MailFix autopart ReadMe Fixes two deliberate NewtonMail misfeatures: It makes NewtonMailUs views non-floating, so that the clipboard and things like Erica SadunUs Figgles keyboard are no longer disabled, and (under NewtonMail 1.2b) sets the font and size to your default. Use with caution. There are two other design errors I couldnUt fix: Undo sometimes isnUt supported, and the Close box sometimes means RSave ChangesS and sometimes means RDiscard Changes.S MailFix gives you greater flexibility, which makes it easier to run into these. Being able to use the Figgles keyboard means that you can reasonably use NewtonMailUs Reply button, which initially puts screenfuls of junk, unquoted, into your reply. Normally you can only remove garbage one screenful at a time, but pressing FigglesU Select All key (the hollow square one) and then its delete key will clear all the garbage at once. This is an autopart, a new sort of Newton package which doesnUt waste space (and memory) in your ExtrasDrawer. The only way to turn it off is to remove it in the usual fashion. No RemoveScript, so reset soon after removing it, and donUt install it on a card. Version 0.41d8 works with NewtonMail 1.2b; the font fix in this version is cleaner but no longer works on NewtonMail 1.0. Freeware by