Notion 1.5.3 Demo 4/7/96 =============== The Notion 1.5 Demo is copyright 1994-95 Eidetic, Inc., Copyright 1996 PelicanWare, Inc. All rights reserved. "Notion" is a registered trademark of Eidetic, Inc. About This Demo =============== This demo of Notion is fully functional, except that it will expire 30 days after installation. The Notion 1.5 Demo *requires* Newton 2.0 or later, and has been tested on Apple MessagePad 120, 130, 2000 and eMate 300 devices. The complete version of Notion also includes several useful Notion Extras, including: Connect-- a tool for importing and exporting Notion lists to desktop computers. Converge-- a tool for merging Notion lists. Design-- a tool for creating Notion list templates. The complete version of Notion also includes over 100 list templates. You can also find templates at our website ( Installing the Notion Demo ========================== The Notion Demo consists of several files: Notion.pkg-- the basic Notion package. Manage.pkg-- A Notion Extra for managing multiple lists. Browse.pkg-- A Notion Extra for creating lists from list templates. Manage and Browse are auto-parts, meaning that they will appear in the Extensions folder of your Extras drawer. They are not required for using Notion. Three template packages are included: BuiltIn.pkg-- templates for the four initial lists. Business.pkg-- lists which are useful in business situations. personal.pkg-- lists which are useful in personal situations. How to Order Notion 1.5 ======================= The complete version of Notion 1.5, including Notion Connect and List Designer, may be purchased at most Newton resellers, or from PelicanWare directly. The Suggested Retail Price is US$59.95 If you wish to purchase it from PelicanWare, you may do so by the following methods: E-Mail: Internet: CompuServe: 70540,2422 America Online: PelicanInc WWW Page: Phone: 1-800-655-6398 503-221-1148 Fax: 503-221-8709 We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. We charge $3 for shipping to US/Canda addresses, and $7 to ship elsewhere. Other products available from PelicanWare include QuickFigure Pro, NewtCase, and AvailWorks. Quick Start =========== Notion is a tool for managing lists of things. It is very useful for keeping track of to-do items, projects, and many other things. To start Notion, tap on it's icon in the Extras Drawer. When it is opened for the first time, four lists are automatically created for you (plain, groceries, things to get, and to-do). You can access these lists through the picker at the top of the display (the "Active List"). To add an item to a list, tap on the New button at the bottom of the display. To edit an item, simply tap on it, and an entry slip will open to the field you tapped. If the input area for the field has a small diamond icon in the upper right corner, that will bring up a specialized keyboard (a calendar for date fields, a name picker for name or phone fields, a clock for time fields). To select an item, hold the pen down on it until you hear the select sound. When items are selected, you may use the action button to route the selected items. If no items are selected, the action button routes the entire list. All items include a check box, at the left edge of the display. The check box may be used to hide items, or move them to an archive list. To change the field by which the list is sorted, tap on the field name at the top of the display. To change the name of a field, first sort the list by the field, then double-tap on the field name. You may hide Notion by tapping on the hider button in the upper right corner of the display. This allows you to quickly close Notion and reopen it; however, when Notion is hidden, it is still running (it's just not visible)-- this means that if it is on a card and you attempt to eject the card, Newton will ask that you reinsert the card. Also, when Notion is hidden, it consumes more system resources than when it is closed, so you may run out of heap memory if you attempt to run another large application. If you wish to quickly access Notion from your backdrop application, you can enable Notion's notepad button from Prefs. To get to Prefs, tap on the info button (the button with the "i" in the lower left corner of the display), and select "Prefs". Select the option you wish from "Tapping Notepad Button". Note: If the notepad button is enabled and Notion is installed on a card, removing the card will cause Newton to request that the card be reinserted.