PostOffice // :doObj('add,'PostOffice) // :doObj('build,'PostOffice) // :doObj('remove,'PostOffice) { // // (c)1994, 1995 by Serg Koren. All rights reserved. // Do not distribute modified or NTK versions. // Shareware $8 to // 485 Brown Briar Cir. // Horsham,PA 19044-1974 // viewclass: 'clView, viewFlags: vFloating + vApplication, viewFormat: 337, declareSelf: 'base, title: "Post Office", ViewBounds: RelBounds(10,5,220,100), curEntry : {}, soupName : "Post:SKoren", defaultEntry: { pho: "", loc: ""}, mySoup : nil, soupCursor : nil, editView : nil, _package: { version: 200, copyright: ")1994, 1995 by S.Koren.\u000D\u All rights reserved", devSignature: "SKoren", icon: :GetIcon("Post Office"), }, RegisterCardSoup: kRegisterCardSoupFunc, UnregisterCardSoup: kUnregisterCardSoupFunc, GetUserConfig: kGetUserConfigFunc, SetUserConfig: kSetUserConfigFunc, FlushUserConfig: kFlushUserConfigFunc, setEntry: func(entry) curEntry := if entry then entry else deepclone(defaultEntry), viewSetupFormScript: func() begin editView := self; mySoup := :RegisterCardSoup(soupName, [], appSymbol, []); soupCursor := Query(mySoup,{type: 'index}); :setEntry(soupCursor:entry()); if StrEqual(curEntry.loc,"") then begin curEntry.pho := :GetUserConfig('mailPhone); curEntry.loc := :GetUserConfig('; mySoup:AddToDefaultStore(curEntry); end; GetRoot().ExtrasDrawer:close(); RefreshViews(); inherited:?viewSetupFormScript(); end, viewQuitScript: func() begin // close help... if helpView then helpView:close(); helpView := nil; // get rid of soup... mySoup := soupCursor := nil; :UnRegisterCardSoup(soupName); inherited:?viewQuitScript(); end, } ----- PostOffice.add+changeBtn { // set Change button _proto: 'protoTextButton, viewBounds: RelBounds(115, 70, 45, 16), text: "Change", buttonClickScript: func() begin curEntry.loc := loc.text; curEntry.pho := phone.text; locPicker.labelCommands[state] := loc.text; Picker.labelCommands[state] := phone.text; modPicker.labelCommands[state] := loc.text & "@" & phone.text; :Flush(); end; } ----- PostOffice.about+maboutText { // about text viewclass: 'clParagraphView, text: " \u000D\u " && PostOffice._package.copyright && "\u000D\u Version" && SubStr( NumberStr(PostOffice._package.version),0,1) & "." & SubStr( NumberStr(PostOffice._package.version),1,2) & "\u000D\u email:", viewFlags: 3, viewBounds: RelBounds(5,20,200,80), } ----- PostOffice+SetsBtn { // button for soup set maintenance _proto: 'protoTextButton, text : "Sets...", viewBounds: RelBounds(5,5,40,16), buttonClickScript:func() begin :setEntry(nil); add:open(); end; } ----- PostOffice+about { // float n go for about _proto:'protoFloatNGo, viewBounds:RelBounds(0,5,200,90), } ----- PostOffice+Status { // current setting line _proto: 'protoStaticText, viewBounds: RelBounds(65,87,200,16), text: nil, viewSetupFormScript: func() text := :GetUserConfig(' & "@" & :GetUserConfig('mailPhone), // force update } ----- PostOffice+picker { // phone picker _proto: 'protoLabelPicker, text: "Phones", viewBounds: RelBounds(50,50,150,16), labelCommands: nil, viewSetupFormScript: func() begin labelCommands:= []; local e, curs, soup; soup := GetUnionSoup("Post:SKoren"); // get every phone entry... labelCommands := MapCursor(Query(soup,{type: 'index}),func (e) e.pho); inherited:viewSetupFormScript(); end, labelActionScript: func(cmd) begin SetValue(Status, 'text, locpicker.labelCommands[cmd] & "@" & labelCommands[cmd] ); :SetUserConfig(', locpicker.labelCommands[cmd]); :SetUserConfig('mailPhone, labelCommands[cmd]); :FlushUserConfig(); // switch to the one chosen... locpicker:UpdateText(locpicker.labelCommands[cmd]); end; } ----- PostOffice+locpicker { // location picker _proto: 'protoLabelPicker, text: "Locations", viewBounds: RelBounds(50,30,150,16), labelCommands: nil, viewSetupFormScript: func() begin labelCommands:= []; local e, curs, soup; soup := GetUnionSoup("Post:SKoren"); // get all the locations... labelCommands := MapCursor(Query(soup, {type: 'index}),func (e) e.loc); inherited:viewSetupFormScript(); end, labelActionScript: func(cmd) begin SetValue(Status, 'text, labelCommands[cmd] & "@" & picker.labelCommands[cmd]); :SetUserConfig(', labelCommands[cmd]); :SetUserConfig('mailPhone, picker.labelCommands[cmd]); :FlushUserConfig(); // switch to current... picker:UpdateText(picker.labelCommands[cmd]); end; } ----- PostOffice+add { // float n go for sets _proto:'protoFloatNGo, viewBounds:RelBounds(0,5,200,90), viewFlags: 512, state : 0, // index of modpicker } ----- PostOffice.about+title { // about title _proto: 'protoStaticText, viewBounds: RelBounds(20,10,100,16), text: "Post Office", } ----- PostOffice.add+label1 { // label _proto: 'protoStaticText, viewBounds: RelBounds(5,30,100,16), text: "Location:", } ----- PostOffice.add+label2 { // label _proto: 'protoStaticText, viewBounds: RelBounds(5,50,100,16), text: "Phone:", } ----- PostOffice.InputLineproto { // my proto for input _proto: 'protoInputLine, text: "", value: 0, viewSetupFormScript: func() begin self.text := clone(curEntry.(field)); // clone the field's "field" slot. inherited:?viewSetupFormScript(); end; } ----- PostOffice.add+Loc { // location input line _proto: 'InputLineproto, viewBounds: RelBounds(60,20,130,30), viewFlags: 6657, field: 'loc, // create a slot which points to loc } ----- PostOffice.add+Phone { // phone input line _proto: 'InputLineproto, viewBounds: RelBounds(60,40,130,30), viewFlags: 10753, field: 'pho, // create a slot which points to pho } ----- PostOffice.Flush func() begin // flushes soup entries if isSoupEntry(curEntry) then EntryChange(curEntry) else mySoup:AddToDefaultStore(curEntry); end ----- PostOffice.add+modpicker { // set picker _proto: 'protoLabelPicker, text: "-", viewBounds: RelBounds(30,5,200,16), labelCommands: nil, viewSetupFormScript: func() begin labelCommands:= []; local e, curs, soup; soup := GetUnionSoup("Post:SKoren"); // get all locations and phones... labelCommands := MapCursor(Query(soup,{type: 'index}), func(e) e.loc & "@" & e.pho); inherited:viewSetupFormScript(); end, labelActionScript: func(cmd) begin local e, curs, soup; soup := GetUnionSoup("Post:SKoren"); curs := Query(soup, {type: 'index}); state := cmd; curs:Move(cmd); // move to selected entry in soup e:= curs:Entry(); SetValue(phone, 'text,clone(e.pho)); SetValue(loc,'text, clone(e.loc)); end; } ----- PostOffice.add+addBtn { // multistate New button... // ...function dependant on btn text // ...btn text set by other buttons. _proto: 'protoTextButton, viewBounds: RelBounds(5, 70, 45, 16), text: "New", buttonClickScript: func() begin local e, curs, soup; if StrEqual(text, "New") then begin // default...clear the inputs // ...and get ready to add. phone.text := ""; loc.text := ""; text := "Add"; SetValue(self,'text,"Add"); SetValue(delBtn,'text,"Cancel"); changeBtn:Hide(); end else if StrEqual(text, "Confirm") then begin // delete the entry the modpicker points to... soup := GetUnionSoup("Post:SKoren"); curs := Query(soup, {type: 'index}); curs:Move(state); // move to entry in modpicker e:= curs:Entry(); if isSoupEntry(e) then EntryRemoveFromSoup(e); SetValue(self,'text,"New"); SetValue(delBtn,'text,"Delete"); changeBtn:Show(); // remove the corresponding entries in the pickers... ArrayRemoveCount(modpicker.labelCommands, state,1); ArrayRemoveCount(locpicker.labelCommands, state,1); ArrayRemoveCount(picker.labelCommands, state,1); modpicker:UpdateText(modpicker.labelCommands[0]); end else begin // add...we've entered stuff into input lines... :setEntry(nil); curEntry.loc := loc.text; curEntry.pho := phone.text; :Flush(); // add the info to all the pickers... AddArraySlot(locpicker.labelCommands, loc.text); AddArraySlot(picker.labelCommands, phone.text); AddArraySlot(modpicker.labelCommands, loc.text & "@" & phone.text); SetValue(self,'text,"New"); SetValue(delBtn,'text,"Delete"); changeBtn:Show(); end; end; } ----- PostOffice.add+delBtn { // set Delete button _proto: 'protoTextButton, viewBounds: RelBounds(60, 70, 45, 16), text: "Delete", buttonClickScript: func() begin if StrEqual(text, "Delete") then begin SetValue(self,'text,"Cancel"); SetValue(addBtn,'text,"Confirm"); changeBtn:Hide(); end else begin SetValue(self,'text,"Delete"); SetValue(addBtn,'text,"New"); changeBtn:Show(); end; end; } ----- PostOffice+stat { // protostatus line _proto: 'protoStatus, // func used to position buttons ButtonBounds: func(width) begin local left1 := 25, top := 2, spacing := 6, bottom := 15; if width > 0 then SetBounds(spacing,top,spacing+width,bottom) else SetBounds(left1,top,left1 - width,bottom); end, } ----- PostOffice.stat+helpBtn { // help button on protostatus _proto: 'protoTextButton, viewBounds: :ButtonBounds(10), text: "?", viewJustify: 8389638, buttonClickScript: func() :openHelp(), } ----- PostOffice.stat+aboutBtn { // about button on protostatus _proto: 'protoTextButton, viewBounds: :ButtonBounds(-10), text: "!", buttonClickScript: func() about:open(), } ----- PostOffice.helpStuff~ { // help setup helpBook: :helpBookTemplate(), helpView: nil, openHelp: func() if helpBook then begin if not helpView then helpView := BuildContext( { _proto: GetRoot().TinyTim._proto, bookRef: helpBook }); GetRoot().TinyTim:close(); helpView:openManual(helpBook); end, } ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page1 .# first help book page .subject 1 About Post Office .story Post Office lets you maintain multiple NewtonMail phone numbers and corresponding locations. It lets you easily switch between sets of these as you travel or commute. ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page2 .subject 1 Main View .story The Post Office main view, is the one you see when you start the app. It contains two pickers, a status line, a "Sets..." button, and 2 buttons on the status line. ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page3 .subject 1 Main View Objects .story - The "Sets..." button takes y ou to the Sets View. - The "!" brings up an about box with version information. - The "?" brings up this help. - The Status line displays the current NewtonMail information. - The Location picker allows you to select a NewtonMail set by its location. - The Phone picker allows you to select a NewtonMail set by its access number ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page4 .subject 1 What Are Sets? .story A "set" as defined by Post Office is a NewtonMail access phone number and the corresponding location. Post Office lets you maintain sets. ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page5 .subject 1 Sets View .story The Post Office sets view is where you maintain access location and numbers for NewtonMail. This view consists of one picker, two input lines, and three buttons. ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page6 .subject 1 Sets View Objects .story -The picker allows you to select which existing set you wish to change or delete. -The two input lines allow you to add new sets or modify the information in an existing one. -The three buttons are "New", "Delete" "Change", and perform the function as labelled. ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page7 .subject 1 How Do I Add A New Set? .story -Scrub out the information in the input lines. -Enter the new information. -Click the "New" button. -Confirm by clicking the "Add" button. ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page8 .subject 1 How Do I Delete A Set? .story -Select the set to be deleted from the picker -Click the "Delete" button. -Confirm by clicking the "Confirm" button. ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page9 .subject 1 How Do I Change A Set? .story -Select the set to be changed from the picker -Enter the modified information in the input lines. -Click the "Change" button. ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page91 .subject 1 About Newt 3.0 .story Post Office was written using Newt 3.0 by Steve Weyer. "Newt 3.0 a native development environment for simple applications using NewtonScript, and for creating turtle-like graphics using gestures, buttons, and NS. " Newt 3.0 runs on your Newton and produces standalone packages without a desktop computer. Steve Weyer - ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page92 .subject 1 About The Author .story Serg Koren 485 Brown Briar Cir. Horsham, PA 19044-1974 Post Office is shareware: $8 ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page93 .subject 1 Disclaimers & Limitations .story Post Office is provided as is. Post Office creates a soup called "Post:SKoren". Post Office also modifies the userConfiguration soup. ----- GetIcon func(which) begin local iconsoup := GetUnionSoup("Icons:BenG"); local entry := (cursor := Query(iconsoup, {type: 'index})):entry(); while entry do begin if StrEqual(, which) then return entry.icon; entry := cursor:Next(); end; return nil; end ----- PostOffice.helpBook+Page94 .subject 1 Registration .story Post Office is shareware. Please send $8 if you find this useful to: Serg Koren 485 Brown Briar Cir. Horsham, PA 19044-1974 ----- _PostOffice._about+title { // about box title _proto: 'protoStaticText, viewBounds: RelBounds(20,20,100,16), text: " Post Office", } -----