EETransfer 1.0 - EETransfer is a fully featured, fully scriptable, Newton 2.xx program from Easter-eggs. It allows you to perform and automate various kinds of connections and data exchanges with any other computer. EETransfer is really a two in one package, aimed at two different kinds of people: power users and VARs / System Integrators. Can connect using a serial cable, a modem, IrDA or AppleTalk. Very well suited for wireless communications. Support the XMODEM, YMODEM and ZMODEM protocols. Can also send and receive data using no protocol. Can connect to any other computer including (but not limited to) DOS, Windows, MacOS, Unix and Newton systems. VT100 Terminal emulation. Screen shots. Can send and receive Newton packages. Can decode / encode Newton data, including (but not limited to) notes, names, dates and pictures. Can import / export Newton soups from / to classic files. Connection log.