QuickFigure Developer's Kit - is documentation and sample code for developing tools and extensions for QuickFigure Pro and QuickFigure Works. The sample code, as provided, is not supported by PelicanWare and is intended to be used with the Macintosh version of Newton Toolkit. The sample code and resulting applications may be redistributed without restriction, and may be modified or incorporated in other applications without restriction. However, if it has been modified it may not be redistributed as "PelicanWare sample code." PelicanWare also retains all other rights to the sample code and resulting applications. Unfortunately, PelicanWare is not able to provide support for the QuickFigure Developer's Kit, except on a time-available basis. If you have a question or would like to point out a bug, please contact us at devsupport@pelicanware.com.