Black Labs, Inc. 3613 Sunshine Canyon Boulder, CO 80302 303-938-8580 phone 303-938-8546 fax FirstClass Retriever+ 1.1 Demo Guide Welcome to FirstClass Retriever+, the Newton client for the FirstClass conferencing and email system. FirstClass Retriever+ provides access to FirstClass e-mail and conference messages from a Newton MessagePad through a modem or LocalTalk network connection. All messages can be read and replied to on-line or saved to the Newton to read and replied off-line. The demo allows you to connect to a FirstClass server from your MessagePad and browse around. It will give you a good feel for its capabilities and the benefits having very portable email access. Although the demo is very functional, there are several features that have been disabled. %The email list in your mailbox can be viewed, but individual messages cannot opened or retrieved. %Conference messages can open and read, but cannot be saved to the MessagePad. Any conference messages that are retrieved are deleted when you disconnect. %New messages can be created, but they cannot be sent. %Searching, filing and forwarding messages has been disabled. Getting Started This section will help you get the FirstClass Retriever+ demo up and running on your MessagePad quickly. For details on FirstClass Retriever+, read the manual which is available in digital format from many online services, FirstClass BBSs and Newton related web pages. Requirements FirstClass Retriever+ is compatible with the Original MessagePad, the MessagePad 100, 110 and 120. FirstClass Retriever+ is compatible with the FirstClass Macintosh server version 2.6 and 2.7 as well as the FirstClass Windows NT server 3.0. On the FirstClass server, the Command Line User Interface (CLUI) must be installed in order for FirstClass Retriever+ to connect. From our experience the majority of corporate FirstClass servers and public FirstClass BBSs have the CLUI installed. Please contact your System Administrator if you are unsure. Installing The Newton Connection Kit or other package installer is required to install FirstClass Retriever+. FirstClass Retriever+ occupies 89K of storage space and can be installed either internally or on a PCMCIA memory card. Creating System Profiles Several System Profiles can be created with FirstClass Retriever+ allowing you to have separate profiles for different user IDs, FirstClass servers and connection methods. To create a System Profile for a FirstClass system, tap on the RSystemS drop down menu and select RAdd New System...S. For Modem Connection 1. Enter a System Name. The name is for your reference only and does not have to match the actual system name. 2. Select the Modem radio button. 3. Enter in the phone number. Include any necessary prefixes. 4. Enter user ID and password. 5. Close the System Information window to save the profile. For LocalTalk Connection 1. Enter a System Name. The name is for your reference only and does not have to match the actual system name. 2. Select the LocalTalk radio button. 3. Connect your MessagePad to the LocalTalk network. Tap the Server button. FirstClass Retriever+ will locate available FirstClass systems. Choose the system you want to access by selecting it. If the FirstClass system cannot be found, see below for RServer Configuration for LocalTalk Connection.S 4. Enter user ID and password. 5. Close the System Information window to save the profile. Server Configuration for LocalTalk Connection As mentioned above, the server must have the CLUI installed. In addition, the server must have an ADSP Comm Tool session with a Connection Type of RFirstClassS. This can easily be configured by the System Administrator using FirstClass Tools. To configure the ADSP session, quit the server and launch FirstClass Tools. First, view the session by selecting RServer SessionS from the Configure menu. Double click on the Comm Tool session to open it. (If a Comm Tool session does not exist, one will need to be created.) Click on the Configure Tool button. Enter RFirstClassS (no quotes) in the Connection Type field. Click OK and quit FirstClass Tools. Connecting With your MessagePad connected to a modem or LocalTalk network, tap the RConnectS button. The logon sequence is displayed in the status box. Once connected, FirstClass Retriever+ enters your mailbox. What to do if the connection fails. For a modem connection 1. If FirstClass Retriever+ does not dial, make sure the modem is connected and configured properly. Also make sure the phone line is working properly. 2. If FirstClass Retriever+ dials but does not connect, check the phone number, user ID and password in the System profile. 3. If the System profile is correct, check with System Administrator to see if CLUI is installed on the FirstClass server. For a LocalTalk connection 1. If FirstClass Retriever+ cannot locate the server, open the System Profile and reselect the server. If the server cannot be found, make sure the FirstClass server is configured as described above. 2. If FirstClass Retriever+ locates the server, but does not connect, check the user ID and password in the System profile. Browsing with FirstClass Retriever+ 1. When first connected, FirstClass Retriever+ enters your mailbox. The demo only allows you to view your mail list. With the full version of Retriever+ you could read your mail right now, or retrieve it to your Newton to read off-line. 2. Tap the home icon to go to the Desktop. Select a conference and tap open. The demo allows you to read conference messages, so select one message and tap open. When you are finished reading the message, close the window. Tap the home icon to return to the Desktop. 3. Create a new message by tapping the new button. With the new message window open, address the message by tapping on the To: field. Enter the address manually or tap on the Names button to view names from the Newton Names list. Also, you can import text from a Newton Note by tapping the Notes button. For complete details on FirstClass Retriever+, please read the digital manual that is available on many on-line services, SoftArc Online, many FirstClass BBSs and from Black Labs. If you have any questions or would like to order FirstClass Retriever+, please contact us: Black Labs, Inc. 3613 Sunshine Canyon Boulder, CO 80302 303-938-8580 phone 303-938-8546 fax Document Edition 1.0 9/20/95