%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%Pages: (atend) %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%EndComments % % FrameMaker PostScript Prolog 3.0, for use with FrameMaker 3.0 % Copyright (c) 1986,87,89,90,91 by Frame Technology Corporation. % All rights reserved. % % Known Problems: % Due to bugs in Transcript, the 'PS-Adobe-' is omitted from line 1 /FMversion (3.0) def % Set up Color vs. Black-and-White /FMPrintInColor systemdict /colorimage known systemdict /currentcolortransfer known or def % Uncomment this line to force b&w on color printer % /FMPrintInColor false def /FrameDict 195 dict def systemdict /errordict known not {/errordict 10 dict def errordict /rangecheck {stop} put} if % The readline in 23.0 doesn't recognize cr's as nl's on AppleTalk FrameDict /tmprangecheck errordict /rangecheck get put errordict /rangecheck {FrameDict /bug true put} put FrameDict /bug false put mark % Some PS machines read past the CR, so keep the following 3 lines together! currentfile 5 string readline 00 0000000000 cleartomark errordict /rangecheck FrameDict /tmprangecheck get put FrameDict /bug get { /readline { /gstring exch def /gfile exch def /gindex 0 def { gfile read pop dup 10 eq {exit} if dup 13 eq {exit} if gstring exch gindex exch put /gindex gindex 1 add def } loop pop gstring 0 gindex getinterval true } def } if /FMVERSION { FMversion ne { /Times-Roman findfont 18 scalefont setfont 100 100 moveto (FrameMaker version does not match postscript_prolog!) dup = show showpage } if } def /FMLOCAL { FrameDict begin 0 def end } def /gstring FMLOCAL /gfile FMLOCAL /gindex FMLOCAL /orgxfer FMLOCAL /orgproc FMLOCAL /organgle FMLOCAL /orgfreq FMLOCAL /yscale FMLOCAL /xscale FMLOCAL /manualfeed FMLOCAL /paperheight FMLOCAL /paperwidth FMLOCAL /FMDOCUMENT { array /FMfonts exch def /#copies exch def FrameDict begin 0 ne dup {setmanualfeed} if /manualfeed exch def /paperheight exch def /paperwidth exch def /yscale exch def /xscale exch def currenttransfer cvlit /orgxfer exch def currentscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def setpapername manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse {desperatepapersize} if end } def /pagesave FMLOCAL /orgmatrix FMLOCAL /landscape FMLOCAL /FMBEGINPAGE { FrameDict begin /pagesave save def 3.86 setmiterlimit /landscape exch 0 ne def landscape { 90 rotate 0 exch neg translate pop } {pop pop} ifelse xscale yscale scale /orgmatrix matrix def gsave } def /FMENDPAGE { grestore pagesave restore end showpage } def /FMFONTDEFINE { FrameDict begin findfont ReEncode 1 index exch definefont FMfonts 3 1 roll put end } def /FMFILLS { FrameDict begin array /fillvals exch def end } def /FMFILL { FrameDict begin fillvals 3 1 roll put end } def /FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS { newpath 0.0 0.0 moveto 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinecap 0 0 0 sethsbcolor 0 setgray } bind def /fx FMLOCAL /fy FMLOCAL /fh FMLOCAL /fw FMLOCAL /llx FMLOCAL /lly FMLOCAL /urx FMLOCAL /ury FMLOCAL /FMBEGINEPSF { end /FMEPSF save def /showpage {} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall fx fy translate rotate fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale llx neg lly neg translate } bind def /FMENDEPSF { FMEPSF restore FrameDict begin } bind def FrameDict begin /setmanualfeed { %%BeginFeature *ManualFeed True statusdict /manualfeed true put %%EndFeature } def /max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def /min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def /inch {72 mul} def /pagedimen { paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse } def /papersizedict FMLOCAL /setpapername { /papersizedict 14 dict def papersizedict begin /papername /unknown def /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen 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{a4small} def /B4 {b4} def /B5 {b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end stopped } def /desperatepapersize { statusdict /setpageparams known { paperwidth paperheight 0 1 statusdict begin {setpageparams} stopped pop end } if } def /savematrix { orgmatrix currentmatrix pop } bind def /restorematrix { orgmatrix setmatrix } bind def /dmatrix matrix def /dpi 72 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def /freq dpi 18.75 div 8 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul dpi exch div def /sangle 1 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform exch atan def /DiacriticEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute /dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron ] def /ReEncode { dup length dict begin { 1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if currentdict end } bind def /graymode true def /bwidth FMLOCAL /bpside FMLOCAL /bstring FMLOCAL /onbits FMLOCAL /offbits FMLOCAL /xindex FMLOCAL /yindex FMLOCAL /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /setpattern { /bwidth exch def /bpside exch def /bstring exch def /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def freq sangle landscape {90 add} if {/y exch def /x exch def /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1} {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0} ifelse } setscreen {} settransfer offbits offbits onbits add div FMsetgray /graymode false def } bind def /grayness { FMsetgray graymode not { /graymode true def orgxfer cvx settransfer orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen } if } bind def /HUE FMLOCAL /SAT FMLOCAL /BRIGHT FMLOCAL /Colors FMLOCAL FMPrintInColor { /HUE 0 def /SAT 0 def /BRIGHT 0 def % array of arrays Hue and Sat values for the separations [HUE BRIGHT] /Colors [[0 0 ] % black [0 0 ] % white [0.00 1.0] % red [0.37 1.0] % green [0.60 1.0] % blue [0.50 1.0] % cyan [0.83 1.0] % magenta [0.16 1.0] % comment / yellow ] def /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPCOLOR} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPCOLORc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUECOLOR } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUECOLORc } def /K { Colors exch get dup 0 get /HUE exch store 1 get /BRIGHT exch store HUE 0 eq BRIGHT 0 eq and {1.0 SAT sub setgray} {HUE SAT BRIGHT sethsbcolor} ifelse } def /FMsetgray { /SAT exch 1.0 exch sub store HUE 0 eq BRIGHT 0 eq and {1.0 SAT sub setgray} {HUE SAT BRIGHT sethsbcolor} ifelse } bind def } { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPGRAY} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPGRAYc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUEGRAY } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUEGRAYc } def /FMsetgray {setgray} bind def /K { pop } def } ifelse /normalize { transform round exch round exch itransform } bind def /dnormalize { dtransform round exch round exch idtransform } bind def /lnormalize { 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop } bind def /H { lnormalize setlinewidth } bind def /Z { setlinecap } bind def /fillvals FMLOCAL /X { fillvals exch get dup type /stringtype eq {8 1 setpattern} {grayness} ifelse } bind def /V { gsave eofill grestore } bind def /N { stroke } bind def /M {newpath moveto} bind def /E {lineto} bind def /D {curveto} bind def /O {closepath} bind def /n FMLOCAL /L { /n exch def newpath normalize moveto 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for } bind def /Y { L closepath } bind def /x1 FMLOCAL /x2 FMLOCAL /y1 FMLOCAL /y2 FMLOCAL /rad FMLOCAL /R { /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 y1 x2 y1 x2 y2 x1 y2 4 Y } bind def /RR { /rad exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath x1 y1 rad add moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 rad arcto x2 y2 x2 y1 rad arcto x2 y1 x1 y1 rad arcto x1 y1 x1 y2 rad arcto closepath 16 {pop} repeat } bind def /C { grestore gsave R clip } bind def /FMpointsize FMLOCAL /F { FMfonts exch get FMpointsize scalefont setfont } bind def /Q { /FMpointsize exch def F } bind def /T { moveto show } bind def /RF { rotate 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if } bind def /TF { gsave moveto RF show grestore } bind def /P { moveto 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow } bind def /PF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow grestore } bind def /S { moveto 0 exch ashow } bind def /SF { gsave moveto RF 0 exch ashow grestore } bind def /B { moveto 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow } bind def /BF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow grestore } bind def /G { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath fill grestore } bind def /A { gsave savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix stroke grestore } bind def /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /h FMLOCAL /xx FMLOCAL /yy FMLOCAL /ww FMLOCAL /hh FMLOCAL /FMsaveobject FMLOCAL /FMoptop FMLOCAL /FMdicttop FMLOCAL /BEGINPRINTCODE { /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count 4 sub def /FMsaveobject save def userdict begin /showpage {} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS 3 index neg 3 index neg translate } bind def /ENDPRINTCODE { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMsaveobject restore } bind def /gn { 0 { 46 mul cf read pop 32 sub dup 46 lt {exit} if 46 sub add } loop add } bind def /str FMLOCAL /cfs { /str sl string def 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for str def } bind def /ic [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx} {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx} {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh} {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh} {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl} {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl} {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl} {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl} ] def /sl FMLOCAL /val FMLOCAL /ws FMLOCAL /im FMLOCAL /bs FMLOCAL /cs FMLOCAL /len FMLOCAL /pos FMLOCAL /ms { /sl exch def /val 255 def /ws cfs /im cfs /val 0 def /bs cfs /cs cfs } bind def 400 ms /ip { is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /wh { /len exch def /pos exch def ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /bl { /len exch def /pos exch def bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /s1 1 string def /fl { /len exch def /pos exch def /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for pos len } bind def /hx { 3 copy getinterval cf exch readhexstring pop pop } bind def /h FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /d FMLOCAL /lb FMLOCAL /bitmapsave FMLOCAL /is FMLOCAL /cf FMLOCAL /wbytes { dup 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBWc { 1 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAYc { 8 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BITc { 2 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /COMMONBITMAPc { /r exch def /d exch def gsave translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def r /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBW { 1 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAY { 8 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BIT { 2 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /COMMONBITMAP { /r exch def /d exch def gsave translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def r /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /proc1 FMLOCAL /proc2 FMLOCAL /newproc FMLOCAL /Fmcc { /proc2 exch cvlit def /proc1 exch cvlit def /newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx } bind def /ngrayt 256 array def /nredt 256 array def /nbluet 256 array def /ngreent 256 array def /gryt FMLOCAL /blut FMLOCAL /grnt FMLOCAL /redt FMLOCAL /indx FMLOCAL /cynu FMLOCAL /magu FMLOCAL /yelu FMLOCAL /k FMLOCAL /u FMLOCAL /colorsetup { currentcolortransfer /gryt exch def /blut exch def /grnt exch def /redt exch def 0 1 255 { /indx exch def /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def /k cynu magu min yelu min def /u k currentundercolorremoval exec def nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put ngrayt indx 1 k currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put } for {255 mul cvi nredt exch get} {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get} {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get} {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get} setcolortransfer {pop 0} setundercolorremoval {} setblackgeneration } bind def /tran FMLOCAL /fakecolorsetup { /tran 256 string def 0 1 255 {/indx exch def tran indx red indx get 77 mul green indx get 151 mul blue indx get 28 mul add add 256 idiv put} for currenttransfer {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div} exch Fmcc settransfer } bind def /BITMAPCOLOR { /d 8 def gsave translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def colorsetup /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPCOLORc { /d 8 def gsave translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def colorsetup /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLORc { gsave translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def ws 0 w getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} {gip} {bip} true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLOR { gsave translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop } { cf gis readhexstring pop } { cf bis readhexstring pop } true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAYc { gsave translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def ws 0 w getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip gip bip w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ww FMLOCAL /r FMLOCAL /g FMLOCAL /b FMLOCAL /i FMLOCAL /gray { /ww exch def /b exch def /g exch def /r exch def 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for r } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAY { gsave translate rotate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop cf gis readhexstring pop cf bis readhexstring pop w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPGRAY { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BITMAPGRAYc { 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /ENDBITMAP { } bind def end /ALDsave FMLOCAL /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop /StartALD { /ALDsave save def savematrix ALDmatrix setmatrix } bind def /InALD { restorematrix } bind def /DoneALD { ALDsave restore } bind def %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup (3.0) FMVERSION 1 1 595.3 841.89 0 1 7 FMDOCUMENT 0 0 /Times-Roman FMFONTDEFINE 1 0 /Times-Bold FMFONTDEFINE 2 0 /Times-Italic FMFONTDEFINE 32 FMFILLS 0 0 FMFILL 1 0.1 FMFILL 2 0.3 FMFILL 3 0.5 FMFILL 4 0.7 FMFILL 5 0.9 FMFILL 6 0.97 FMFILL 7 1 FMFILL 8 <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> FMFILL 9 <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> FMFILL 10 FMFILL 11 FMFILL 12 <8142241818244281> FMFILL 13 <03060c183060c081> FMFILL 14 <8040201008040201> FMFILL 16 1 FMFILL 17 0.9 FMFILL 18 0.7 FMFILL 19 0.5 FMFILL 20 0.3 FMFILL 21 0.1 FMFILL 22 0.03 FMFILL 23 0 FMFILL 24 FMFILL 25 FMFILL 26 <3333333333333333> FMFILL 27 <0000ffff0000ffff> FMFILL 28 <7ebddbe7e7dbbd7e> FMFILL 29 FMFILL 30 <7fbfdfeff7fbfdfe> FMFILL %%EndSetup %%Page: "70" 1 %%BeginPaperSize: A4 %%EndPaperSize 595.3 841.89 0 FMBEGINPAGE 0 10 Q 0 X 0 K (70) 513.29 799.22 T 70.88 792.28 524.42 792.28 2 L 0.5 H 2 Z N 1 24 Q (The Newton WWW Br) 72.01 753.89 T (owser) 306.77 753.89 T 1 18 Q (1) 72.01 719.89 T (Licence) 92.14 719.89 T 0 12 Q 0.76 (This software in NOT public domain. For licence information please refer to seperate \336le in) 72.01 691.89 P (the distribution package.) 72.01 677.89 T 1 18 Q (2) 72.01 647.89 T (Contact) 92.14 647.89 T 0 12 Q (For Comments or questions please contact) 72.01 619.89 T (E-Mail) 72.01 591.89 T (:) 105.99 591.89 T (newton@teco.uni-karlsruhe.de) 72.01 577.89 T (\050as long as this connection might be not stable, the following address will also be valid:) 72.01 563.89 T (newton@tk.telematik.informatik.uni-karlsruhe.de\051) 72.01 549.89 T (or Snail-Mail) 72.01 521.89 T (Stefan Gessler) 72.01 507.89 T (T) 72.01 493.89 T (elecooperation Of) 78.5 493.89 T (\336ce) 164.54 493.89 T (76131 Karlsruhe) 72.01 479.89 T (Germany) 72.01 465.89 T 1 18 Q (3) 72.01 421.89 T (Manual) 92.14 421.89 T 0 12 Q (This manual describes all the functions of the WWW) 72.01 393.89 T (-browser) 326.5 393.89 T (.) 368.47 393.89 T 1 14 Q (3.1) 72.01 354.56 T (Symbols and Conventions) 99.23 354.56 T 0 12 Q 1.49 (Buttons and menus are written in) 72.01 321.89 P 1 F 1.49 (bold) 242.87 321.89 P 0 F 1.49 (face.) 270.03 321.89 P 2 F 1.49 ( Italic) 293 321.89 P 0 F 1.49 (font is used for special windows of the) 327.3 321.89 P (WWW) 72.01 307.89 T (-browser) 105.32 307.89 T (. MP stands for the Apple Messagepad System.) 147.29 307.89 T 1 14 Q (3.2) 72.01 268.56 T (Pr) 99.23 268.56 T (eface) 113.74 268.56 T 0 12 Q 0.28 (The WWW) 72.01 235.89 P 0.28 (-Client is a two-part software, consisting of a browser on the MP and the gateway) 127.25 235.89 P -0.11 (to the internet on a workstation. The browser represents the user interface. It does all the inter-) 72.01 221.89 P 1.06 (action with the user) 72.01 207.89 P 1.06 (, interprets HTML and sends requests to the gateway) 168.99 207.89 P 1.06 (. The gateway per-) 430.19 207.89 P -0.1 (forms the connection to the desired server) 72.01 193.89 P -0.1 (, downloads the document, does some preprocessing) 272.09 193.89 P (and sends the result to the MP) 72.01 179.89 T (.) 215.26 179.89 T 1 14 Q (3.3) 72.01 140.56 T (The br) 99.23 140.56 T (owser) 139.79 140.56 T 0 12 Q -0.28 (A screenshot of the browser is shown in Fig. 1. In the textwindow you can see a welcome mes-) 72.01 107.89 P 0.28 (sage and a WWW) 72.01 93.89 P 0.28 (-icon. Underlined words in this window are links to new documents on dif-) 159.12 93.89 P 1.5 (ferent servers. T) 72.01 79.89 P 1.5 (apping on underlined words activates the connection between browser and) 152.43 79.89 P FMENDPAGE %%EndPage: "70" 2 %%Trailer %%BoundingBox: 0 0 595.3 841.89 %%Pages: 1 1 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman %%+ Times-Bold %%+ Times-Italic