DefConst('kEndpointEventEncounteredParamString, if language = 'french then "Un vnement est survenu dans un endpoint (eventCode = ^0, data = ^1, serviceId = ^2)" else "Endpoint event encountered (eventCode = ^0, data = ^1, serviceId = ^2)"); DefConst('kEngineString, if language = 'french then "Moteur Easter-eggs" else "Easter-eggs Engine"); DefConst('kErrorEncounteredParamString, if language = 'french then "Une erreur ^0 est survenue" else "Error ^0 encountered"); DefConst('kEventLogParamString, if language = 'french then "[vnement : ^0, ^1]" else "[event: ^0, ^1]"); DefConst('kEngineInstantiationFailedString, if language = 'french then "LUinstantiation du moteur a chou" else "Engine instantiation failed"); DefConst('kForEachItemRequestToolName, if language = 'french then "ForEachItemRequest" else "ForEachItemRequest"); DefConst('kForEachReadyItemEngineInstantiationFailedString, if language = 'french then "LUinstantiation du moteur a chou" else "Engine instantiation failed"); DefConst('kForEachReadyItemToolName, if language = 'french then "ForEachReadyItem" else "ForEachReadyItem"); DefConst('kForEachRemoteItemEngineInstantiationFailedString, if language = 'french then "LUinstantiation du moteur a chou" else "Engine instantiation failed"); DefConst('kForEachRemoteItemToolName, if language = 'french then "ForEachRemoteItem" else "ForEachRemoteItem"); DefConst('kForEngineInstantiationFailedString, if language = 'french then "LUinstantiation du moteur a chou" else "Engine instantiation failed"); DefConst('kForToolName, if language = 'french then "For" else "For"); DefConst('kIgnoringEventLogParamString, if language = 'french then "[vnement : ^0, ^1] ignor" else "Ignoring [event: ^0, ^1]"); DefConst('kInvalidInstructionParamString, if language = 'french then "Instruction invalide : ^0" else "Invalid instruction: ^0"); DefConst('kMachineAlreadyStoppedString, if language = 'french then "LUautomate dUtats finis est dj interrompu" else "The finite state machine is already stopped"); DefConst('kMachineInNilStateString, if language = 'french then "LUautomate dUtats finis est dans lUtat nil" else "The finite state machine is in nil state"); DefConst('kMachineReturnsUserCancelString, if language = 'french then "LUautomate dUtats finis retourne un vnement 'userCancel (remplac par 'cancelled)" else "The finite state machine returns a 'userCancel event ('cancelled event substituted)"); DefConst('kMachineString, if language = 'french then "Machine Easter-eggs" else "Easter-eggs Machine"); DefConst('kMissingContextString, if language = 'french then "Contexte absent" else "Missing context"); DefConst('kMissingEndpointString, if language = 'french then "Endpoint absent" else "Missing endpoint"); DefConst('kMissingInstructionString, if language = 'french then "Instruction absente" else "Missing instruction"); DefConst('kMissingOptionsString, if language = 'french then "Options absentes" else "Missing options"); DefConst('kMissingToolNewMethodParamString, if language = 'french then "LUoutil R^0S n'a pas de mthode RNewS" else "Missing RNewS method in tool R^0S"); DefConst('kMissingToolToResumeString, if language = 'french then "L'outil dont il faut reprendre l'excution n'est pas prcis" else "Missing tool to resume"); DefConst('kNextStateSymbolChangedOutOfActionString, if language = 'french then "The slot nextStateSymbol has been changed out of any action" else "Le slot nextStateSymbol a t modifi en dehors d'une action"); DefConst('kPausingMachineParamString, if language = 'french then "Pause de R^0S" else "Pausing R^0S"); DefConst('kQueuingEventLogParamString, if language = 'french then "Mise en attente de [vnement : ^0, ^1]" else "Queuing [event: ^0, ^1]"); DefConst('kRecursiveEngineInstantiationFailedString, if language = 'french then "LUinstantiation rcursive du moteur a chou" else "Engine recursive instantiation failed"); DefConst('kResumeToolName, if language = 'french then "Resume" else "Resume"); DefConst('kResumingMachineParamString, if language = 'french then "Reprise de R^0S" else "Resuming R^0S"); DefConst('kSetStateWithNilStateSymbolString, if language = 'french then "SetState appel avec stateSymbol valant nil" else "SetState called with nil stateSymbol"); DefConst('kStartingMachineParamString, if language = 'french then "Dmarrage de R^0S" else "Starting R^0S"); DefConst('kStateLogParamString, if language = 'french then "[tat : ^0]" else "[state: ^0]"); DefConst('kStoppingMachineParamString, if language = 'french then "Arrt de R^0S" else "Stopping R^0S"); DefConst('kToolInstantiationFailedString, if language = 'french then "LUinstantiation de lUoutil a chou" else "Tool instantiation failed"); DefConst('kToolNotPausedString, if language = 'french then "L'outil dont l'excution reprend n'avait pas t interrompu" else "Tool to resume was not paused"); DefConst('kUndefinedActionParamString, if language = 'french then "Action indfinie : ^0" else "Undefined action: ^0"); DefConst('kUndefinedEventParamString, if language = 'french then "vnement indfini : ^0" else "Undefined event: ^0"); DefConst('kUnknownToolParamString, if language = 'french then "Outil inconnu : ^0" else "Unknown tool: ^0");