Welcome to MathStar! MathEdit, the editor for use with MathStar does not come with this demo package. It will be provided if you order MathStar. For further information on MathStar, contact Lunar Engineering at: 350 West 50th Street Suite 28C New York, NY 10019 212-LUNAR-94 or email amishra@eWorld.com, or tyrmax@eWorld.com. MathStar 1.1 is 100% compatible with Lunar MagiCalc. Notes on the Demo Types Package. This package shows a small cross-section of the variable types available for use with MathStar. There are approximately 40 variable types currently. No equations are set up for the variables in this package, hence entering values will not produce any solutions. However, you can enter values and take a look at the conversions available for the different variable types. As MathStar matures, more variable types and conversions will become available, primarily from end-user requirements. The limitation of conversions and variable types is only dependent on the amount of free memory available on the Newton store which MathStar is installed to (thus, frame heap space never becomes a problem, as it does with dynamic equations). If you have any suggestions for variable types and conversions, please email them to amishra@eworld.com. Ashish Mishra Lunar Engineering