5. THE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM To open the communications system, tap the telephone icon at the bottom of the mail editor screen. To return to the mail editor, tap the close box in the lower right corner of the communications system screen. The communications system maintains a set of services. Each service contains information on how to connect to a particular server, and send and receive mail. Tapping on "Service" brings up a list of available services and some options for creating, renaming and deleting services. A sample service is created when UniMail is installed to give you an idea of how a simple set up could look. Immediately below this is a large rectangle. Tapping the label at the top of the rectangle allows you to select from various screens containing configuration options for the current service. The content of each one of these screens is dealt with in the sections below. 5.1. Creating, Deleting and Renaming Services 1. Tap on "Service". 2. Tap your choice from the list that appears. 3. If creating, or renaming a service, fill in the name in the box that appears, then tap "Create" or "Rename" as appropriate. Note that service names have no significance other than as labels in the "Service" list. 5.2. The Connection Screen The main feature of this screen is the "Connect" button. Tapping this will attempt to connect to the currently selected service. The "Send outgoing mail" and "Retrieve new mail" checkboxes tell UniMail what to do when you tap the "Connect" button. You can turn off either one if you want to only send or only receive mail when you next connect. The "Leave copies on server" ensures that no messages are deleted from the server (regardless of the settings on the Options screen detailed in the next section). This is useful if you use UniMail to check on a mail account that you also access from your desktop computer. When you connect, UniMail displays some running information on the status of the connection in the blank area above the various buttons. This area is referred to as "the log". 5.3. The Options Screen The options screen allows you set change the way UniMail handles messages. The "Display scripts as they run" displays information about the state of the connection and disconnection scripts in the log as they are running. (See the "The Connection Script Screen" section for more information.) The "Don't retrieve messages larger than" checkbox and accompanying slider allow you to limit the size of the messages that the Newton will transfer from the server. With this turned off, the Newton will attempt to download any sized message. If the message is too big to fit in memory in one piece (usually about ten to twenty kilobytes, depending on your Newton model and memory usage) the Newton will discard the message. It is a good idea to leave this checkbox turned on to avoid low memory situations. The "Delete oversized messages from server" checkbox allows you to specify what the Newton does with messages that are too big to transfer. If this box is turned on, these messages are deleted from the server without being downloaded. Turning on the "Delete previously received messages from server" checkbox tells the Newton to delete from the server copies of any messages that the Newton has downloaded in a previous session. Note that the Newton will never download a message it already has a copy of whether or not this box is checked. 5.4. The Modem Screen The modem screen is used to tell the Newton about the physical details of the connection. The "Connect via modem" button tells the Newton to try to use a modem to connect to the server. The phone number that the Newton will dial can be set in the space below the button. (Note that the Newton allows you to set other modem preferences from the Extras drawer. See your MessagePad handbook for details.) The "Connect via serial link" button tells the Newton to ignore the modem and assume there is a cable running from the Newton serial port directly to the server. It is possible to use this, along with a fancy connection script, to get UniMail to dial with a serial modem that isn't Newton compatible. The settings below this are standard communications settings. If you are unsure what the values should be for your server, check the program you use to connect from your desktop computer. Most desktop communications programs have similar types of settings that you can copy over to UniMail. WARNING It is important that you have at least one of the "Software flow control", "Hardware flow control" or "Use MNP error correction" checkboxes turned on. The Newton may lose the connection when receiving mail if you do not. NOTE The "Use MNP error correction" mode will work even if your modem does not support MNP. The Newton has the ability to emulate MNP in software. 5.5. The Identification Screen The identification screen is where you tell the Newton about your email address and give it the information it needs to authenticate itself to the server. You should fill in the "Own address" box with your own e-mail address in full. The "User name" box should contain your user name (or login name) on the server. The "Pass word" box should contain the pass word you use to log in to the server. Note that once you have filled in this box and switched out of the identification screen, your pass word will be displayed as a series of bullets. Someone who picks up your Newton cannot view your pass word. If you need to use a different user name and pass word to connect to the mail server than you do to log in to your server account, then check the "Use a separate POP3 name and pass word" box and fill out the boxes underneath. If you are unsure whether this applies to you, ask your service provider. 5.6. The Server Screen The server screen tells UniMail where to find the mail server and what sort of behaviour to expect from it. The "POP3 host", "POP3 port", "SMTP host" and "SMTP port" boxes tell the Newton the name of the hosts running the POP3 and SMTP servers, and the ports on which they are running. If you are unsure of what values these should take, ask your service provider. The "Telnet echoes typed text" checkbox should usually be left on, unless the server is running "srialpop". See the "Information for Service Providers" section for more information on "srialpop". Tap on "UniMail sends end of line as" to choose the end of line character that UniMail should send. For most UNIX servers, the default value of "CR" should be just fine. 5.7. The Connection Script Screen The connection script tells the Newton what to do once it has established a connection to the server. In the simplest case (as shown in the connection script for the sample service) this simply involves logging in. Other systems may require you to connect to the server through an annex, which requires additional commands. The connection script should leave the Newton sitting at a shell prompt. The newton will then use the command "telnet " to connect to the POP3 and SMTP servers. Don't worry if you don't understand what this command does. 5.7.1. Connection Script Lines The connection script is made up of a series of lines. Each line instructs the Newton to perform an action. The possible actions are: - Wait for some particular text - Send some particular text - Wait for a set amount of time - Send your user name (from the Identification screen) - Send your pass word (from the Identification screen) When a connection is first established, the Newton steps through performing the action of each line of the connection script in order. To add a line to a script, tap the "New" button in the lower right corner. To remove a line from a script, tap the small trash can icon at the right side of that line. On a Newton with version 2.0 of the operating system, you can rearrange lines simply by dragging the separator bar at the top of the line. Dragging a line to the edge of the screen will place it on the clipboard. 5.7.2. Writing a connection script It is a good idea before writing your script to connect to your server from a communications program on your desktop, log in by hand and then print out a transcript of the session. You can then see exactly what the server sends and exactly what you need to type in response. If you still don't understand scripts, take a look at the following section. 5.7.3. An example connection script To give you an idea of how scripts work, an example script is provided in the "Sample Service" which is available when UniMail is first installed. The following is a walk through of that script, with some explanatory notes. Although your scripts may look very different to this hopefully the sample can give you a general idea of how scripts work. 1. Send a carriage return Many systems need to be prodded a little before they give a prompt. By using the "Send text" option, leaving the text field blank and checking the "CR" box you can send a single carriage return to do this. 2. Wait for the text "login:" This is the standard UNIX login prompt. Two things are worth noting: a) UniMail is not case sensitive when checking for received text, so "login:", "Login:" and "LoGiN:" would all have the same effect, and b) The "CR" and "LF" checkboxes also work when the command is "Wait for text". In this case the Newton will wait for the specified text followed by a carriage return and/or linefeed. Most scripts won't use these checkboxes with "Wait for text". 3. Send user name This sends the user name which you entered on the Identification Screen. Note that the "CR" box is checked to send a carriage return after it. 4. Wait for the text "password:" Now we wait for the password prompt... 5. Send pass word ...and send the pass word followed by a carriage return. 6. Wait for the text ">" This waits for UNIX to provide a prompt. Not all systems use ">" for a prompt, so don't assume that yours will. 7. Send text "biff n; mesg n" This turns off notification of new mail and messages sent from other users with the "write" command. Not all UNIX systems support these, but if yours does then it is a good idea to turn them off this way. 8. Wait for text ">" Make sure that UniMail is left sitting at a shell prompt. 5.8. The Disconnection Script Screen The disconnection script is run by the Newton after UniMail has finished sending and receiving messages. At the start of the disconnection script, UniMail leaves the UNIX server at a shell prompt. After the disconnection script has run, UniMail hangs up the connection. 5.9. It doesn't work! What now? OK, so you've been through all this, created your service and tapped "Connect", and your Newton gets half way through and then stops or gives you an error. The following is a list of common problems and things to try. If all of these fail, try talking to your service provider - they may be able to help. If that fails, get in touch with us. We'd be more than happy to help you get UniMail up and running. See the section "Contacting Eclipse" for more information. The Newton tells me that the modem isn't responding. - Check the cables and make sure the modem has power. - Make sure your modem is Newton compatible. You may need to install modem enablers (freely available from Apple) and/or change your current modem setup in the Newton's modem preferences. The Newton tells me there is no dial tone. - Check the connection from the modem to the phone line. - In some countries the Newton cannot detect a dial tone. If this is the case then see your MessagePad Handbook for information on how to set the modem preferences to disable dial tone detection. The Newton dials up OK, says "Logging in" and then freezes. - UniMail is not getting through your connection script. First make sure you have "Display scripts as they run" turned on in the Options screen. This will help show where in your connection script UniMail is getting lost. Even with "Displays scripts" turned on it just says "Logging in" and then freezes. - Try sending a carriage return as the first thing in your script. Some hosts require a bit of a prod before they will respond. - If that doesn't work, try adding a couple of seconds pause before sending the carriage return. UniMail seems to get through the connection script, then it says "Sending mail" or "Retrieving mail" and just sits there. - Make sure your server is running POP3 and SMTP daemons, and that the host name and ports for these are set correctly on the Server screen. Your service provider should be able to give you this information. Be very careful to get these exactly right, and make sure they don't contain spaces. - Check that the value of "UniMail sends end of line as" on the Server screen is correct. Once again, your service provider should be able to tell you what the server expects. - Make sure that your server sends a carriage return followed by a line feed as its end of line. On many servers you can do this by adding "stty onlcr" as a shell command in your connection script. Your service provider should also be able to help you with this. UniMail gives me a message like "The server has returned an invalid response....(The response was USER )" - You probably have the "Telnet echoes typed text" box on the Server screen unchecked when it should be checked, or vice versa. UniMail gives me -48402 errors will connecting, or tells me that "The message is too big for downloading" even on relatively small messages. - Some package, or combination of packages, is using lots of memory on your Newton. - Make sure that the Extras drawer and/or the Notes app are the only others packages open when you try to connect. - Try resetting your Newton immediately before connecting. (Press the small button inside the battery compartment.) You do not lose any data by doing this, and it ensures that UniMail has the maximum amount of memory available. - You may want to have a look at some of the many shareware and freeware applications available that help conserve memory. - UniMail 2 will use some of the advanced memory management features of OS 2.0 to entirely alleviate this sort of memory problem. I have the "Leave messages on server" box unchecked, but UniMail seems to leave them there anyway. - Try adding a few seconds delay to the end of your disconnection script. Some POP3 servers take a little while to process deletions when you log out, and if UniMail hangs up first then they won't finish the job. UniMail gives me an error or locks up my Newton as soon as I try to open it. - UniMail has problems with some packages that allow freezing of apps in the Extras drawer. You must make sure that UniMail is unfrozen manually before it is opened. This will be fixed in version 2. I have a MessagePad 110, and the Newton sometimes switches off or gives errors after I've connected. - You need to install the "MP110 Power Off Update" available from Apple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. INFORMATION FOR SERVICE PROVIDERS If you run a server and you are interested in supporting UniMail then this section is for you. 6.1. Security Concerns If you do not normally provide shell accounts and are concerned with the security problems of doing so, you may wish to take a look at a program called "srialpop". "srialpop" acts as a fake shell with only two commands enabled: a simple form of "telnet", and "logout". You can even restrict the hosts and ports which the telnet command allows the user to connect to. "srialpop" is freely available and you should be able to find it on a site near you. A point worth noting: the "telnet" built into srialpop does no character echoing, so the "Telnet echoes typed text" option should be disabled on the UniMail Server screen. 6.2. Providing an UniMail Configuration to Users If you successfully get UniMail configured and you wish to save your users the trouble of having to enter all the configuration information into the Newton, get in touch with Eclipse. We can provide you with a version of your configuration as a small Newton package on disk. You can then give this package to your users on disk or online and have them install it using the Newton Package Installer, which is freely available from Apple. You may also offer to install it for your users. If you have a Windows PC or a Macintosh this is very easy to do and is a service your users would probably appreciate. 7. CONTACTING ENFOUR Feel free to contact us with questions, bugs, suggestions, criticisms or even just some positive comments. When contacting us with configuration problems, please tell us what sort of Newton and modem you are using as well as the exact text of any error messages you get and exactly where they occur. It would also be helpful if you included a copy of your connection script. You can reach us via e-mail at: smittie@enfour.com Or telephone: + Or fax: +