DefConst('kAboutAboutLayoutName, if language = 'french then "K propos" else "About"); DefConst('kAboutLegalsLayoutName, if language = 'french then "Informations" else "Legals"); DefConst('kAboutRegisterLayoutName, if language = 'french then "Enregistrement" else "Registration"); DefConst('kAllRightsReservedString, if language = 'french then "Tous droits rservs." else "All Rights Reserved."); DefConst('kAuthorParamString, if language = 'french then "par ^0" else "by ^0"); DefConst('kAuthorString, if language = 'french then "Auteur" else "Author"); DefConst('kBundleParamString, if language = 'french then "Ce programme est distribu avec R^0S." else "This program is distributed with R^0S."); DefConst('kCityLabel, if language = 'french then "Site" else "Site"); DefConst('kCompanyNameLabel, if language = 'french then "Socit" else "Company"); DefConst('kEmailParamString, if language = 'french then "mailto:^0" else "mailto:^0"); DefConst('kFreewareString, if language = 'french then "Ce programme est distribu en tant que Freeware." else "This program is distributed as Freeware."); DefConst('kLicensedParamString, if language = 'french then "Licence attribue  ^0" else "Licensed to ^0"); DefConst('kLicensedForNUsersParamString, if language = 'french then "Licence attribue  ^0 (^1 utilisateurs)" else "Licensed to ^0 (^1 users)"); DefConst('kLicensedForOneUserParamString, if language = 'french then "Licence mono-utilisateur attribue  ^0" else "Licensed to ^0 (1 user)"); DefConst('kLicensedForSiteParamString, if language = 'french then "Licence attribue  ^0, ^1" else "Licensed to ^0, ^1"); DefConst('kNotRegisteredString, if language = 'french then "Non enregistr" else "Not registered"); DefConst('kPleaseRegisterString, if language = 'french then "N'oubliez pas dUenregistrer votre copie." else "Please register your copy."); DefConst('kRegisterButtonString, if language = 'french then "Enregistrer" else "Register"); DefConst('kRegisteredSharewareParamString, if language = 'french then "Ce programme est distribu en tant que Shareware  $^0. Merci de vous tre enregistr." else "This program is distributed as $^0 Shareware. Thank you for registering."); DefConst('kRegisterTitleParamString, if language = 'french then "Enregistrement ^0" else "^0 Registration"); DefConst('kRegistrationDifferentCompanyNameString, if language = 'french then "Le nom de l'entreprise est diffrent de celui indiqu dans les RInfos UtilisateurS" else "The company name doesn't square with the one stored in the ROwner InfoS"); DefConst('kRegistrationDifferentUserNameString, if language = 'french then "Le nom est diffrent de celui indiqu dans les RInfos UtilisateurS" else "The name doesn't square with the one stored in the ROwner InfoS"); DefConst('kRegistrationCityFailureString, if language = 'french then "Le numro de srie ne correspond pas  la ville" else "The serial number doesn't square with the city"); DefConst('kRegistrationCompanyNameFailureString, if language = 'french then "Le numro de srie ne correspond pas  l'entreprise" else "The serial number doesn't square with the company"); DefConst('kRegistrationSerialNumberFailureString, if language = 'french then "Le numro de srie est incorrect" else "The serial number is not valid"); DefConst('kRegistrationUserNameFailureString, if language = 'french then "Le numro de srie ne correspond pas au nom" else "The serial number doesn't square with the name"); DefConst('kSerialNumberLabel, if language = 'french then "N! srie" else "Serial"); DefConst('kUnRegisterButtonString, if language = 'french then "Supprimer" else "Unregister"); DefConst('kUnregisteredSharewareParamString, if language = 'french then "Ce programme est distribu en tant que Shareware  $^0. Si vous continuez  l'utiliser, vous devez le payer." else "This program is distributed as $^0 Shareware. If you continue to use it, you must pay for it."); DefConst('kUnregisteredVersionString, if language = 'french then "Version non enregistre" else "Unregistered version"); DefConst('kUserNameLabel, if language = 'french then "Utilisateur" else "User"); DefConst('kVersionParamString, if language = 'french then "version ^0, du ^1" else "version ^0, ^1");