Send My Biz Card Version 1.5 Copyright ) 1993-94 Thomas J. Volgger (go to the bottom of this document for information about the most recent changes!) Ever wanted an easy way to give a fellow Newton user your name, address, phone number, etc.? Here we go: 'Send My Biz Card' is a small app that lets you create an entry in your Names cardfile using the information in your 'Personal' preferences or just select an existing one. It remembers this card and whenever you want to send your electronic business card, just open 'Send My Biz Card' and hit the 'Beam' button. No more need to search for your card with the find function or a lot of taps on the screen. How it works: When you first open 'Send My Biz Card' - or 'SendCard' as it shows up on the Newton - you'll find two buttons labeled 'Select' and 'Create'. If your Names file already contains a card with your name and address use 'Select'. If you want 'SendCard' to create one for you (using the information in your 'Personal' preferences) tap on 'Create'. This new card will be placed in the internal store of the Newton (not the PCMCIA card, even if you checked the 'Store new items on card' box) as an unfiled name. In the Names file it can be changed (and deleted). Either way the name of the 'Create' button will change to 'Beam' and you are ready to go! Now a few notes: If you move your business card to a PCMCIA card (and in some other rather unlikely situations), 'Send My Biz Card' looses track of your card. Just use 'Select' again. BTW: 'Select' first brings up the best guesses based on the name in your 'Personal' preferences. If this is not enough, you can use the radio button below the list of best guesses to show all names of your Names file. . Future enhancements: There are some ways to reduce the number of taps needed to send a card. This is comming (real soon now??). And lot more features and easier handling (i.e. Intelligent assistant). So stay tuned - and please tell me what you think about what you got so far. Disclaimer: 'Send My Biz Card' is FreeWare. It is provided "as is" and free of charge. It may be freely distributed. It may not be sold. All commercial distribution is prohibited. Only nominal download costs may be collected in connection with online distribution. Please send comments and bug reports to me at: Applelink: THOMAS.J or JACK.BOX And thanks to the person at the Dec. 1993 Newton Developer Conference, who came up with this idea! % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Changes Version 0.9b5 Initial release. Version 1.0 Changed the standard routing slip to a 'Beam' button, as this is the only routing feature anyway. Handles the creation of the card in a more intelligent manner. Version 1.0.1 Well, there was a bug since the beginning that made the creation of the BizCard not work if the name entered in the 'Personal' preferences did not consist of three strings (As in "Thomas J. Volgger"). It now works with 1 to 4 strings. (i.e. from "John" to "John F. Doe Jun.) Version 1.0.2 (never released) Another bug that's around since the beginning: the BizCard would not be found after it is moved to a memory card. And under some circumstances a received BizCard could have been used for beaming instead of the one created by the user. (This would have been reflected in the application window, though.) Version 1.1 Had to change the method for remembering the card. So the problem with not finding it when it is moved to a memory card is back again. But this time it's not really a bug - I'd rather call it a bad implemented feature. But there is also some improvement: The 'Create' and the 'Beam' button merged as they are used only alternatively anyway. So after the card is created the 'Create' button changes to be a 'Beam' button until the card is trashed and it becomes the 'Create' button again. Nice side effect: No need for error checking for which button has been hit. Version 1.1.1 Now your card should stay for good. SMBC now looks for an ID (_uniqueID) and if that fails also for your name and/or company. Version 1.1.2 The unlikely case that another name card would grab just this very same ID that your just deleted biz card used to have was not as unlikely as I thought. So now I check for the name (last name or company name, depending on what you've selected in the 'List by' pop up list) even if I find the ID at once. If that fails I take an even closer look (as 1.1.1 did). Version 1.5 OK. Once and for all I now implemented a solution for this not getting the right card problem. If I can't find the right one, it's your turn - use the all new 'Select' button. 'Select' brings up the best guesses based on the name in the Personal Preferences. If this is not enough, you can switch to show all names of your Names file.