05/15/97 NEW Q: How to access the files received in the InBox? A: Look at the method DoScript_AfterConnection in the sample project "EETransfer Client". *** 05/15/97 NEW Q: How to remove the files created in the OutBox, which have not been sent? A: To do it in the sample project "EETransfer Client", just add the following code into the method DoScript_AfterConnection: local ioBox := GetRoot().ioBox; local ioBoxItemsSpec := ioBox:GetSpec('transport, nil, kEETransferTransportSymbol); local outBoxCursor := ioBox:MakeCursor('outBox, ioBoxItemsSpec); local outBoxItem := outBoxCursor:Entry(); while outBoxItem do begin if EntryValid(outBoxItem) and outBoxItem.state = 'ready then EntryRemoveFromSoup(outBoxItem); outBoxItem := outBoxCursor:Next(); end; *** 05/15/97 NEW Q: How to remove the star which appears centered at the top of the screen when there are new items in the InBox? A: The easiest way is to quickly open and close the ioBox: GetRoot().ioBox:Open(); GetRoot().ioBox:Close(); *** 05/21/97 NEW Q: How to choose the modem location? A: Just write the following line of code: SetUserConfig('modemHardwareLocation, xxx); where xxx is one of the following constants (defined in "Newton 2.1 Defs"): /* constant */ kHWLocExternalSerial := "extr"; /* constant */ kHWLocBuiltInIR := "infr"; /* constant */ kHWLocBuiltInModem := "mdem"; /* constant */ kHWLocPCMCIASlot1 := "slt1"; /* constant */ kHWLocPCMCIASlot2 := "slt2"; /* constant */ kHWLocPCMCIAAnySlot := "slot"; *** 05/21/97 NEW Q: How to choose the modem type? A: Just write the following line of code: SetUserConfig('currentModem, xxx); where xxx is one of the strings returned by the global function GetModemPopupList(). *** 05/21/97 NEW Q: During the execution of the connection script, I want that EETransfer doesn't show any alert to the user, even if the modem is not connected or the connection failed. A: Simply put the slot hideNotifies: true, in the "globals" frame of the EETransfer script.