NOW SYNCHRONIZE 2.0 READ ME Thu, Dec 28, 1995 Thank you for downloading the Now Synchronize demo. This demo works exactly the same as the shipping version of Now Synchronize 2.0 except that it will expire 30 days after you begin using it. A manual in Newton Book and Acrobat Reader format is supplied with the demo. Let us know how you like it, how we can make it better, or how we can help you with any problems you might experience by sending mail to: or by visiting the Now Synchronize forum in the Now Software forum on AOL. INSTALLING NOW SYNCHRONIZE 2.0 =============================== To install Now Synchronize 2.0, just double-click the "Now Synch 2.0 Demo Installer" application on the disk and follow the onscreen instructions. THE NOW SYNCHRONIZE 2.0 USER'S GUIDE ==================================== You may have noticed that your Now Synchronize 2.0 package contains no printed manual. Instead, we've included an electronic User's Guide in the Adobe( Acrobat( portable document format. You'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader application to view the User's GuideQit's available for free on the Internet at (You can also reach the Adobe Web site by way of the Now Software site at The reader application lets you annotate and print the User's Guide. NOTE ===== The following items did not make it into the Now Synchronize manual: % AppleTalk synchronization is only supported for Newton devices running Newton OS version 2.0. % Special Note for users upgrading from Now Synchronize 1.0 to Now Synchronize 2.0 and upgrading to a new Message Pad: 1. Open Now Synchronize on your old MessagePad, choose Prefs and deselect "Remove data...." Close Now Synchronize and remove Now Synchronize from your old MessagePad. 2. Backup your old MessagePad with the Newton Backup Utility. 3. Restore the information to your new MessagePad. 4. Install Now Synchronize on your new MessagePad. 5. Install Now Synchronize on your Macintosh. (You do not need to remove the Now Synchronize Preferences on the Macintosh.) % If you delete Now Synchronize from your Newton and you have the "Remove data..." item checked in the Now Synchronize Preferences, you should also delete the Now Synchronize Preferences on your Macintosh. If you do not delete your Macintosh Preferences, Now Synchronize will not realize that it should be resending all its calendar and contact information to the Newton. Remember that removing the preferences from either platform should only be done if you start running into problems, and even then you should do so as a last resort. % A beamed contact or event will be deleted from the "receiver" of the contact or event if the "receiver" also uses Now Synchronize. There is no workaround for this bugQif users of both MessagePads use Now Synchronize, they should avoid beaming contacts and events to each other in this release. % If you have more than one work, fax, home, or mobile telephone number, it will be deleted by Now Synchronize if the contact is modified on the Macintosh. To work around this problem, put additional work, fax, home, or mobile numbers in the "Phone" or "Other" field on the Newton and they will not be deleted (or synchronized.) % Duplicating a contact on the MessagePad will always synchronize the duplicate entry and leave the original entry untouched and unsynchronized. The workarounds are to duplicate contacts on the Macintosh or duplicate contacts on the MessagePad manually without using the "Duplicate" command. % If an error occurs in the middle of a synchronization, try forcing your calendar and contact files to recompress and then try the synchronization again with the compressed files. To compress your contact file, hold down the Option key while closing the Now Contact file; to compress your calendar file, choose "Save AsI" from Now Up-to-Date's File menu. % Now Synchronize 2.0 has been tested on Newton devices with U.S. worksites. Synchronizing to a Newton with a non-U.S. worksite may result in unreliable data. % If you modify an event or contact on your Newton and then synchronize, then modify that event or contact in Now Up-to-Date or Now Contact and synchronize again, the information you added or changed on the Newton is lost. This is because changes made on the Macintosh take precedence. % Be careful when changing information in a single occurrence of a repeating event on your Newton. Now Synchronize may interpret it as a separate event altogether, and it may not synchronize correctly with Now Up-to-Date. % If you change the sort order of a synchronized contact from Last Name to Company on your Newton and then synchronize, the information in that contact's Company field in Now Contact can become corrupted. % If you change a synchronized contact's home or work address on your Newton and then synchronize, the work address replaces any existing home address information in Now Contact if that contact's listing is by Last Name. % Synchronizing with Now Up-to-Date public categories may send a Meeting notice to that Meeting's creator if a synchronized event blocks their time. % Notes in repeating events created on the Newton will not be sent to the Macintosh during synchronization. Notes in single events created on the Newton are sent to the Macintosh on the first synchronize only. Overall, it's best to maintain notes for an event on the Macintosh rather than the Newton. If you have any other problems synchronizing, refer to the troubleshooting section of the UserUs Guide.