MoreInfo 2.53 -> 2.54 Changes. % Fixed problem with alarms not triggering reliably. % Fixed problem with MoreInfo slips not restoring all of the memory it used once a slip was closed. This change results in slightly longer times to close a MoreInfo slip but guarantees all memory used while the slip was open is returned to the available heap. % Reduced the memory used when MoreInfo was simply installed and no slips were open. No longer are MoreInfo's preferences held in memory once it is installed. Preferences are now only retrieved when needed. Also, once the preferences are finished being used, the memory is returned to the available heap. % Fixed the bug which caused changes made when using the "Attach person" feature from within the Date Book to be lost after a reboot % Other various minor bugs. MoreInfo 2.52 -> 2.53 Changes. % Fixed problem (-48404) which was displayed when sometimes opening the Make Appointment or Schedule Event slip. This was caused by the existance of scribble notes (ink) in the Date Book. % Fixed problem (-48807) which was displayed when searching a name when trying to attach a company or name to an Date Book entry. % Extended space allocated for Date in past contact list so year would not get clipped. % Fixed problem in searching for companies. Was related to those Name File cards which had companies but no names along with the companies. % Reduced the amount of internal storage used by an alarm. % Removed the adding of the prefixes used for international phone numbers when adding a To Do. % Record Contact notices if changes have been made and remind you if you do not save them. % Better freeing of memory once slips are closed (make appt, schedule event, add to do and record contact slips). % Properly notifies you that an anniversary has been successfully scheduled. % Fixed a bug with the Go To Name button in the alarm screen. % Added all phones in the To Do slip when searching or when a new frequently used name is tapped. % Appointments with no name associated with them no longer have a leading return. % Error with adding names to PowerNames' database when scheduling. Requires PowerNames 1.11 to work properly. % Remove confirm message when adding a To Do, event or appointment with no name associated with it. % Now properly include Re: text in a MoreInfo alarm which has no name associated with it.