WebJump(tm) 1.2 --------------- WebJump(tm) allows you to launch URLs from within the Names application of your MessagePad(tm). WebJump(tm) requires NOS2.x and will not run on pre-NOS2.x systems. Also, because it launches URLs, it assumes you have NIE installed, as well as a web browser. WebJump(tm) 1.0 works with the following browsers: NewtsCape and NetHopper. If you have both installed, it will use NewtsCape. WebJump(tm) 1.0 also lets you send a URL from Names to a URL repository program such as pURL or Shuffler. IMPORTANT ASSUMPTIONS: 1 - URLs are stored in a Custom field called RURLS. and/or 2 - Standalone SoftwareUs PersonalURL is installed. HOW TO USE WebJump(tm): 1- Install WebJump(tm) -- it will show up in your Extras/Extensions drawer. 2- Open Names. 3- Tap on the RWJS button. If the current name card has a URL attached, it will display a picker with (3) items: - Open URL - Send to URL Registry - About a) Open URL will open another picker listing all of the URLs on the card, you can then select a given URL and your web browser will launch to that site. b) Send to URL Registry works the same as (a) but the URL is sent to the installed registry program. NOTE: It will show up under the personUs name in the URL registry in first/last format. c) Brings up program version information. If no URLs are attached to the current card, a notification will be displayed telling you so. REMOVING WebJump(tm): To remove WebJump(tm) open the Extras/Extensions folder and delete the WBJMP:SKoren icon. REVISION HISTORY: 1.1 - Support for Standalone SoftwareUs PersonalURL. 1.2 - Auto-thaw and freeze of frozen web browsers. Contact: archimag@netaxs.com -----END----