PowerNames 2.14 Tutorial Thank you for trying PowerNames. By the end of this tutorial, you will have personally tried all of PowerNames' main features. We feel that by doing this tutorial, you will understand why PowerNames is such a useful product and how it will be a valuable part of your Newton software library. Tools Needed: * A Newton with OS 2.0 or greater(required) with PowerNames 2.14 installed. Let's Get Started Grab your Newton and let's get started. 1. First Open the Name File by tapping on the Names icon silk-screened at the bottom of your Newton. This will open the Name File to the layout and name you viewed last. 2. If you are currently viewing the overview screen, tap on an individual name in the list. After a few seconds, without you being aware of it, PowerNames will add the name you are currently viewing to its list of recent names. PowerNames keeps two list, a recent list and a permanent list. We like to refer to those names in the permanent list as "power names." 3. Now go to a name you use very often. Do this in the fashion you feel most comfortable. 4. Once you have displayed a person or company you use very often, tap on the action button (small envelope icon) in the bottom right hand corner of the Name File. You will notice a new choice in the popup list, "Make Permanent." Select this option. Notice the small icon of lighting bolt displayed at the top indicating that this name is a "power name." 5. Now close the Name File and any other applications you might have running. PowerNames add a small icon to the status bar of the backdrop application. Once you first get your Newton, the backdrop application is the Notepad. If this is the case, you will notice a small lightning bolt in the status bar of the Notepad. Some applications do not support auxilary buttons. If you have made an application the backdrop which does not support auxilary buttons, you will not see the lightning bolt icon. Don't worry, we are aware of this and have provided another way to access PowerNames. 6. Tap on the lightning bolt button. Notice that it displays a popup list of all of your recent names visited since installing PowerNames. The list may contain a few names or many names, depending on how many names you have recently viewed since installing PowerNames. Notice that beside the name is what we like to refer to as the "primary" phone number. This phone number is the number which appears first in any phone list associated with that card. We will see later how PowerNames allows you to change the primary phone number. 7. Now tap on the lightning bolt button again, but this time hold your stylus down for a second or two until you hear a squeak sound. Once you hear the squeak sound, release the stylus. Notice that it displays a slightly different list than what was displayed when you merely tapping on the button. The list should contain all of your recent names as well as the "power name" you added in step 4 of this tutorial. IMPORTANT: All of PowerNames' features are customizable. Both the "tap" and the "tap and hold" characteristics of the button are customizable. We will see that a bit later when we look closer at the PowerNames preferences. 8. Now once again tap on the lightning bolt icon and select a name from the list. Wow! The name is immediately displayed. 9. Now that you are in the Name File, scroll through several names, pausing for a few seconds between names. 10. Now tap on the Show button at the bottom of the Name File. Yes, those are your recently viewed names. Tap on one of them. Instantly, that person's card is displayed. 11. Now tap and hold the Show button until you hear a squeak sound, then release the stylus. A list of your recent and permanent names should be included in the Show button's popup list. DONT MISS THIS FEATURE!!! 12. Now tap on one of the A - Z tabs in the Name File. You should see now a popup list containing a few different items. Those recent names starting with the letters in the tab should be included in the popup list. In addition, the option to select one of the letters in the tab is also available. Selecting a name will instantly display that person's card. Selecting a letter to go to will display the overview screen with those names starting with that letter. ONE MORE FEATURE YOU SHOULD NOT MISS!!! 13. PowerNames also extends the silk-screened Names button below your Newton screen. The Names button can have a different action depending on if it is tapped or held. PowerNames also allows you to distinguish between tapping on the Names button and the text beneath the button. Now tap right on top of the text "Names" BENEATH the Names button. Notice a small Find window is displayed containing an input field and an empty list. Write the name of a person in the field. Notice the list is now filled with all those people in your Name File with that name. IMPORTANT: By default, if you enter one or two characters, PowerNames will find all of those names which start with that one or two character combination. For example, if you enter "co", it will find "Conglomerated Credit", "Continental Airlines" and "Sean Connery" because all of them are start with "co". If you enter three or more characters, it will find all of those names which contain those three characters anywhere in their card. This feature is customizable within the PowerNames preferences. 14. Now that we are in the PowerNames "Find Names" screen, let's take a closer look. Tap the Special button. You will notice three choices. Selecting each one allows you to customize a different aspect of the Name File. Selecting "Extend Phone Types" allows you to add your own custom phone types that are then added to the phone popup. For example, you might want to add your own phone type for Technical Support or Customer Service. Selecting "Edit Phone Format" allows you to select the way in which you see phone numbers anywhere on your Newton. By Default, phone numbers are displayed as "508 521-5262". You can change this to one of three other formats. This format is used throughout the Newton and will be seen in the Name File's overview screen, name cards, calls application, etc. Selecting the "Set Default Card Style" allows you to choose from any of the different card styles to be the default when a new card is created. 15. One other very handy feature within the Find window is the ability to change the "primary" phone number for a card. The "primary" phone is the one which appears first whenever a phone is used for a card. Within PowerNames' Find screen, initiate a new search by entering the first few characters of a name you know is in your Name File. Then tap on the phone number beside the name within the Find window. If the name has more than one phone number, those numbers will be included in a popup list. Selecting a number other than the very first one in the list will make that one the primary number. After which this new number will appear first. This is convenient when you have entered several phone numbers and wish to have say the third phone entered be the primary number. Just tap and select that number. 16. One feature you will surely find helpful is the ability to select a name from any standard "name picker" using PowerNames. The standard "name picker" is displayed when you select a name when faxing or e-mailing something. Try this. Go to the Notepad. Tap on the action button and select Fax. Tap on the Name diamond. The "name picker" will then be displayed. It is also possible a list of names along with the choice "Other" will be displayed. If this is the case, select Other and the "name picker" will then be displayed. Now here is where PowerNames can help. Tap on the silk-screened Name button in the bottom left hand corner of your Newton screen. Notice that a popup list is displayed of your recently used names. Selecting any of the names will check the name. Selecting the "Find" choice will display PowerNames' Find screen. Once a name is found in which you will like to fax to, tap on it and it will automatically be checked in the list. 17. Let's now take a look at PowerNames' preferences. Go to the Extras Drawer and tap the PowerNames icon. Once open, tap on the "i" button at the bottom left hand portion of the screen. Now select Prefs from the popup list. PowerNames has many, many preferences. PowerNames allows you to: A. Decide how a name is to be displayed in each popup list. B. Choose to include a person's company or the name of a person associated with a company. C. Choose to use the designated card abbreviation in the popup list. (Requires MoreInfo(tm)). D. Choose to include the primary phone number in the popup list. E. Choose how many names are to remain in the recent list. F. Choose which Name File layout is to be shown when a name is displayed. D. Choose which names are displayed when any of the buttons are tapped or held. E. Choose to combine recent and permanent names or separate them by a dotted line. F. Choose to distinguish between tapping in the Names button and the text beneath the Names button. G. Choose how a name is displayed in the Find list. H. Choose to display the phone number beside the found names in the Find list. I. Choose how many characters are necessary to perform a global search in the Find window. (Remember: if fewer characters are entered, the search will only find those names beginning with the characters entered.) That brings us to the end of this tutorial. Thank you for taking time to see how PowerNames will make your Newton a more powerful tool. This tutorial could not cover all of the aspects of PowerNames so we encourage you to continue to investigate the product. MoreInfo users: PowerNames is considered a companion product to MoreInfo because the two integrate together. MoreInfo 4.0 contains support for PowerNames integration. This integrations includes: A. Ability to select recently used name from a popup list in those MoreInfo slips allowing a name selection. B. MoreInfo will add names to PowerNames recent list when a meeting, event, or To Do is scheduled. Thank you once again. We hope we can be of service to you in the future. -the folks at SilverWARE