MailPhones 0.9 and source This program is copyright ) 1993 Matthew Dixon Cowles. It is free. Please use it if you like it and use ideas and code from it in your own apps, but if it is distributed substantially complete, only a nominal download or duplication fee may be charged. As usual, this app appears to work for me. That does not mean that it is bug-free. In fact, it probably has any number of serious bugs in it. Use it at your own risk. It has not been thoroughly tested. No warranties are expressed, implied, or even hinted at. MailPhones maintains a soup of NewtonMail access telephone numbers and allows you to change your current access number easily. When the app starts up for the first time it looks for your current location and NewtonMail access telephone number (as set in Time Zones and Prefs) and creates a soup with those items as the only entry. Perhaps it is an unjustified assumption that the two go together, but you can edit either or both if you need to. After the first time that MailPhones starts up, it checks the list of cities and local access numbers that you've told it about and displays the city name (if it knows it) that goes with the telephone number that's currently specified for NewtonMail. That way it figures out what's going on even if you have changed your access number in another way. MailPhones opens to a floater with just a field with a pop-up. Tapping the diamond will allow you to choose another city or edit the cities that MailPhones knows the access numbers for. (It begins knowing only the one that was specified when it started up the first time.) Choosing Edit from the pop-up will change the display to allow you to edit the cities and their phone numbers. Pick the city to edit from the pop-up at the top of the edit display and change the name and/or phone number below that. The New and Delete buttons behave as you'd expect, creating a new item and deleting the current one. When you close the app, the mail access telephone is set to the one that corresponds to the city currently displayed. Be careful here, because if you add a new city or two and you don't make sure that the app is displaying your current city when you quit, the access number your Newt will use will be changed. Though source is included, don't look for beautiful examples of coding style or extremely efficient ways of getting things done in this app. I hacked it together in a couple of hours to do a particular thing and didn't worry much about what the code looked like. As usual, please send comments, bug reports, expressions of praise, and lucrative job offers to AppleLink address MONDO ( or NewtonMail address MattC (