NOTE: Please read the QuickFigure Pro 3.1 Demo Release Notes before downloading the qf31demo.pkg QuickFigure Pro 3.1 Demo 3/11/97 ======================= QuickFigure Pro 3.1 is Copyright 1994-97 PelicanWare, Inc. All Rights Reserved. About QuickFigure Pro ==================== QuickFigure Pro 3.1 is a fast, full-featured spreadsheet for Newton 2.0- based devices. This demo is fully functional, but it will expire 30 days after installation. It does require Newton 2.0 or greater. For Newton 1.x devices, we offer QuickFigure Pro 2.5, and QuickFigure Lite 2.1. QuickFigure Lite 2.1 can be downloaded from our WWW page. The complete version of QuickFigure Pro 3.1 also includes the following tools and extensions: QuickFigure Exchange-- provides direct connectivity to Microsoft Excel on desktop computers. QChart-- a graphing and charting package. QSort-- a sorting tool. LRT-- a linear regression tool. Online Help-- an online reference to functions and commands. QF Stationery-- an extension to your built-in notepad which lets you work with QuickFigure worksheets within the notepad or other stationery-enabled application. Installing QuickFigure Pro ======================= To install the packages, you must use either the Newton Package Installer or the Newton Backup Utility (NBU). Please refer to the appropriate Apple documentation for specific instructions on how to install packages. Using Worksheets Created with Previous Versions of QuickFigure Pro ===================================== QuickFigure Pro 3.1 will automatically translate worksheets created with QuickFigure Pro Versions 2.5 or 3.0.x. However, once a worksheet has been opened in version 3.1, it cannot be opened in version 2.5 or 3.0.x. Quick Start ======== To start QuickFigure Pro, tap on the QFigure icon in the Extras Drawer. Data may be entered either directly into a cell, or through an input window. Using the input window is often faster and more accurate than attempting to write directly into the cells.To open the input window, tap on a cell. The input window is draggable (you should use the drag point at the top center of the window). Once the input window is open, you may enter a number, a label, or a formula. Numbers and labels require no special syntax (decimal numbers require a leading "0"-- "0.75" rather than ".75". Formulas begin with "=", and have a straightforward syntax. With the input window open, tapping on a cell or selecting a range enters it into the input area, where it can be used in a formula. Formula: =A1 + B1 =log(A5) Number: 567 Label: This is a label. Cells may be selected by drawing a line from left to right, beginning in the first cell of the selection and ending in the last cell. A single cell may be selected (for purposes of formatting or cut/copy/paste/clear) by drawing a line within the boundaries of that cell (if you tap on it, the input window will appear, and it is selected, but if you draw a line inside of it, it selects without the input window appearing). The Edit button allows you to Cut/Copy/Paste/Clear/Fill. If a cell has a formula, that is always copied. Otherwise, the value or label is copied. When formulas are copied, they are moved relative to the new location. If a cell in a formula is preceded by a "$", then it is an absolute reference. For example: copied from B1: =A1 + $A2 pasted into C2: =B2 + $A2 There are two ways to delete the contents of a cell or range of cells: scrubbing over the cell(s) (be careful-- scrubbing often deletes more than you expect), or selecting the cell(s) and choosing "Clear" from the Edit button. Fill takes the value or formula in the upper left most cell of a range, and fills in the rest of the range with that value or formula. To open a previously stored worksheet, tap the overview button (the dot between the up and down arrows). This will bring up a list of worksheets. QuickFigure supports over 60 math functions. If you are not sure if a function is supported, give it a try. In addition, QuickFigure supports several range functions, including: SUM(firstCell:lastCell) AVERAGE(firstCell:lastCell) NUM(firstCell:lastCell) One confusing math function is "pow". To raise a number to a power, instead of using "3^4" as you might in Excel, you need to say "pow(3,4)." The specification is "pow(x,y)" where x is raised to the y power. Finally, QuickFigure adds a new word to the Intelligent Assistant: "Calculate". Simply write "calculate" followed by any math expression (or NewtonScript expression), highlight it, tap "Assist", and QF will show you the answer. For example, write "calculate 9/3" and a view will appear with "3". The Assistant will also respond to "Figure" instead of "calculate". Contacting PelicanWare ================ Please send questions and comments to: Phone: 503-221-1148 Fax: 503-221-8709 Web: PelicanWare, Inc. 550 SW Park Ave. Suite 270 Portland, OR 97205 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Main] [Company] [Products] [Screenshots] [Resellers] [Order Forms] [Files] [Links] [Support] [Tools] [Registration Form]