Shuffler 1.0b4 1996-09-28 -------------------------- This program is $20 shareware. Swedish users read the notice at the bottom! Welcome! -------- Avanti would like to welcome you as a new user of Shuffler. We hope that you will find Shuffler as useful as we want it to be. Please let us know if you have any concerns regarding Shuffler. Avanti is a small Swedish group aiming to develop effective and easy to use software for the emerging PDA market. Avanti was founded in Paris, 1996. Fredrik Holmen and Felix Hagno What is Shuffler? ----------------- Shuffler is an URL organizer for the Newton OS2.0. Shuffler lets you add, remove, edit and route bookmarks that reside in Avanti's bookmark soup. Besides handling the bookmarks as already described you are now able to launch bookmarks directly from Shuffler. Shuffler will open an internet application on your Newton that is the most suitable for the given URL, a http URL will activate an Internet browser and a news URL will activate a News reader etc... If Shuffler is in the "ShuffScope" mode you can open or add URL's simply by hilighting the text where there is an URL and then tap the Launch button or the Bookmark button. You also have the posibility to launch your favorite URL's directly from the hotlist. Even if Shuffler leaves a small memory footprint, is it a very effective way to organize your bookmarks. We hope that you will find Shuffler useful! This package includes the following files: *Shuffler for the Newton. *ReadMe text file. System requirements: *Newton platform running NOS2.0 or later. ------------- How it works! ------------- Installing: ----------- Make sure that you have at least 34Kb free on your Newton. Download Shuffler with your favourite package installer. We recommend that you install Shuffler on the internal store since it sometimes may get called by another package. You should now be ready to use Shuffler. What you see: ------------- %Baseview The first view that you will see is the "Baseview". In this view you can browse through your bookmarks and launch them. It is also here where you can print, fax, beam or email complete bookmarks folders. In the baseview you can access your favorite bookmarks in the HotList or change to "ShuffScope" mode. %EditView By tapping on a bookmark in the list you will open the "Editview". Here you can enter information such as name, URL address and valid date. It is also here where you file and route your single bookmarks. You may launch the bookmark here aswell. *ShuffScope view If you tap the view toggle button in the baseview you will activate the "ShuffScope" mode. The ShuffScope view is a small dragable floating view that let's you explore other applications on your Newton without closing down Shuffler. You can also launch and add URL's with the ShuffScope directly from the Notes or wherever you may find one. Adding a bookmark: ------------------ There are some different ways to add a bookmark. Basic way. The basic way is to tap the "New" button in Shuffler's base view. This will open an edit view where you can enter a name and the URL address. To simplify the input of the URL address tap the URL popup button above the input line. This will display a list of different internet prefixes, tap the one you want and it will be pasted as the initial text in the inputline. To further simplify the URL input is the caret popup altered. Here you will find the most common URL address elements. You can also set a valid date for the bookmark. After you've entered the information tap "Save". ShuffScope mode: If you find an URL as text in any other application such as Notes you can save that, by hilighting the text and then tap the bookmark button. This will make a new bookmark in the soup with the URL as the name as well as the URL address. You must make sure that the hilighted URL text has an internet prefix such as "http://" or "news://". In-box: If you receive a bookmark in the In-box you can add it to the soup by tapping "PutAway". Other applications: Some other applications may support Shuffler's bookmarks soup and let you add bookmarks to it. Follow their instructions how to do this. Editing a bookmark: ------------------- Choose the bookmark that you want to edit in the baseviews list and tap it to display it in the editview. In the editview you can change your data as "usual". Don't forget to tap the "Save" button after you're finished. If you don't want to save your changes just tap the close box. Filing a bookmark: ------------------ You file the bookmark in the editview - tap the filebutton and file. It is also here where you add new folders or delete folders. If you delete a folder all the bookmarks in that folder will be refiled under unfiled URL's. If you change the folder name all the bookmarks in that folder will be refiled under the new folder name. Routing a bookmark: ------------------- Shuffler lets you print, fax, beam or email single bookmarks or a whole folder. You route folders in the baseview and single bookmarks in the editview. Tap the routing button in either view and choose an action. By mailing a bookmark Shuffler will make an email with the bookmarks data and also attach the bookmark/bookmarks, so that the recipient can add it to his/hers bookmarks soup. In the editview is it also possible to make a note of the bookmark in Notes. Deleting or duplicating a bookmark: ----------------------------------- You can delete or duplicate both single bookmarks or a complete folder. In either case you do have the posibility t undo your action. Launching a bookmark: --------------------- Tap the Launch button in the editview to launch a bookmark. If Shuffler finds an application that can handle your bookmark that application will take over with your bookmark as initial value. At the same time Shuffler will transform into its ShuffScope mode. If you are in the ShuffScope mode you can hilighte a text with an URL and tap the Launch button in the ShuffScope view. The result is the same as above. Make sure that the address have an internet prefix. You can launch from the baseview by drawing a line over the bookmark in the list. Those ten bookmarks that you use the most will place themself in the HotList. You can launch a bookmark directly from the HotList. Questions & Answers (FAQ) ------------------------- % I've added a bookmark through another application but it doesn't show in Shuffler, why? The application that you have used hasn't added the bookmark in a correct way. Shuffler therefore fails to show it since it can't find it. Try to look for it under "All URL's" and then refile it. We can't guarantee that this will work, but its worth a shot. Added bookmarks should normally be under "Unfiled URL's". % Why can't Shuffler find a hilighted URL? Does the URL text have an internet prefix? If yes, it may be a prefix that Shuffler doesn't support. Please let me know and I'll add the it. The URL may be in a place where Shuffler can't access it. Shuffler can't access hilighted data that is "tucked" away. For developers -------------- As a Newton developer you can use Shuffler to take care of all your bookmarks/URL's and thereby sharing them with other apps and let your users edit them. We can also let Shuffler support your app. You will save yourself a lot of time and trouble by using Shuffler as filing cabinet for your internet apps. You will find our API with the soupstructure and methods at our homepage: . Welcome! Shuffler is shareware. Please register! --------------------------------------- Use Flash Sheridan's Newton Register app. This will generate and fill out a register form for you and send it to Kagi Shareware clearing house by Email. Kagi Shareware will then handle your payment. If you don't like to pay by card choose the "Query" payment option and you will receive an email with further instructions. You can also send the registration fee directly to us at Avanti, Lilla Sodergatan 13, S-223 53 Lund, SWEDEN. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Avanti's homepage: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Avanti is: Fredrik Holmen Newton Developer Felix Hagno Macintosh Developer Avanti Software Lilla Sodergatan 13 223 53 LUND SWEDEN T. +46 (46) 13 85 01 Mobile: +46 (705) 55 00 52 Email: Small Print This program is Shareware, which means if you use it, you should send us US$20 or the equivalent amount in Swedish crowns. You may distribute this program any way you wish as long as you don't charge for it (except for reasonable download costs) or alter the files in any way. We don't guarantee any support, but we will always answer your Email. If we don't answer Email is it because your message didn't get to us, or our reply bounced, so try again and include a valid Internet address if you can. Warranty This program should do what we've described in this document. If it doesn't, you can simply stop using it. If you pay us, and within a year find that it doesn't do what we describe here, then you can notify us and we will refund your money and cancel your license. Fine Print Avanti Software hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchant ability or fitness for a particular purpose. Avanti Software will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if Avanti Software or an agent of their has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Avanti Software be liable for any damages, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software. Swedish users: Fr registrering i Sverige r det naturligtvis l ttare att betala motsvarande summa (~140kr) via postgiro eller skicka betalningen direkt till ovansteende adress. Det r viktigt att tydligt ange namn och email adress pe blanketten fr alla man vill registrera. Det r ocks bra att skicka oss ett email samma dag som man betalar in eftersom det tar ca 5 bankdagar fr postgirot att behandla betalningen. Vi svarar med en kod via email s fort som mjligt. P postgiroinbetalningen skall man ange namn p alla man registrerar och r kna ut totalkostnaden. Postgiro nr: 611 67 77-1, skicka gdrna ett Email om ni har negon frega om detta Glm inte att stdja svensk mjukvara utveckling, och fr mja tillv xten av Newton i Sverige. Have fun! :-) "We have enormous capacity to invent super-machinery, but our desire to install the device is weak. Human inertia is the problem, not invention. Something in man makes him resist change." Thomas Alva Edison, 1921