Paperboy v1.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This software is for Newton 2.x Newtons with Newton Internet Enabler ONLY. * What's it do? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Paperboy is a threaded offline newsreader for the Newton that uses NIE (Newton Internet Enabler). * What's in this archive? --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two Newton software packages and two text files in this archive. They are: * Paperboy.txt document you're now reading. * Paperboy.pkg software package you'll install on your Newton. * SAReg.pkg software package you'll install on your Newton to enter the password you get when you register Paperboy. * SAStuff.txt A list of all Stand Alone products. * Installing Paperboy --------------------------------------------------------------------- First off, you must get the Paperboy software package onto your Newton. You can do this using the Newton Connection Utility (for Mac or Windows), the Newton Package Downloader, or the Newton Backup Utility. See the documentation with each of these for more information on installing packages with them. * Using Paperboy --------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview The first screen you are presented with is the overview screen. This screen shows all of your subscribed newsgroups and the number of unread articles in each newsgroup. Tap on the name of a newsgroup to go to that newsgroup. The action button in the overview contains the following selections: "Subscribe To", "Unsubscribe", "Catch Up", "Reset Group", "Delete Read", "Delete All", "Edit Saved Posts", "List all Groups", and "Activate Filters", (Activate Filters may not appear if your preferences indicate filtering automatically). "Subscribe To" -- Opens a window in which you can enter the name of a newsgroup to subscribe to. Tapping on the keyboard button will bring up a special keyboard that contains some commonly used words in newsgroup names. "Unsubscribe" -- Unsubscribes to the checked off newsgroups. "Edit Saved Posts" -- Opens a window which allows you to save articles which are queued for posting. "List All Groups" -- Will Open up a list of all available groups and let you check off newsgroups to subscribe to. If you do not have this list stored, Paperboy will connect to your server and download the list of groups available on your server. "Catch Up" -- Marks all articles in checked off newsgroups as read. "Reset Group" -- Resets the group's memory of what articles have been downloaded from a newsgroup. "Delete Read" -- Deletes all read articles from your Newton. "Delete All" -- Deletes all articles in a newsgroup. "Activate Filters" -- Will delete articles as specified in your filters (see prefs). Tapping on the "Retrieve" button will start the retrieval of articles. First you will be presented with the standard NIE connection slip. Then Paperboy will either download new news from all of the newsgroups or just the selected one, depending on how your preferences are set. Paperboy will also post new articles that you have written since the last time you connected. Alternatively, you can set Paperboy to automatically retrieve articles at a certain time; se "Alarms" in the Preferences section of this document. News Browser When you select a newsgroup from the overview, you are brought to the news browser view for that article. Tapping on the overview dot will return you to the overview. The news browser screen is split into three sections: The list of threads, the list of articles in the current thread, and the current article. These three views are separated by two lines, which can be dragged around to change the size of any of the partitions. These views have either scroll bars or scroll arrows on the right or left according to the preferences. Read and unread articles appear in different fonts, as set in your preferences. Tapping on a thread name will bring up the list of articles in the thread, as well as the first article in the thread. Tapping on an article in the list of articles will bring that particular article. Navigation Buttons are located on the status bar. The single arrows go forward or backward one article. The Double arrows go forward or backward one thread. The "Strip CR"/"Keep CR" toggles the strip linefeed/keep linefeed mode. The magnifying glass button opens up the search window. This lets you search through the text of the thread list, The text of the current article, and the text of all the articles in the group. The Up/Down arrow button next to the navigation buttons toggles the full screen article mode. This will make the article view full screen. The action button has options to print, fax, beam, and email articles. If you print or fax, you will be given the choice of formats: Single Article, Current Thread, or Current Newsgroup. In addition to these choice, you also have the following: "Post" -- Post an article to the current newsgroup. This opens a new view in which you can enter a subject, modify the newsgroups being posted to, and enter the body of your message. If you have a signature defined in your prefs, this sig will be appended to the end of the message. After you are done, tapping on the "post" button will queue the article to be posted (It will be posted the next time you connect). Close the window to save the post as a draft (it will be saved, but will not be posted until you change it to a post). "Post Reply" -- This is the same as post, except that the current article is quoted in the body, and the subject has been set. "Reply by email" -- Like "Post Reply", but the email is sent through the Newton's built-in email system to the author of the article. "Mark Unread" -- Marks the current article as unread "Copy to NotePad" -- Copies the current article to a new note in the NotePad. "Add Author to Killfile" -- Puts the author of the current article to the killfile. Any posts fro this author will be automatically deleted will the filters are activated. "Add Thread to Killfile" -- Puts the current thread into the killfile. Articles with this subject will be deleted when the filters are activated. In addition, on the status bar are 4 buttons to maneuver through the articles. The single arrows will go forward or backwards one article, and the double arrows will go forward or backwards one thread. The up/down arrows will toggle between the three section view and a view to read the article in full screen. Prefs Prefs are accessed through the "i" button. General Prefs Show Threads -- Use this to select to show either all threads in a newsgroup, or only threads with unread articles. Download -- Use this to select whether to download new news from all newsgroups or from selected articles only. Delete Read Articles -- Used to set when to delete read articles. You can set it to delete them whenever you close Paperboy or only when you choose to from the overview screen. Store Articles -- Choose to automatically store articles on one of your stores, or to just use the default store. Sort Threads -- Lets you set how you want the threads in the news browser to be sorted. They can be sorted by date or by subject. Filter Articles on Download -- Check this off to automatically activate the filters when you download articles. If it is not checked, "Activate Filters" will appear in the action menu of the overview. Strip linefeeds in article display -- When checked, linefeeds will be removed from articles. This may allow for easier reading. Connection Prefs News Server -- The name of your news server. Name -- Your name. Defaults to your owner info name. Email Address -- Your email address Organization -- An optional field to better identify your email address. User Name -- The user name of the account you will be using. Password -- The password of the account you are using. Text written in this field will be coered by a dark block. Default Maximum Article Length -- Use this to select the maximum length that will be downloaded. Articles bigger than the length set here will be cut off after that length. This field sets the default for new groups created; You can change this for individual groups through that group's prefs. Maximum Number of Articles -- Sets the maximum number of articles that will be downloaded. Normally paperboy will download all new news it hasn't seen before, but if it reaches the number here before then, it will stop reading articles. Useful for the first time you connect or if you haven't connected in a while. This field sets the default for new groups created; You can change this for individual groups through that group's prefs. Stop when store is -- Lets you select how full the store should be when downloading stops. Display Prefs Here you can select the fonts for the newsgroup and thread listings, as well as the font of the articles. You can also set the face of the font used to display read and unread articles. The "Use full screen windows" checkbox lets you set up the default mode for the newsbrowser. In addition you can check off "Left- Handed Controls" so the scroll bars and scroll arrows appear on the left side of the screen. The "Scrolling" radio buttons lets you select between a Scroll Bar or Scroll Arrows for each of the three views. Alarms Use this feature to have your Newton connect and download new news at a certain time each day. When it retireves news in this fashion, Paperboy will use the default internet setup. Check off the "Automatically retrieve articles" checkbox to make the alarm active. use the Time picker to select a time for the alarm. The alarm will become active when you close Paperboy. Posting Prefs Quote Line -- The string that you want to use to mark qutoed text when following up to posts. Attribute Line -- Opens a window that will let you set the attribute line at the top of your followup posts. Use Paperboy Sig -- If checked, will append a short Paperboy sig to articles you post. Signature -- Opens a window that lets you edit your signature. If you have a signature, it will automatically be appened to articles you email and post. Filters The Filters preference window shows your global subject and author killfile, and allows you to edit or remove existing items and add new ones. When creating/editing a filter, you can choose to filter out articles that equal, begin with, end with, contain, or don't contain the string. Individual Group Prefs These are reached by tapping on the "i" button next to each newsgroup's name in the overview. They contain prefs for Maximum Article Length, Maximum Number of Aritcles, and filters. These work the same as in the standard prefs except only that particular newsgroup is affected. * Registering Paperboy --------------------------------------------------------------------- You have a 30 day trial period in which to examine Paperboy, during which it will function fully. Should you wish to register, you'll need to do one of the following: * Call us and pay using Visa or Mastercard. We can give you a password right over the phone: instant gratification! (773) 477-2492. * Send us a check for $29.95 to the address below. * Using CompuServe, GO SWREG. However you register, PLEASE be sure to include an email address (it's not vital, but it will result in MUCH speedier service) and your name, as entered in the Owner Info section of your Newton. This is used to generate the password we send you to unlock Paperboy, so it has to be exact. Once you register, you will receive a password from us. To use it, install the SAS Register package (also enclosed in the Paperboy archive), select "Paperboy" from the pop up menu at the top, and enter the password. You should get a message confirming the password. You may then remove the SAS Register application from you Newton. * Contacting us --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding Paperboy, or any other Stand Alone Newton application, please don't hesitate to contact us: Email: internet: (<-- preferred) AOL: Std Alone CompuServe: 76342,3057 Phone: Voice: (773) 477-2492 Fax: (773) 477-2579 Regular Mail: Stand Alone 3171 N. Hudson, Suite 1 Chicago, IL, 60657, USA World Wide Web: * Version History --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 June 27, 1997 First public release. 1.1 October 31, 1997 Added several new features, including full-screen article view, queued post editing, and listing all newsgroups. 1.5 January 16, 1998 Added SpellMan support, "Reset Newsgroup" option, scroll bars, individual newsgroup prefs, more downloading options, left handed controls, advanced filtering options, searching, "C All" button, and inporting of notes from the notepad.