ShowMate* 2 for Newton 2.x Copyright 1995-97 Sine of the Times This package is Shareware! If you use this program, please register. The cost is $20. Call 1-888-SINEWARE, visit our web order form (, or email us at Upon registration, a registered version will be provided. New in ShowMate 2.1: - Yamaha Support New in ShowMate 2: - MyRemote Control: Create remotes with icons - Philips Support - JVC Support (experimental) - New alarm system Introduction ShowMate is a fully scriptable and schedulable remote control featuring several unique features, such as combined equipment management, alarm scheduling, creation of scripts (software programs), and design of custom remote controls. Support ShowMate supports several brands: Sony Philips Panasonic JVC Yamaha In total, there are over 1300 different infrared commands available within ShowMate. Requirements Newton OS 2.x or higher. About 115 kilobytes free RAM Installation Install ShowMate and MyRemote to your Newton using a Newton package installer such as Newton connection utilities. Run ShowMate first to create example scripts. ShowMate: The Advanced Virtual Remote Usage: To use ShowMate, you need to write Equipment Scripts. These are common english commands which are run sequentially by ShowMate at the users request. The commands are converted into infrared codes that are then sent to the equipment. You can write scripts for immediate or delayed (alarm) control of equipment. You can optionally save these scripts for later usage. NOTE: Scripts must be saved for delayed control of equipment. Models: The Model picker allows you to create scripts for different manufacturers of equipment. Simply select the manufacturer from the list. Models can be combined together. For example, you could write a single script to turn on your stereo to Video mode, turn on a VCR, turn on the TV and change it to channel 3. The model is added to the beginning of each command added to your script. If the model name is not available, ShowMate cannot execute the command. Creating Scripts: The script area is the input field in the middle of the screen. This area is surrounded by a solid box. To create scripts, you should use the command buttons under the box. These command buttons provide users with all the commands that can be run by ShowMate. The command buttons are: AMP: Amplifier commands TNR: Tuner commands CD: General Compact Disc commands CD+: Additional Compact Disc commands DT: Digital Audio Tape commands DT+: Additional Digital Audio Tape commands TV: General Television commands TV+: Additional Television commands VR: Video tape recorder commands VR+: Additional Video tape recorder commands TAP: Audio Cassette tape commands XTR: Phono, LaserDisc, Camera, and additional commands To choose a command, simply select it from the lists provided. Note: Depending on the manufacturer, not all the above buttons will be available. Special notations used in the commands: The # sign must be replaced by a number from 0 to 9 (Exceptions for CD Players: 1 to 10, and VTR: 1 to 3). Commands will be sequentially added to the script area. They must be separated by periods to work correctly. ShowMate automatically adds periods. However, if you're editing a script, and erase a period - make sure to replace it. Testing a Script To test if your script works correctly, point your Newton at the equipment you wish to control, and press the Test button. Saving a Script Scripts can be easily saved for later usage (e.g. repetitive tasks). 1. Enter a name for the script next to the input line labelled Name. 2. Press Save. Your script has now been saved. Loading or Creating a New Script: The menu labelled Script allows you to load saved scripts, or create new ones. To load a saved script, simply select it from the menu. If you make any changes, make sure to press Save before exiting. To create a new script, select New from the top of the Script menu. Removing a Script: To delete a script, simply load the script, and press the Delete button. This is not undoable. Setting an Alarm: Saved scripts can be scheduled to run at various times. A script can be set to run at any single time in the future. To schedule a script, follow these steps: 1. Select the time picker, and choose a date and time for the script to run. 2. Press Set Alarm. Your Newton will wake up automatically and run the scheduled script at the specified date and time. It must be pointed at the equipment to perform the script tasks. If you have sleep set on your Newton, it will automatically turn off after the specified sleep time. If you set an alarm again for a script, it overwrites the previous alarm set for the script. Note: ONLY saved scripts can have alarms set for them. Tips Choosing the commands for creating scripts can be challenging at times. The best way is to record your steps directly on the Newton as you perform the activities yourself. Use logic when creating scripts. For example, the following commands ensure that an Amplifier is turned off regardless if it was on or off prior to the script: Sony AMP Tuner. Delay 1 sec. Sony AMP Power. The first command switches the AMP to Tuner mode if it is on. If the AMP wasn't on, the AMP is turned on to Tuner mode. A delay is inserted to give time for the Amp to turn on and then respond to additional remote signals. Finally the last step, AMP Power toggles the power, thus turning the Amplifier off. Your Newton's infrared port can only control equipment from a distance of about 2 metres. In addition, it must be pointed towards the equipment. Ensure it is close enough, and there are no obstructions in it's way. You can use the special commands delay 1 sec, and delay 1 min, for slower responding equipment. These cause ShowTime to delay for the respective amount of time before sending the next command. ShowMate adds a delay of 20 milliseconds between commands to make life easier for you. Finally, if you find yourself repeating commands in the same script, you can use the Repeat # feature. This repeats the last command issued # times. Just look for the "o" button. Using your Newton as a remote control can drain its battery power faster. It is suggested that you leave your Newton plugged in if you are scheduling more than 2 scripts, or planning to use it as a replacement remote. MyRemote: the Custom Remote Control myRemote allows you to create custom remote controls. Unlike any remote control, allows you to assign your programmed scripts (written in ShowMate) to onscreen buttons. Hence, you can create a complex script, and instantly run it, with a finger touch. Basic features: - Newton 2.0 savvy (fully rotatable) - Freedom of layout. Any button, anywhere (almost :) - Large buttons, that can be pressed using your fingers. To use MyRemote: 1. Run the package. 2. Switch MyRemote to Design Mode (at the bottom of the screen). 3. Tap on a button, to list available programs you have written in ShowMate. 4. Select a program to assign to a button. 5. You can assign an icon to the button, by pressing the blank box next to the program 6. Repeat for other buttons until completed. 7. Switch MyRemote to Remote Mode. MyRemote only displays those buttons which have assigned programs. A note of warning: If you erase a program in ShowMate, and then try to run it from MyRemote - well, it won't work! Answers to Common Questions Will other equipment manufacturers be supported? We are currently working on implementing other manufacturers. The process is fairly tedious, as we don't have most of the equipment, so testing becomes a problem. In addition, we're still trying to compile IR codes for other manufactures. If there are any users who can provide us with IR codes for specific brands of equipment, we will add them to ShowMate. You MUST provide the codes, we can't look for them on your behalf. We have exhausted the sources on the Internet, and found them to be sometimes uncomplete or unreliable. If you really want us to add support for your equipment, the best way is to send us a physical remote (a learning remote with your codes for example) - which we can then decode properly. Your remote will be returned. Do all the codes work for all equipment? No, depending on the age of the equipment (ie. older, or brand new), the codes do vary slightly. Generally, the major commands remain the same. Note: The Panasonic codes only work with newer equipment. Panasonic changed their IR commands a number of years ago. Disclaimer By using this software, you are agreeing that Sine of the Times cannot be held liable for use or inability to use the software correctly or incorrectly. We reserve all rights in publishing this software and documentation. Failure to honor our Copyrights and Trademarks will result in full application of available laws. Contact Information This package was developed by Ashish Mishra and Lars Immisch. Ashish is the Vice President of Engineering at Sine of the Times and the original developer of ShowMate. Lars is the original developer of SonyMeeting, another fine product, and the new chief engineer on Version 2.0 of ShowMate. If you have any questions or comments, please send us email. Again, we hope you enjoy ShowMate. Sine of the Times Innovation is our Passion.