Mail Numbers Demo Problem Form If you have a problem with the Mail Numbers Demo, we want to know about it! To help us identify and solve these problems quickly, please fill out this problem form and send it to us at one of the addresses at the bottom of this form. But, before you go to all that trouble, please read the Troubleshooting tips below to see if any of those suggestions solve your problem. IDENTIFICATION: Date: Name: How we can contact you (Address, Phone numbers, and all E-Mail addressesQplease include at least a phone number or NewtonMail address!): PROBLEM: Version of the Mail Numbers Demo that you are having a problem with: Detailed description of the problem: Step by step, please tell us how to duplicate the problem: Any additional information that may be helpful in finding and fixing the problem: HARDWARE: Are you using an Apple brand Newton, or a non-Apple brand Newton product? (An example of a non-Apple brand Newton product would be the Sharp ExpertPad.) What type of expansion card (if any) are you using when the problem occurs? Do you hook your Newton to a personal computer? If so, what kind? SOFTWARE: Are you using Newton System Software v1.04 or later Q if not, which version are you using, and why?: What other software packages are installed on your Newton when the problem occurs? SEND THIS FORM TO: USMail: EGO Systems Newton Products Support P. O. Box 15366 Chattanooga, TN 37415-0366 NewtonMail Mail to "Diz". America Online: Mail to "GSPlusDiz". GEnie: Mail to "JWANKERL". Internet/Bitnet: Mail to "". MND Problem Form - Revision: 1