Aloha and Register the quickest way to pay for Shareware. Compuserve has a way for its users to pay for shareware online. Now, you can pay for Newton shareware in a similar fashion on AOL or eWorld using Register in combination with Aloha (for AOL) or NewtonMail (for eWorld). Online registration is beneficial for both the user of the shareware and the shareware author. Online registration offers: 1. An easy way for users to pay for shareware. American Express, Visa, Master Card, First Virtual, or NetCash can all be used with Register to pay for the shareware. 2. Fast turn around for registration . In the average case your registration will reach the shareware author within 2-3 days. This is faster than the postal service's 3-5 days or 5+ days if from overseas. 3. Easy, fast way for overseas users to pay for software. 4. The shareware author benefits from a larger number of payments for their software. (My own experience shows about half of my shareware payments come from Compuserve users how can pay for the software online) Register: Not all shareware authors have signed up for this service. If you are an author and want to know more read the documentation included with Register. Query: Are you an user and want to pay for software, but are unsure if you can use Register to pay for it? In Register pick the software you want to register from Register's <>program popup and set the <>payment type to "Query". Mail this message to Kagi Software. This will ask if the software can be paid for this way. You will be returned an form letter response stating whether you can use Register to pay for this author's software. Here is an incomplete list of authors that currently accept payments this way. Hardy Macia/Catamount Software ( all his programs ending with :VtHick) Ben Gottlieb/Stand Alone Software ( all of his programs ending with :SAS or :BenG) Flash Sheridan (all of his programs ending with :FlaSheridn) Rob Bruce (Stasher) Steve Weyer (NewtDevEnv and Slurpee) Bill Kearney (PickExtras) Register was written by Flash Sheridan Aloha was written by Catamount Software All trademarks are property of their respective owners.