September 17, 1997 Welcome to ModemBridge, V2.6 Trans Lunar Designs Incorporated ModemBridge V2.6, this version is "unlocked" until midnight, October 31st, 1997. At that time, ModemBridge will still work, but only up to 9600 baud. After that time, you will have to register ModemBridge to regain full functionality. What is ModemBridge ? ModemBridge (MB) allows another computer to access your Newton's PCMCIA Modem via serial port. This is useful if you don't have the budget for both a PCMCIA modem and a desktop modem. Or you may have a laptop on the road which doesn't have a modem or PCMCIA slot. MB will iconify, allowing you to use your Newton for other tasks, while your desktop/laptop machine is using the modem. New Features : Now supports all Newton Compatible internal modems System beep upon connect Better power management Recognizes Busy Signals ******************************************************************** The biggest change to V 2.6 is the support of all Newton Compatible modems. This is accomplished by adding a new mode to ModemBridge. Now the two modes are : External Mode Newton Mode In "External Mode", ModemBridge behaves the same as it does in version 1.x. The Newton modem is treated exactly like an external modem connected to your PC. The trouble with version 1.x, is that not all modems work properly with ModemBridge. Some modems expect to be treated like a modem, and not like a serial port device. For a list of modems known to have this problem, see the bottom of this document. In order to fully support all modems, "Newton Mode" has been introduced. In this mode, ModemBridge accesses the modem through the Newton's communication tools. One advantage is that you'll hear the dialing and connection progress (if you have the volume turned up in your modem dialing prefs). The disadvantage, is that you'll have to input a phone number for dialing. Some modems still have problems with ModemBridge, where the modem doesn't seem to recognize that an error checking protocol is being used, so garbage characters are passed through to the serial port. This problem is being worked on. ******************************************************************** Requirements : ModemBridge requires Newton OS 2 and a serial connection to a computer and PCMCIA Modem. Installation : Install ModemBridge as you would install any other Newton package. If you're using a Newton 120/130, make sure you install it on the internal memory store. Starting ModemBridge : Open the Extras drawer and tap the "Bridge" icon. The Screen : There are 5 "pickers" to set up your port settings. The baud rate should be the max baud of your modem card. The 6th picker lets you choose the "External Mode" or "Newton Mode" Icon Buttons (Left to Right) : "i" info : Read about ModemBridge, get a quick "Help" screen, or register your software. "Bridge" : Iconifies ModemBridge, so you can go use your Newton while ModemBridge is in use. Connect/Disconnect Toggle : Open a connection or close it. Using ModemBridge : ****** SPECIAL NOTE FOR MP2000 USERS ****** ModemBridge has a selectable slot, Slot 1 corresponds to "Right Hand PC Slot" in the Newton Modem Prefs. Slot 2 corresponds to the "Left Hand PC Slot". The Modem must be in the correct slot AND the prefs must match, as well as the PCMCIA Slot # in ModemBridge. ****** SPECIAL NOTE FOR MP1220/130 USERS ****** Use the "PCMCIA Slot 1" for your modem choice in ModemBridge. First, install the ModemBridge package on your Newton. If you normally use AppleTalk with your Newton, you'll have to switch over to a serial cable/connection ******************************************************************** How to use MB : The easiest way to use MB is in the "External Mode". In this mode, the Newton will behave like an external modem connected to your PC/Mac/Amiga. First, we'll walk through connecting MB with a desktop machine, and testing the connection : Testing MB in "External Mode" with terminal software 1) Connect a Null modem/Apple Serial cable between the Newton and PC 2) Recommend you power the Newton by AC Adapter if possible, since both the modem card and the serial port consume copious amounts of power. 3) Power up the Newton and PC 4) Open the MB (ModemBridge) software, select these settings : Baud Rate (Set to the same speed as your modem) 8 Bits None (No Parity) 1 Stop Bit None (Flow Control) PCMCIA Slot X (use Slot 1 for MP 120/130. For MP 2000, Slot 1 is the "Left" slot in Modem Prefs, or the bottom slot. Slot 2 is the "Right" or top slot) Modem Mode 5) Open terminal software (ZTerm on the Mac works great) 6) Set up the prefs in ZTerm for the same speed and settings as MB 7) Start the connection on MB by pressing the "Connect" button 8) Wait until the button changes to "Disconnect" and MB "beeps" 9) Start the connection on your terminal : Try the "AT" command by typing : AT The repsonse should be "OK" 10) Now try the command "ATS37?" ATS37? The response should be a number like 017, 018. If the response is 000, then you need to skip to the section on using the "Newton Mode", or plan on getting very poor throughput (1200 ~ 2400 baud). For a list of modems, known to behave this way, skip to the bottom of the document. 11) Try dialing into your provider : ATDTxxx-xxxx where xxx-xxxx is the phone number you wish to dial ******************************************************************** Testing MB in "Newton Mode" with terminal software If you get the "000" code from the test, then you'll probably want to use the "Newton Mode". Disconnect MB by pressing the "Disconnect" button. Now choose "Newton Mode" and a window appears. Double tap for the keyboard and enter your access phone number, including any prefixes and area codes. Start with the Testing Steps 1-7, described above in the "Testing MB in External Mode" section. Now when you press connect, this is what happens : A) MB Opens the Serial Port to your computer, anything sent to the Newton (i.e. terminal software) will recieve the codes : CONNECT OK B) MB will "beep" to let you know the serial port is connected C) Assuming your modem prefs set the dialing volume to an audible level : You'll hear MB pick up the phone and dial the number, and connect. D) Once the modem connects, MB will "beep" again to let you know the modem is connected. E) Your terminal software should act normally. F) Although one of our Beta Testers reported getting the same CONNECT 2400 message, he also reported normal (fast) download speeds. Apparently his modem did adjust speeds accordingly, after the initial connection. ******************************************************************** Using MB in "External Mode" with PPP Basically perform all the same steps to set up MB as in the Terminal test. The important thing here, is BE SURE TO CONNECT MODEMBRIDGE BEFORE STARTING PPP. ******************************************************************** Using MB in "Newton Mode" with PPP 1) Input the phone number to ModemBridge 2) Set up PPP with no phone number 3) Press the "Connect" button on MB 4) First "beep" tells you when the serial port is connected 5) Next you'll hear the Newton dialing 6) Start PPP AFTER the first beep, and BEFORE the modem finishes connecting 7) The Newton should connect, and your PPP should log on ******************************************************************** Common Problems : The most common problem is trouble getting PPP to connect. Usually the problem is resolved by using terminal software to verify MB is set up and operating properly. Refer to the appropriate Testing section above. "Buffer Overrun/Modem Reset" error : 1) Usually because PPP was started before MB connect button was pushed 2) Speeds not matching up properly 3) No data synch Solutions : 1) Follow appropriate steps described above for connecting in your selected mode. 2) Make sure speeds are set up properly in your communication software and MB 3) Usually "No Flow Control" works best, but depending on your situation, you may have to set your computer and MB to something else : Try X-On/X-Off (software flow control) in both MB and your computer first. If the problem persists, try Hardware flow control. ******************************************************************** Notes for ALL Users : Do not rotate the Newton screen while connected. MB will drop the connection, if active. ******************************************************************** Notes for Mac OS 7.6 Users : In Mac OS 7.6.x, there are two places you may want, or need to change modem settings. First, under control panels, open "Modem". There are a number of modems to choose from, select "Null xxxxx" where xxxxx is the appropriate speed for your modem. And select the appropriate serial port. If you use AppleTalk, then you may want to plug the cable into the printer port. Next, in the Internet Connection kit (or if you're using some other PPP software there may be something analogous). Select a modem, choose "Add/Modify". Create a new modem (Call it ModemBridge) and set up the appropriate speed. For modem init string, you can try using just AT, or refer to your modem manual. ******************************************************************** Timed usage : This version of ModemBridge works full featured until October 31st, midnight. After this date, it will still work, but only up to 9600 baud, until you register. Registration : Select the "i" button and choose "Register". The first screen gives some instructions about registering. The next screen shows the Owner name as determined by ModemBridge. You will need to send this name in EXACTLY as it appears, when you register. You will be sent a number, which goes into the text input area on this same screen. I find that double tapping to get a numeric keyboard works best for entering the passkey. Once this is done, ModemBridge will be fully unlocked and registered. Deinstalling : To deinstall ModemBridge, select the icon from Extras, and delete it. If you also wish to get rid of the configuration info and password file, go into the "Extras" drawer and look in "Storage". There will be two icons to delete : BridgeConfig:TransLunar BridgePassword:TransLunar Upgrades : Free upgrades. Versions : Version 1.1 : Fixed a bug involving backups to memory cards (see bottom of this page) Version 1.2 : Sped up the screen initialization when the app is started Version 1.3 : The icon button will now remember it's last placement on the screen Version 1.4 : Now supports the new Newton MP2000 screen size Version 1.5 : Fixes a bug in how it saves and reads in the configuration file Version 1.6 : Added 33,600 Bau Version 1.7 : Removed performance meter bars, since they cause serious throughput degradation Version 1.8 : Proper support of both PC Slots on the MP 2000 Version 2.0 : Proper modem support. MB doesn't allow the Newton to shut off until disconnected. Version 2.1-2.5 : Changed some of the modem parameters in "Newton Mode" to make the software more compatible with all modems. Version 2.6 : MB Now recognizes busy signals. Contacting Trans Lunar Designs Inc. : Purchasing ModemBridge : PA Residents add 6% sales tax Credit Card Orders : Call (610) 524-5237, and leave a message with a phone number and time to return your call. OR Or fax the following information to (610) 524-5237 : Type of card : Visa, Mastercard or Discover Name (as it appears on the card) Card # Expiration date Name as it appears in the Newton Owner Info (or go into the ModemBridge registration screen) DO NOT EMAIL CREDIT CARD INFO !!! I do not have a secure site. Mail Orders : Mail $25 US check or money order to : Trans Lunar Designs Inc. 564 Worthington Road Chester Springs, PA 19425 Include an email address and the name as it appears in the Newton Owner Info (or go into the ModemBridge registration screen) Cost is $25 for email registration. For a disk by mail, specify Mac or IBM format, and add $5 US for disk & shipping within the US & Canada, or add $10 US for all other locations. Warranty : This software has been tested to the best of our ability. It is provided "as is" with no warranty beyond the upgrades offered. ******************************************************************** Modems known to work improperly with ModemBridge Version 1.3-1.9 Megahertz CruiseCard XJA3288 Megahertz CruiseCard XJ4336