DefConst('kAcceptedStatusString, if language = 'french then "Connexion accepte" else "Accepted connection"); DefConst('kAcceptingStatusString, if language = 'french then "Acceptation" else "Accepting"); DefConst('kAppleTalkConnectionToolName, if language = 'french then "Connexion AppleTalk" else "AppleTalk Connection"); DefConst('kBadCrcString, if language = 'french then "Mauvais CRC" else "Bad CRC"); DefConst('kBadEscapeSequenceString, if language = 'french then "Mauvaise squence d'chappement" else "Bad escape sequence"); DefConst('kBadHexSequenceString, if language = 'french then "Mauvaise squence hexadcimale" else "Bad hexadecimal sequence"); DefConst('kBadOOSequenceString, if language = 'french then "Mauvaise squence ROOS" else "Bad ROOS sequence"); DefConst('kBindingStatusString, if language = 'french then "Liaison" else "Binding"); DefConst('kCancelledByRemoteString, if language = 'french then "Transfert annul par l'ordinateur distant" else "Transfer cancelled by the remote computer"); DefConst('kCantGetFileInfoFromIOBoxItemString, if language = 'french then "Impossible d'extraire un fichier  partir de l'lment de la Corbeille A/D" else "Can't extract file from I/O Box item"); DefConst('kCantModifyMultipleFileNamesString, if language = 'french then "Le nom de fichier pour les lments multiples ne peut tre modifi" else "The file name for multiple items can't be changed"); DefConst('kCantModifyMultipleItemsString, if language = 'french then "Le texte pour les lments multiples ne peut tre modifi" else "The text for multiple items can't be changed"); DefConst('kClientString, if language = 'french then "Client" else "Client"); DefConst('kConnectedStatusString, if language = 'french then "Connect" else "Connected"); DefConst('kConnectingStatusParamString, if language = 'french then "Composition du numro R^0S" else "Dialing R^0S"); DefConst('kConnectingStatusString, if language = 'french then "Connexion" else "Connecting"); DefConst('kConnectionToolName, if language = 'french then "Connexion" else "Connection"); DefConst('kDisconnectingStatusString, if language = 'french then "Dconnexion" else "Disconnecting"); DefConst('kDisconnectedStatusString, if language = 'french then "Dconnect" else "Disconnected"); DefConst('kDisposingStatusString, if language = 'french then "Libration" else "Disposing"); DefConst('kEndOfFileReceivingString, if language = 'french then "Fin de la rception du fichier" else "End of file receiving"); DefConst('kEndOfFileSendingString, if language = 'french then "Fin de l'envoi du fichier" else "End of file sending"); DefConst('kEndOfFilesReceivingString, if language = 'french then "Fin de la rception de fichiers" else "End of files receiving"); DefConst('kEndOfFilesSendingString, if language = 'french then "Fin de l'envoi de fichiers" else "End of files sending"); DefConst('kEndpointEventEncounteredParamString, if language = 'french then "Un vnement est survenu dans un endpoint (eventCode = ^0, data = ^1, serviceId = R^2S)" else "Endpoint event encountered (eventCode = ^0, data = ^1, serviceId = R^2S)"); DefConst('kErrorOccuredString, if language = 'french then "une erreur est survenue" else "an error occured"); DefConst('kFileDescription, if language = 'french then "Un fichier" else "A file"); DefConst('kFileNameString, if language = 'french then "Nom de fichier" else "File Name"); DefConst('kFileNameTruncatedParamString, if language = 'french then "Le nom de fichier est limit  ^0 caractres et a t tronqu" else "The file name is limited to ^0 characters and has been truncated"); DefConst('kFileReceivingAbortedParamString, if language = 'french then "La rception du fichier R^0S a chou" else "File R^0S receiving has aborted"); DefConst('kFileReceivingSucceededParamString, if language = 'french then "La rception du fichier R^0S a russi" else "File R^0S receiving has succeeded"); DefConst('kFileReceivingSucceededString, if language = 'french then "La rception du fichier a russi" else "File receiving has succeeded"); DefConst('kFileSendingAbortedAfter10TriesString, if language = 'french then "Envoi du fichier abandonn aprs 10 tentatives" else "File sending aborted after 10 tries"); DefConst('kFileSendingAbortedAfter1MinuteString, if language = 'french then "Envoi du fichier abandonn aprs 1 minute sans rponse" else "File sending aborted after 1 minute without answer"); DefConst('kFileSendingAbortedParamString, if language = 'french then "L'envoi du fichier R^0S a chou" else "File R^0S sending has aborted"); DefConst('kFileSendingAbortedWithReasonParamString, if language = 'french then "L'envoi du fichier R^0S a chou, car ^1" else "File R^0S sending has aborted, because ^1"); DefConst('kFileSendingSucceededParamString, if language = 'french then "L'envoi du fichier R^0S a russi" else "File R^0S sending has succeeded"); DefConst('kFileSendingSucceededString, if language = 'french then "L'envoi du fichier a russi" else "File sending has succeeded"); DefConst('kFileString, if language = 'french then "Fichier" else "File"); DefConst('kFormatHandleOnlyTextString, if language = 'french then "Seul du texte peut tre gr par le format choisi" else "Only text can be handled by the choosen format"); DefConst('kInstantiatingStatusString, if language = 'french then "Instanciation" else "Instantiating"); DefConst('kInvalidBlockChecksumParamString, if language = 'french then "Checksum du bloc ^0 incorrect" else "Invalid block ^0 checksum"); DefConst('kInvalidBlockNumberParamString, if language = 'french then "Numro de bloc incorrect : ^0 au lieu de ^1" else "Invalid block number: ^0 instead of ^1"); DefConst('kIrdaConnectionToolName, if language = 'french then "Connexion IrDA" else "IrDA Connection"); DefConst('kLineReceivedParamString, if language = 'french then "Ligne R^0S re ue" else "Line R^0S received"); DefConst('kListeningStatusString, if language = 'french then "Attente d'une connexion" else "Listening"); DefConst('kMissingClientString, if language = 'french then "Aucune application cliente de R" & kTransferTransportName & "S n'est slectionne" else "No R" & kTransferTransportName & "S client application is selected"); DefConst('kModemConnectionToolName, if language = 'french then "Connexion modem" else "Modem Connection"); DefConst('kMultipleItemsString, if language = 'french then "lments multiples" else "Multiple Items"); DefConst('kPictFileDescription, if language = 'french then "Un fichier PICT" else "A PICT file"); DefConst('kPictFileString, if language = 'french then "Fichier PICT" else "PICT File"); DefConst('kRawReceiveStartString, if language = 'french then "Rception d'un fichier" else "Receiving file"); DefConst('kRawReceiveStopString, if language = 'french then "Fin de la rception du fichier" else "End of file receiving"); DefConst('kRawReceiveToolName, if language = 'french then "Rception sans protocole" else "Raw Receive"); DefConst('kRawSendString, if language = 'french then "Envoi d'un fichier sans utiliser de protocole" else "Sending file without using any protocol"); DefConst('kRawSendToolName, if language = 'french then "mission sans protocole" else "Raw send"); DefConst('kReceivedFileSavingFailedString, if language = 'french then "L'enregistrement du fichier re u a chou" else "The saving of the received file has failed"); DefConst('kReceiveHeaderTooMuchGarbageString, if language = 'french then "Rception de caractres parasites au lieu d'un entte" else "Receiving garbage instead of header"); DefConst('kReceivingFileParamString, if language = 'french then "Rception du fichier R^0S" else "Receiving file R^0S"); DefConst('kReceivingFilesString, if language = 'french then "Rception de fichiers" else "Receiving files"); DefConst('kRedundantBlockParamString, if language = 'french then "Rception d'un bloc redondant : ^0" else "Redundant block received: ^0"); DefConst('kRegisterButtonString, if language = 'french then "Enregistrer" else "Register"); DefConst('kSendATEscapeToolName, if language = 'french then "Envoi de la commande d'chappement AT" else "Send AT Escape"); DefConst('kSendingBlockParamString, if language = 'french then "Envoi du block n!^0" else "Sending block n!^0"); DefConst('kSendingCommandString, if language = 'french then "Envoi d'une commande" else "Sending command"); DefConst('kSendingFileParamString, if language = 'french then "Envoi du fichier R^0S" else "Sending file R^0S"); DefConst('kSendingFilesString, if language = 'french then "Envoi de fichiers" else "Sending files"); DefConst('kSendingParamString, if language = 'french then "Envoi de R^0S" else "Sending R^0S"); DefConst('kSendStringToolName, if language = 'french then "Envoi d'une chane de caractres" else "Send string"); DefConst('kSerialConnectionToolName, if language = 'french then "Connexion srie" else "Serial Connection"); // protoMailSlip.routingSlip.stepChildren[0].text DefConst('kShowTextString, if language = 'french then "Afficher le texte" else "Show Text"); DefConst('kTextOnlyString, if language = 'french then "Texte seul" else "Text Only"); DefConst('kTimeoutOccuredParamString, if language = 'french then "Un dpassement de temps est survenu dans ^0" else "A timeout occured in ^0"); DefConst('kTimeoutOccuredString, if language = 'french then "un dpassement de temps est survenu" else "a timeout occured"); DefConst('kTooMuchErrorsOccuredString, if language = 'french then "trop d'erreurs se sont produites" else "too much errors occured"); DefConst('kTooMuchErrorsString, if language = 'french then "Trop d'erreurs" else "Too much errors"); DefConst('kTooMuchRetriesString, if language = 'french then "Trop de tentatives infructueuses" else "Too much retries"); DefConst('kTransferTransportActionTitle, if language = 'french then "Transfrer" else "Transfer"); DefConst('kUnbindingStatusString, if language = 'french then "Suppression de la liaison" else "Unbinding"); DefConst('kUndefinedClientMethodParamString, if language = 'french then "La mthode R^0S nUest pas dfinie dans lUapplication cliente de R" & kTransferTransportName & "S" else "Undefined method R^0S in R" & kTransferTransportName & "S client application"); DefConst('kUnexpectedHeaderTypeParamString, if language = 'french then "Header de type inattendu : ^0" else "Unexpected header type: ^0"); DefConst('kUntitledFileString, if language = 'french then "Fichier sans titre" else "Untitled File"); DefConst('kUntitledPictFileString, if language = 'french then "Fichier PICT sans titre" else "Untitled PICT File"); DefConst('kUserCancelString, if language = 'french then "Annulation" else "Cancelling"); DefConst('kWaitForLineTimeoutParamString, if language = 'french then "L'attente d'une ligne a t abandonne au bout de ^0 secondes" else "A timeout occured after ^0 seconds, while waiting for a line"); DefConst('kWaitForLineToolName, if language = 'french then "Attente d'une ligne" else "Wait for line"); DefConst('kWaitForStringTimeoutParamString, if language = 'french then "L'attente de R^0S a t abandonne au bout de ^1 secondes" else "A timeout occured after ^1 seconds, while waiting for R^0S"); DefConst('kWaitForStringToolName, if language = 'french then "Attente d'une chane de caractres" else "Wait for string"); DefConst('kWaitingForLineString, if language = 'french then "En attente dUune ligne" else "Waiting for a line"); DefConst('kWaitingForParamString, if language = 'french then "En attente de R^0S" else "Waiting for R^0S"); DefConst('kWaitingForReceiverString, if language = 'french then "Attente du rcepteur" else "Waiting for receiver"); DefConst('kWarningOccuredString, if language = 'french then "un avertissement est survenu" else "a warning occured"); DefConst('kXModemReceiveToolName, if language = 'french then "Rception XModem" else "XModem Receive"); DefConst('kXModemSendToolName, if language = 'french then "mission XModem" else "XModem Send"); DefConst('kZModemFailedTryingAnotherProtocolString, if language = 'french then "ZModem a chou ; essai d'un autre protocole" else "ZModem failed; trying another protocol"); DefConst('kZModemReceiveToolName, if language = 'french then "Rception ZModem" else "ZModem receive"); DefConst('kZModemSendToolName, if language = 'french then "mission ZModem" else "ZModem Send"); DefConst('kZModemToolInstantiationFailedString, if language = 'french then "LUinstantiation de lUoutil ZModem a chou" else "ZModem tool instantiation failed"); DefConst('kZrinitReceivedString, if language = 'french then "un header ZRINIT a t re u" else "a ZRINIT header has been received"); DefConst('kZskipReceivedString, if language = 'french then "un header ZSKIP a t re u" else "a ZSKIP header has been received");