Term2.2 a simple terminal application for the Newton. Use this as you would a simple terminal emulation, in TTY or TEXT mode. 1200, 2400, 9600, no Handshakes, 8+1 no parity. This app uses the Monaco 9pt font, but it will use the system 9pt font if Monaco 9 cannot be found. Straight TEXT, no ANSI, no VT100 Or NewtonOS 2 J I have used a protoTextList as the main display area. Advantages -easier horizontal scrolling. -it seemed like a good idea, at the time. Disadvantages -it slows the processing and display of incoming text. cls-clears the screen, a good move! Otp-accesses various options. send-sends the Outgoing text area. CR-sends a return character. show-brings up the Input box, this is used to compose Outgoing text, which is then transfered to the Outgoing Text area before transmission. <>-scroll the main window left and right, J Below the main windows is the Outgoing text area, press the Send button to send text in this area to line. Incoming text appears in the Incoming text area near the base of the main display area and is transferred into the main display when a is received. J One of the options is a silly little keyboard. This keyboard puts charactors dicertly out to line and not via the Outgoing disply area. Clearing the buffer is essental to the smooth runnig of this app. Buffered text can be exported to the Notes application. J The Text input box allows you to write in text and also to save text to a short cut menu. Double tap for a large keyboard. J At the right of the Outgoing area is a picker that can be used to put common text or commands into the O/G area and this picker can be modified by using the Add and Del pickers in the Text Entry Area. This app performs well in some areas and very poorly in others, clear the screen when you can, remember it only uses standard text, escape codes are ignored. It will fail to correctly display 9600 bps text if the text comes to the Newton in long bursts, which is what happens when you get a help screen or similar message, 1200 is best, 2400 works most times. I wanted this app to talk to MPU development kits, at 9600, it failed, as do most of the other Newton Terminals that I have tried, one help screen, 1000 characters in one burst, and they are history. Original code from a Serial Sample, thanks DTS and PIESYSOP. Term2 ) 1994 -1995 Paul B Jones 21 Beaconsfield ave Midvale Western Australia. (New Address) Pbjones@eworld.com This application is Shareware, $10, a naive concept, but thanks to the few who do send anything. FAQ Will this ever work as a VT100 emulation? No. Can I connect to the Internet? Yes, if your SP has a UN*x shell then you can access the internet, you may be restricted to email collection. Will this application be upgraded to Newt 2? Not unless someone starts paying their shareware fees so that I can upgrade my Newton tool kit and my MP100!!!