PageXpress 3.1 Still $5.00 Shareware to: Ron Flax 1892 Preston White Drive Reston, VA 22091 Changes since version 2.3 1. Changed paging protocol once and for all from Manual TAP protocol to the more standard IXO/TAP Automatic protocol. The Automatic protocol is much more specific and therefor PageXpress will now work with virtually any IXO/TAP compatible paging service. 2. You can now edit a Recipient by double tapping on the name in the Recipient scrolling window. 3. PageXpress now adheres to Apple's User Interface guidelines for Newton. PageXpress properly implements the information button with About, Help, and Prefs panels. I've also moved the Recipients... and Services... menu items to the information button popup. 4. Once connected and just prior to sending a message, PageXpress will scroll the Recipient list to the name of the current recipient. Upon successfully sending the message, the check mark will be unchecked for this user. If a fatal failure occurs, you can simply send the message again to the remaining recipients. 5. Added code to force the newton modems (External Cigarette Box, and PCMCIA) to connect at the desired speed as specified for the service being used. Before installing this fix, It was possible for the modem to connect to the paging service at a higher baud rate than desired. This also allows PageXpress to be used with slower (300 baud) services. 6. Fixed scrolling bug in the Services and Recipients list views. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From PageXpress 2.3 README File: Still $5.00 Shareware.. Changes since version 2.0 1. Much more robust call/protocol handing mechanism (PageXpress now works with many more paging service providers). 2. Hidden "debug" button in upper right corner of screen to help you figure out why a connection is failing. 3. In "Add Recipient" dialog, a new button has been added that will lookup the recipient in the Newton Names soup once you have entered enough information into the recipient field. This prevents automatic lookups of the recipient before you are ready for the system to perform the lookup. (Also allows you to enter a recipient that is not in the Names soup). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From PageXpress 2.0 README file: PageXpress is a Shareware ($5.00) application for your Newton that allows you to SEND alphanumeric pages from your Newton to a variety of alphanumeric pagers. This means that from your Newton you can send a text message to someone that carries an alphanumeric pager (like a Newton MessageCard, etc...). You must have a modem of some sort (PCMCIA, Cigarette Box, etc...) in order to use PageXpress with your Newton. This version supports a virtually unlimited number of paging services (in addition to Apple Wireless Messaging). In theory it should work with any paging service that supports the manual TAP protocol. If you find a service which does not work I'd be interested in hearing about it. Major differences between 1.0 and 2.0 are as follows: 1. Ability to send pages to multiple paging services, even while sending the same message to many recipients. 2. Ability to set the phone number and comms parameters of the paging service providers you will be using. 3. More robust comms handling. 4. More robust error handling. 5. Enhanced dial prefs allows you to write-in a value other than 8, 9 or no prefix. 6. Recipient editor now tries to lookup pager id in Names soup. 7. Scrollable message window, makes it easier to add long messages. 8. Canned messages get added to content in message window, rather than replacing the content completely. Enjoy! Ron Flax --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From PageXpress 1.0 README file: PageXpress PageXpress is an application that lets you send pages to Apple Wireless Messaging subscribers from your Newton. PageXpress also lets you send the same message to multiple subscribers at the same time. The application is quite simple to use, once you've configured your recipient list. To do so select "Manage Recipients" after tapping on the action button. The Recipient Manager window will appear and you can Add or Delete entries. You can also edit an existing entry by double-tapping on the entry in the Recipient Manager list. You can tell PageXpress to use an outside line dialing prefix by selecting "Dial Prefix" after tapping on the action button. You can select 8, 9, or no prefix from the dialog box that appears. You can also edit the canned messages that show up in the "Message To Send" popup menu to make using PageXpress even easier to use. Select the "Edit Canned Messages..." menu item to edit the list entries. To send a page, select the recipients you want the message to go to, write in a message or select one of the canned phrases from the popup menu, then make sure your modem is ready and select "Send" from the action menu. That's it! Have fun.. Oh, and by the way... please keep those cards and letters coming (especially the ones with the $5.00 shareware fee) :-)