for use with Version 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) modem enabler. It should work with both the PC version and the Mac & Fax version of the modem. I believe that it will work with the USR Courier modems. Install the modem enabler (found at the usual ftp sites) using the provided instructions. After the modem enabler is installed you can install various modem setups. This file contains a setup for the USR Sportster modem and will add a line to the Connect with and Remove Modem Setup items in the modem preferences. Now faxing and newton email will use your external USR Sportster modem. Name = VIDEOPHO Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:VIDEOPHO Size: 19K Date:12/16/96 Description: Videophone.pkg - Newton as telephone for deaf people. We just have completed the project, that was originally intended to help deaf poeple to commucnicate with each other. It makes possible for them to use telephone. All they need - Newton and modem - after connecting they get a virtual piece of paper where they can write to each other. We have also made a support for Infrared port on Newton. This makes possible to exchange pictured information on-line via infrared. Well, this has a lot of applications - You can secretly talk to Your partner sitting right opposite to You during important meeting, during the same meeting You can play X-0's and other funny games that You normally play on a piece... Name = VTKFORNE Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:VTKFORNE Size:147K Date: 3/22/95 Description: VTK for Newton Shareware 1.0 - Welcome to Abbate Video's VTK for Newton! With this package, you can control popular consumer and professional VCRs, with feedback, right from your Newton. Just load the software, connect the control module, and control and log your footage the easy way! If you do not have the control module yet, you can use VTK for Newton as a real-time logging utility. VTK for Newton is more than a simple IR remote replacement. VTK for Newton provides two way communication with the camcorder or VCR. This two way connection lets you create a time log of counter or timecode numbers with just a tap on the Newton. Furthermore, VTK for Newton seamlessly integrates into the Newton... Name = WEBEXTEN Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:WEBEXTEN Size: 9K Date: 8/21/96 Description: Web Extensions - for Newton 2.0 use the NetHopper API available from to extend the functionality of your Newton in two useful ways. Primarily, I wrote the package to give me quick access to AltaVista(; with this package installed, in addition to finding materials on your Newton PDA with the Newton Find slip, you can also select a Web option, which performs an AltaVista search on the topic you've entered. It'll also provide some quick-launch tools from the default caret menu, so you can easily select and browse a URL you've noted down. Web Extensions requires a Newton 2.0 running NetHopper 2.0 or later. It has been tested on an MP120 and an MP130. Name = WEBJUMP1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:WEBJUMP1 Size: 6K Date: 5/04/97 Description: WebJump 1.2 - allows you to launch URLs from within the Names application of your MessagePad(tm). WebJump(tm) requires NOS2.x and will not run on pre-NOS2.x systems. Also, because it launches URLs, it assumes you have NIE installed, as well as a web browser. WebJump works with the following browsers: NewtsCape and NetHopper. If you have both installed, it will use NewtsCape. WebJump also lets you send a URL from Names to a URL repository program such as pURL or Shuffler. Name = WORDADAY Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:WORDADAY Size: 42K Date: 1/11/96 Description: WordADay 1.02 - WordADay is a Newton package that lets you build your vocabulary and internal dictionary one word a day. It does so by obtaining words from an Internet server via NewtonMail (eWorld) or AmericaOnline (using HardyMacia's Aloha package). Once words are retrieved, they can be stored internally in the WordADay database (soup), or added to the recognition dictionary of the Newton. Each word comes complete with a definition and occassionally a quote/comment from the A.Word.A.Day internet server. Words can be printed, faxed, mailed, or even beamed to another Newton running WordADay. WordADay supports scrolling using the up/down arrows of the Newton, as well as supporting the Find function,... Name = YAPI1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:YAPI1 Size: 41K Date:10/03/95 Description: YAPI 1.02 - YAPI is a Newton application that transfers packages to the Newton using the Xmodem protocol. Since it does not require MNP or AppleTalk, as other package downloaders do, packages can be sent from communications software available on most PCs and workstations. Connect a cable between the host and the Newton (more about cables below). Start the comms software on the host (PROCOMM, Zterm, sb, ..., whatever can do Xmodem). Setup the comms software to do Xmodem transfers with 128 byte blocks and checksum error detection. Initiate the Xmodem transfer on the host, then click on the Download button in the YAPI window on the Newton. There is a progress bar in the YAPI window that gives a rough estimate... Name = ZYXEL Path = PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:ZYXEL Size: 6K Date: 3/07/95 Description: ZyXEL - This folder contains a modem setup for the external ZyXEL modem for use with Version 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) modem enabler. I believe that it will work with the Newton Mail but I have no confirmation of that as of yet. I'm pretty sure that it will not allow you to fax because of an incompatibility. The Newton requires Class 1 Fax commands and the ZyXEL doesn't seem to support these. If you get faxing to work I would appreciate some email so that I can update the documentation. After the modem enabler is installed you can install various modem setups. This file contains a setup for the ZyXEL modem and will add a line to the Connect with and Remove Modem Setup items in the modem...