/* * )J1996 Ray Rischpater for AllPen Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This code is SAMPLE CODE and may not be included in other * works without the following message being present in the * about box of your application and wherever else your product * makes acknowledgements to contributors: * * "Parts of this application ) 1996 by Ray Rischpater * for AllPen Software, Inc." * * No warranty, express or implied, is made regarding * this software, including fitness of purpose. While * every effort has been made to ensure that this software * is complete, the end user of this software bears sole * responsibility for the functionality of this software. */ DefineGlobalConstant('kProtoCallbacks, { _proto: { fStart: nil, fStop: nil, } }); DefineGlobalConstant('kDestinationPort, 80); DefineGlobalConstant('kCancellationException, -16005);